Reopen America Now!
By Lloyd Marcus
Sunday, Memorial Day weekend, was a beautiful sunny day. Mary and I left our West Virginia home to make the 40-mile trek to Walmart and Home Depot in Virginia. We drove past a Virginia megachurch which usually has state cops directing traffic for the congregation. The parking lot was empty with a large “closed” sign. Meanwhile, Walmart and Home Depot parking lots were packed.
Around 50% of shoppers wore masks. Absurdly, I saw toddlers wearing masks which were particularly annoying. Professor Dolores J. Cahill, PhD is a highly credentialed and respected Immunologist and Molecular Biologist. Prof. Cahill, world-renowned Dr. Russel Blaylock, Dr. Judy Mikovits, and countless other scientists around the world say wearing masks is dangerous.
Prof. Cahill explains that coronavirus is not transmitted through the air. It is transmitted through droplets on surfaces. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to wear a mask and no need for social distancing. Prof. Cahill says when you are covered with a mask, you have less oxygen which puts your immune system under stress. Because you are under immune stress, latent viruses in your body will reappear. You will have more coronavirus and other latent viruses will reemerge. The bottom line, fake news media insidiously hyping fear is harming children. Which is not new. Everything leftists cram down the throats of the public always harms people.
At Home Depot, not only did the young woman who mixed my paint wear a mask, she spoke to me from behind a Plexiglas window. Stopping for gas at a tiny West Virginia convenience store, a masked staffer stood guard at the door restricting the number of customers allowed inside. The two checkout clerks worked from behind newly installed glass walls; both wore masks. Dollar General had strips of Duct tape 6 feet apart on the sidewalk to ensure that patrons are socially distanced outside.
Health experts’ predictions of catastrophic deaths were wrong. Over 98% of people who get coronavirus recover. And yet, in just a few months, fear and political exploitation have taken us from a booming economy to living in a nightmare apocalyptic sci-fi movie. Americans are suffering Great Depression levels of unemployment, over-stressed food banks, skyrocketing suicides, and Democrats urinating on the Constitution, declaring themselves our supreme dictators. Observing all the extreme restrictions and precautions, I thought, “Dear Lord, we are experiencing nationwide hysteria.”
My skin crawls whenever I hear fake news media and Democrats on TV scolding and branding Americans selfish for desiring to reopen their businesses to serve the public and feed their families.
Always believing themselves smarter than God, wicked Democrats are actually advocating that we social distance from now on. God built us to withstand viruses. And yet, these arrogant knuckleheads say humans must never again interact the way they have since the beginning of time. Every day, I ask myself, “What on earth is wrong with these people?”
Back in April when Trump announced plans to reopen America, I noticed that Democrat and a few RINO governors immediately tripled down on their crazy edicts such as all shoppers must wear masks. Their wicked game plan is to stop America from reopening and convince voters that Trump is deadly.
Despite Trump proven innocent, Democrats continue promoting the lie that Trump stole the presidency via collusion with Russia. They impeached him, falsely accusing him of making illegal demands on a phone call with the president of Ukraine. These illegal schemes along with others have failed to end Trump’s presidency. Using the coronavirus lock-down to destroy the American economy is Democrats’ and fake news medias’ last hope of removing this pro-Christian, America-first Neanderthal from the Oval Office.
Therefore, these months leading to the November election are going to be a battle like you have never seen before. If you think Democrats and fake news media have behaved badly thus far, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
In June, Mary and I will leave our almost-Heaven West Virginia home, flying to the West Coast to tour with the Conservative Campaign Committee on their “Operation Restore America” initiative.
A guy sent me an email saying both political parties are corrupt. While that may be true, we cannot stop fighting to turn our country around. God miraculously gave us President Trump. Realizing that the Israelites prevailed in battle when Moses’ hands were in the air, Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ arms. We must hold up Trump’s arms to make America great again, again.
America recently celebrated Memorial Day. It would be a devastating slap in the face to the brave men and women who died for our freedom to allow Democrats and fake news media to transform us into a socialist/communist nation.
Unfortunately, fake news media has so successfully filled some conservatives with fear of coronavirus that they accept Democrats repealing our constitutional liberties. Incredibly, they want this unnecessary lock-down which is literally destroying our country to continue.
Folks, those of us who love freedom and America must be the adults in the room, firmly demanding that this insane lock-down end immediately. God is on our side.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd Spread the Truth
Published with Permission of trevorloudon.com