By John Malloy
This Resolution SCR112 itself is flawed, or at least incomplete, lacking context.
While it’s true the States are the guardians of liberty against abuses of power by the federal government, it must be remembered that the states created the federal government through a compact among themselves. When the “created” starts “invad(ing) the legislative roles of the states,” mandating to the “creators” things beyond its enumerated powers, it is up to the creators, the states, to slap it down. Refuse to implement or enforce that unconstitutional mandate.
“Whereas the federal government has ceased to function under a proper interpretation of the Constitution…” BINGO! It is not the Constitution that is the problem, it is the Congress and the agencies (most of which are beyond the proper interpretation of the Constitution) that have been ignoring the Constitution, just as they will a new one or an amended one.
“Whereas it is the solemn duty of the state to protect the liberty of our people…by proposing amendments to the Constitution…through a convention of states…for the purpose of restraining these and related abuses of power.”
WRONG! There is absolutely no duty to propose amendments through a convention of states. The duty to protect liberty can be fulfilled by nullifying/ignoring any mandate of federal law that is not pursuant to the Constitution we already have.
Incidentally, the “crushing national debt [created] through improper and imprudent spending” mentioned in the Resolution is almost entirely due to unconstitutional spending, much of which is “spent” on federal largesse to the states which is gladly and vigorously gobbled-up by state legislatures like Idaho’s. Again, it is not the Constitution that is lacking, it is (among other things) the states’ refusal to decline the “illegal” federal dollars when they show up as a handout.
Clearly this resolution was written by, or with, the guidance of the Convention of States organization, which is funded primarily by billionaire and globalist benefactors. Their board of directors includes two people who are also members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the face of the globalist power elites in this country. By definition, the globalists’ goal is the elimination of national sovereignty for eventual merger into a global government. What better way to attack sovereignty than to attack our Constitution? Well, I guess there is unlimited illegal unconstitutional immigration. And, unlimited unconstitutional federal spending on unconstitutional things.
Please do not fall victim to the lies and half-truths of the promoters of a Convention of States or an Article V Convention or the same thing by any other name.
Stand up against the federal government by standing up for the U.S. Constitution we have. And make the “generations to come,” that you are trying to protect, proud of your statesmanship.