Deep State Communists Behind the Floyd Riots | Behind the Deep State
By TNA Video
In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman explains how the Deep State and communist revolutionaries are exploiting the death of George Floyd to dismantle the United States, liberty, and constitutional government. The goal: A totalitarian New World Order. The strategy being used, known as “pressure from below, pressure from above,” is at play, with United Nations communists in high places applying the pressure from above, and riots and violent revolutionaries funded by Deep State money men such as George Soros out in the streets applying pressure from below.
Read Alex’s Full Article:
Amid Floyd Chaos, Marxist UN “Human Rights” Boss Targets U.S.
Other Articles Referenced:
Racial Bias: Police More Willing to Shoot Whites, Study Shows
Hacked Documents: Soros Funded Black Lives Matter
George Soros Funded by the House of Rothschild
Castro-loving Socialist to Lead UN “Human Rights” Bureaucracy
U.S. Ambassador Outs Powerful Totalitarian Cabal in Latin America
UN “Human Rights” Chief Tied to Communist Network’s Corruption
New UN Chief: Globalist, Socialist, Extremist
Published with Permission of thenewamerican.com