Five Point Plan to Restore and Protect American Property Rights and Defeat Sustainable Tyranny
By Tom DeWeese
Executive Summary: The massive rise in government intervention into every aspect of American culture and economics began in earnest under the excuse of environmental protection. This assault gained international power with the 1992 introduction of the United Nation’s Agenda 21/Sustainable Development programs. Every community in the nation, as well as rural farm and ranch industries are under assault from government overreach into private property, economic status, and social engineering. Free enterprise, private property, and freedom of individual choice are disappearing into a socialist collective.
It has been observed that many of the established, mainstream Conservative organizations headquartered in Washington D.C. have not provided the necessary knowledge and leadership to explain, expose, and organize effectively to stop it. Much of this lack of fight can be explained in two words – “Washington think.” That describes the mindset of many in the nation’s capital who fear losing a seat at the table and funding from grant makers if they become too controversial in their efforts. Any real advancement for the cause of limited government, free enterprise, and private property is being accomplished by smaller, dedicated, yet nearly ignored organizations and individual activists. The American Policy Center is a leader in such efforts, working with a wide array of effective activists. The fact is, working together we could win the fight against the growing tyranny if only we had the monetary firepower to launch a serious, well-coordinated counter-attack.
Meanwhile, the devastating policies of Agenda 21/ Sustainable Development march on, as their effects decrease representative government through the establishment of non-elected boards, councils, and regional pacts, vastly increasing government power and corruption, while ignoring and discrediting any opposition to their well-laid plans. This is the true result of Sustainable policies. The ultra-radical Green New Deal is the latest version of the Agenda 21 blueprint. If not stopped the American political system and culture of freedom will soon disappear.
Our mission: The American Policy Center has an impressive track record for fighting these policies on the front lines without the help of large corporate donations or influence. We are dedicated to the cause of liberty and preserving the American system and culture. APC is creating a network through which we will communicate with other local and state grassroots activists to share ideas, training, tactics, and sample legislation. APC plans to establish a website where reports of successful battles, contact information, and insight can be shared. We will establish training seminars and webinars featuring the very best leaders of the limited government movement.
APC is dedicated to rolling back government overreach in local and state governments, particularly through the protection of private property rights. Our goal is to diminish the growing political behemoth and restore liberty to the individual citizens of America in a free enterprise, private property, individual choice system which our founders created for us.
Five Point Plan
1. Regional Training Seminars
APC will provide a series of regional training seminars specifically to teach community activists how to organize and create effective opposition to local planning programs that diminish property rights and local businesses. Key to the training will be an understanding of the roles played by private Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and planning groups that are pressuring local officials to accept federal grants. These grants are then used to force sustainable programs onto local and state governments. APC will teach local activists how to recognize this threat, then how to research, and organize to expose and stop it. In addition, activists will learn how to use new methods to create precinct organizations to build a permanent infrastructure to support and elect candidates that oppose Sustainable/Agenda 21 policies. This training is designed to answer the ultimate question: “What can I do?”
2. Networking and training supportive elected officials
In addition to the activist training as described above, APC will provide a series of seminars for elected representatives in city councils, county commissions and state legislatures who want to learn how to oppose the Sustainable/Agenda 21 policies as they are presented to their jurisdictions.
First, elected representatives (city council persons, country commissioners and state legislators) will meet in sessions to network, and to create a comprehensive, multi-pronged legislative agenda designed to cut the size, cost, reach and power (SCRAP) of government. They will be taught the origins of Sustainable policies, the history of the NGOs presenting such policies, and how to organize to stop them. In addition, they will be given sample legislation designed to protect private property rights and guard against the imposition of international codes that transform the American system.
For years citizen activists have faced arrogant, condescending officials and bureaucrats who ignore their attempts to discuss or opposed policies that destroy property rights and individual liberty. This happens because these officials suffer no consequences for their actions. That’s because they have been able to hide behind the protective curtain of government privilege. Even if a citizen is able to sue the city over damages, the officials who actually imposed the policy don’t pay the fines and legal fees. Taxpayers do. Sample legislation provided by APC in the training seminars can help change that situation and bring citizen control back to government.
Bottom line for both of these sessions is to create a legislative plan of action, complete with effective language to introduce – or oppose — legislation and to then prepare a strong force of support from local activists to assure such a legislative agenda is passed, along with building an effective, permanent local precinct structure for local and state-wide election victories.
