Yes, Soros Is Influencing Your School Board and Local Government Elections
By CHQ Staff
Luke Rosiak’s revelation of the Soros connection in local school board elections and policy making in the Daily Caller reminds us that school boards are not the Soros network’s first foray into obscure local political campaigns and local government policymaking.
Back in 2015, radio talk show host C.L. Bryant, writing for FreedomWorks, explained why Soros was involved in the obscure Caddo Parish, Louisiana, District Attorney’s race this way:
Billionaire George Soros is a social engineer in an age where America is susceptible to “progressivism,” a cancer that has always been heavily funded by billionaires like Soros to fundamentally change the justice systems and school systems of our nation thus fundamentally changing America.
This change must take root at the local levels with local pawns put in key elected or appointed offices. What does this mean to the local voter? It means the will of your community at the ballot box can be stymied to the point that local courts and educational boards will not reflect your vote or the character of your community but the will of social engineers like George Soros.
What is most telling about the design of progressivism is that the same tactic they have used to shape a mindset of targeted communities over a 50 year span is now the focus not only on the Black or inner city communities but also on communities that have areas with possibilities of falling under total federal control. It is time to ask yourself what outside money is causing the surprise candidates and winners in your local elections? WAKE UP!
Fast forward to 2019 and three campaigns in Virginia: Arlington County Commonwealth Attorney, Fairfax County Commonwealth Attorney and Fairfax County School Board.
In the Democratic Party’s primary a political action committee funded by Far Left mega donor George Soros spent nearly $1 million to promote progressive challengers in the Democratic primary races for prosecutor in Arlington and Fairfax counties campaign finance reports revealed.
The Justice and Public Safety PAC donated about $583,000 to Parisa Dehghani-Tafti, a candidate for Arlington County commonwealth’s attorney, and $392,000 to Fairfax County commonwealth’s attorney candidate Steve T. Descano ahead of the June 11 primary.
Parisa Dehghani-Tafti and Steve T. Descano both defeated incumbent Democrats in the June primary with promises to implement Far Left “reforms” in the prosecutor’s office, such as dropping cash bail, ending use of the death penalty and halting prosecutions for marijuana possession.
In other words, the Soros-backed prosecutor candidates are running on platforms of not enforcing the law.
The Fairfax County School Board election also now hinges on the Soros agenda, and as Luke Rosiak documented, parents and taxpayers are completely mystified about where these radical programs and policies are coming from.
“School board meetings suddenly became like Mad Libs. They started repeating certain phrases, jamming them into every sentence. It was very odd,” Margaret McCreary, a Fairfax County, Virginia, parent who eventually learned that the board members were using the “equity” language to push a proposal that could move her children out of their schools, told Roskiak and the Daily Caller News Foundation.
“It seemed like they were all in cahoots to do something, but at first we didn’t know what to make of it, because we didn’t know what they were talking about,” she said.
One conservative School Board member, Elizabeth Schultz, has been willing to fight back and expose the Soros connection to the radical transformation of what had been one of the top school districts in the country, only to come under withering attack from such Far Left groups as BlueVirginia, and various beneficiaries of the Soros network.
As C.L. Bryant said, “What does this mean to the local voter? It means the will of your community at the ballot box can be stymied to the point that local courts and educational boards will not reflect your vote or the character of your community but the will of social engineers like George Soros.”
Vote Elizabeth Schultz for Fairfax County School Board and Jonathan Fahey for Fairfax County Commonwealth Attorney, there is no formal alternative to Soros-backed Parisa Dehghani-Tafti for Arlington County Commonwealth Attorney.
Published with Permission of ConservativeHQ.com