Rep. Sage G. Dixon – District 1
Floor Session:
The session is beginning to wind down for the year! The last couple of weeks of the session are characterized by multiple floor sessions, major legislation, and very infrequent committee meetings. As the House and Senate work through the bills that have been developed over the year, larger issues that take more time to develop begin to make their way to the floor, creating longer, more drawn out debates.
One of the major bills that we debated this week was S 1159aa, the bill regarding the initiative and referendum process. This bill will update our current initiative process to match current technology, and implement some of the other measures that other states have utilized to ensure the protection of the voice of Idahoans across the State. Many fear that this bill will make the process too difficult; however, the elements of this bill were carefully analyzed to ensure that the procedures are up to date with the current technology, and that they are not across the line of being unfeasible.
Many expressed concerns that the requirements in this legislation would be too difficult, specifically the time for gathering signatures. Because of this, I proposed H 296, which is a trailer bill to S 1159aa. This will increase the time period from what would have been required in S 1159aa, and reduce the distribution requirement, to address the concerns of those who felt this would be too restrictive. While some claim this is a retaliation for Prop. 2, it is that in no means whatsoever. Instead, this is designed to update the process to what is now feasible with new technology, while ensuring out of state money does not drive our policy. Considering the upcoming redistricting, now was the time to ensure rural Idaho can keep its voice. This will ensure that statewide, grassroots movements can initiate laws in a fiscally responsible way. By including a Fiscal Note, and suggesting a funding source, the voters of Idaho will have more information at their disposal on election day. Informed voting is the key to a free society, and this component helps to ensure that protection. Additionally, when we utilize our constitutional right as citizens to propose legislation, the Legislature will know the will of the people on that issue, helping them to implement it the way it was intended.
Another bill that had some controversy was S 1178aa. This bill would ban the use of exploding targets during the designated fire season. This bill failed on the house floor by 3 votes.
To learn more about the specific bills we have voted on, please look into any of the following bills on the Legislature’s website. As always, all bills are yes votes unless marked otherwise.
H 284 Trailer appropriation for Division of Financial Management $485,100
H 285 Supplemental appropriation for Dept. of Water Resources $21,000,000
H 286 Trailer appropriation for Public Schools-Teachers Division $3,796,200
H 287 Trailer appropriation for Department of Labor $184,000-N
H 288 Trailer appropriation for Idaho State Police $188,100
S 1056aa Regarding mitigation plans for Ground Water Districts
S 1113aaH Amends existing law regarding campaign finance reporting laws
S 1057aaH Regarding continuous improvement plans for school districts and public charter schools
S 1060aa,aaH Regarding flexible schedules and early graduation opportunities
H 281 Appropriation: Year end Appropriations and Transfers $13,053,500
H 282 Appropriations for Department of Commerce $42,419,000
H 283 Appropriations for Workforce Development Council $8,572,100
H 118aa,aaS Criminal Procedure-Regarding pretrial risk assessment tools
H 93aaS Providing that nontraditional educator programs may receive funding
S 1110aa Regarding requirements for bail enforcement agents
S 1146 Regarding the salary of Justices of the Supreme Court
S 1199 Appropriations for Department of Health and Welfare $70,397,600
S 1200 Appropriations to the Department of Fish and Game $127,453,100-N
S 1180 Establishing the Public Charter School Facilities Program
S 1073 Regarding Underground Facilities Damage Prevention
S 1104aa Providing that the Board of Ed. may require professional credits
SCR 106 Division of Building Safety-Rule Rejection
SCR 112 Authorizes an interim committee to study occupational licensing
SCR 111 Authorizes appointment of a committee on public schools
S 1003aa Regarding Human Trafficking
SJM 106 Urging Congress to recognize easements in the 1866 Mining Act
HR 5 Amends rules to renumber rules of the House of Representatives
S 1166 Supplemental Appropriation to Idaho State Police $240,000
S 1061aa Revises provisions regarding school levies
S 1187 Appropriations for Idaho Millennium Fund $732,500-N
S 1006 Revising requirements for filings of certain federal covered securities
S 1138aa Providing for provisional journeyman electricians
S 1178aa Providing restrictions regarding the use of exploding targets N Fail
SCR 109 State Tax Commission-Rule Rejection
SJM 105 Urging Idaho and Utah to work together to address Bear Lake
H 289 Appropriation for Permanent Building Fund $10,595,800
HR 6 Calling for an end to Christian Persecution Fail
S 1153 Revising requirements for lobbyist registration and reporting
S 1174 Appropriation for Welfare Division $165,843,600
S 1106aa Providing for the expansion of secondary career technical education programs
SCR 110 Idaho Soil and Water Conservation Commission-Rule Rejection
S 1159aa Amends existing law to revise ballot initiative requirements
H 296 Trailer bill to S1159aa changing certain requirements
Committee Reports:
Revenue and Taxation:
During our two Revenue and Taxation committee meetings this week, we heard one bill and concurred with Senate amendments.
H 294 Sales Tax Revenue Distribution
Concurred with Senate amendments to:
H 217aaS Local Economic Development Act
H 259aaS Sales Tax, Marketplace Facilitators
Transportation & Defense:
During the committee meeting held this week, we heard three Senate Bills.
Bills sent to the floor with a Do Pass Recommendation:
S 1201 Transportation fund distribution
S 1065 Transportation, bonds, funds
Bills sent to General Orders:
S 1126 Transportation funding
We held one committee meeting this week in our Business Committee. During our committee hearing, we heard a Senate bill and Concurred with the Senate’s amendments to H 149aaS.
Bills (Sent to General Orders):
S 1195 Collection Agencies, Attorney Fees
I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns, and I am grateful for the opportunity to represent District 1 in The Idaho House of Representatives.
Lord Bless,
Sage G. Dixon