3. Website Clearing House listing Anti-Agenda 21 candidates, organizations and activists nationwide
How do activists know which candidates to support in any election cycle? Politicians are always trying to say the popular thing to each group they are addressing? But all too often, once elected, they do the opposite when faced with policy decisions. The American Policy Center will create a special web site to act as a clearinghouse for such information on candidates across the nation, at every level of government. There are state and local activists organizations across the nation which send out questionnaires and polling to provide such information. But there is no central clearing house that activists can trust to access that information. This effort will require one dedicated person to research and gather the information for posting.
The site will also list contact information for activists and organizations in states and local communities so those concerned with fighting such policy can easily connect with like-minded activists. It will also list any recent activities taking place in each state.
Up-to-date information and hidden details are the key to exposing Agenda 21 and proving our position. It is imperative that APC have the very best flow of information to feed to the media, elected officials and the public in general.
4. Information Packet to every elected official
The information packet will include a 15–minute video prepared specifically for elected officials entitled “Your Actions Have Consequences.” This video will be narrated by elected officials and designed to speak directly to their elected counterparts, providing a comprehensive explanation of the dangers of planning programs that are being used to change our American system of government and the consequences of sustainable development programs they are enforcing. The packet will include documentation on the history and roots of Agenda 21 policy, examples of how its failed policies have damaged property owners and local economies, and the dangers of creating non-elected regional boards and accepting federal grants. The information packet will be sent to every Member of Congress, Governors, state legislators, mayors, county commissioners, and city councilmen in the nation. Proponents of Agenda 21 have buried our elected officials under tons of information to promote their agenda. Yet, many elected officials still say they have never heard of Agenda 21. Worse, many of those who have heard of the policy fail to understand it. The issuing of this information packet will be supported by an aggressive media blitz through news releases and appearances on news programs.
5. Reaching out to the general public with the Stop Agenda 21 message:
A national advertising campaign to show how Agenda 21 policies are being enforced in every city in the nation
Americans have been emotionally moved by the Animal Rights Movement through their ads on television depicting the plight of neglected dogs and cats. However, there is much more unseen suffering taking place across the nation by human property owners. Shattered dreams, destruction of homes, families, businesses, even whole industries, are the result of Agenda 21/Sustainable Development policies. Yet most Americans remain ignorant of such disasters. Rarely does a news program talk about the plight of property owners. By making the American public aware of this plight, we can gain a lot of support in our fight to stop Agenda 21. To that end, the American Policy Center plans to produce a series of ads for television, radio, and print similar in tone to the animal rights ads, complete with a depiction of the victims and original music that tells the story.
About the American Policy Center
The American Policy Center is one of the original organizations to dedicate its mission to stopping the enforcement of Agenda 21 in order to preserve American property rights. APC President Tom DeWeese has traveled to nearly every state speaking out on the threat of UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development Policy. He has testified before local and state elected officials, while appearing on countless national and local radio and television programs. He has written three books on the subject including the best-selling book Sustainable: The WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property and Individuals, ERASE, a fictionalized political thriller that is being considered as a movie project, and his first book titled Now Tell Me I was Wrong, which details a wide variety of related issues including property rights, radical environmentalism, public education and personal privacy issues. In addition, DeWeese has written hundreds of articles that have been published in national and local publications reaching millions of readers. The American Policy Center is supported by individual donations from approximately 100,000 citizens from across the nation providing small, personal donations. APC’s website, www.americanpolicy.org features one of the most detailed archive of articles on the subject, and is visited by readers from almost every nation in the world.
APC has helped in winning several recent property rights battles including stopping three National Heritage Area land-grabs in Virginia, Colorado, and Louisiana. Local activists educated by APC were able to lead the fight in a small town in Alabama called Bayou-La Batre, where the city council voted 5–0 to stop an Agenda 21 inspired Eco-tourism scheme that would have destroyed property rights and local industry. A team of county commissioners, using APC materials, were elected in Carroll County, Maryland by opposing Agenda 21 policy. The National Republican Party used APC materials to prepare and include an anti-Agenda 21 plank in its platform. The State of Alabama used APC materials to become the first state in the nation to pass legislation to ban Agenda 21. APC is now working with both landlords’ and cattleman’s associations across the nation to stop the destruction of these vital industries that have become victims of sustainable policy. Activists in Denmark have produced several anti-Agenda 21 videos featuring APC materials, including distributing Tom DeWeese’s book, Sustainable to Denmark’s Prime Minister and to every mayor in Denmark. A senator in Australia has used APC materials to build opposition in that country. In Brazil, APC materials have been translated to Portuguese and widely distributed to help build a large opposition in that country. The American Policy Center is the only national organization that has made the stopping of Agenda 21 its prime mission. The battle is growing.
Published with Permission of americanpolicy.org