Censored on social media?
By Melissa Curtin
Social media platforms are today’s equivalent of a public forum or virtual town square where the public and citizens should freely be able to exchange ideas, information, interact with public officials, hold businesses accountable, question authority, provide feedback, insight, suggestions, and even call out governmental organizations.
Wouldn’t that be exceptional and expected? However, that is not the current state of social media outlets and the militarized way they police, chastise, and corral users’ content and dialogue.
Today’s censored mediated culture suppresses those who speak out, speak up, and challenge the status quo, the old and antiquated paradigm, and anything and everything that is not the preferred mainstream narrative construction and scripted story.
Silenced. Censored. Banned. Removal of posts. Prevention of boosting posts. Removal of saved boards on social. Disabling of accounts that don’t follow “Terms of use”. Suspension of accounts. Conveniently changing algorithms to deter content sharing. Punishment in social media jail for posting articles, information, or views that are counter culture or dare reveal cracks and slivers of truth about the system. Sound familiar?
Dissenting views are not permitted in this delusion of freedom and illusion of free speech in a public forum that is privately owned or coopted by special interests. There is not just one repeat offender or singular social network culprit that polices content; across the board social networks unapologetically censor and remove health, thought-provoking, and other information campaigns, or non-traditional medical recommendations they disagree with. Perhaps their stakeholders’ goal is to slow down and cripple those who challenge the controlled opinion. Shut them down. Disallow their exchange of information, their organizing, their movement gaining momentum, their power. Disempower by taking away their voice. Our voices. Your voice. Not giving airtime for anyone outside the box or on the fringe to reach or engage a larger audience.
Are you tolerating the censorship or ready to move on into a new paradigm?
Whether you express disgust, disdain, or you’re just fed up with the controlled narrative and challenge it by asking questions and critically thinking. Or you’ve simply reached your saturation point of social media platforms controlling dissent and barring the information you share…
A Safer Uncensored Content Sharing Solution Exists
The comfort in knowing that what you choose to upload, save, file, organize, and share, remains your content and will not be censored. A curated wisdom sharing site where you, the user, decides your privacy, chooses how you’d like to save it, disseminate it, and to whom. No worrying if you violated some arbitrary “community standard” or fear about illuminating controversial topics, issues, and areas of concern. Freedom to express yourself. Freedom to be yourself. A free place to store data, catalog content, articles, research, photos/videos, memes, facts, statistics, case studies, stories, collaborate, and connect with others in a meaningful way about what matters.
Leveraging information and building upon what is curated, so that you can be empowered to use that content and act. Through action and an empowered citizenry, we break out of the system and create something better. A new paradigm to share and rise up through the oppression of censorship.
Welcome to Sphir!