
The Non-stop Effort to Take Down Trump and America
When Donald Trump was elected, the head of the United States Cyber Command warned Trump about a planned coup against him by America’s elites. He was spot-on.
By William F. Jasper
On November 17, 2016, a meeting that may turn out to have been one of the most pivotal in American history took place at Trump Tower in New York City. On that day, nine days after the tumultuous 2016 presidential election, Admiral Michael S. Rogers met secretly with President-elect Donald Trump. It was a meeting that set off Deep State alarms, and those alarm bells instantly started echoing throughout the controlled Deep State media empire.
Why the intense anxiety? As director of the National Security Agency (NSA), Admiral Rogers was then also chief of the Central Security Service (CSS) and commander of the United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). He had previously served as the director for intelligence for both the Joint Chiefs of Staff and U.S. Pacific Command, as well as commander of the U.S. 10th Fleet and commander of the U.S. Fleet Cyber Command. In other words, he was the top dog in the world of signals intelligence (SIGINT) and held the keys to the kingdom of America’s powerful surveillance-state apparatus.
The patriot vs. the plotters: Nine days after the 2016 election, Admiral Michael S. Rogers (shown) made a high-risk journey to New York to warn President-elect Donald J. Trump he was being spied upon and inform him of a Deep State coup effort that included other intelligence chiefs. (Photo credit: AP Images)
What was Admiral Rogers doing at Trump Tower? According to globalist Deep State media assets, such as the Washington Post, NPR, and the New York Times, he was ingratiating himself to Donald Trump, hoping to get a job in the new administration as director of national intelligence (DNI), a position then held by Obama appointee James Clapper. The admiral’s detractors claim that he was about to be fired by President Obama for NSA intelligence failures and for his “aloof” leadership style. But according to Rogers’ defenders, the admiral’s journey to New York was a daring mission to warn the incoming president about a treasonous coup plot involving top members of the Obama administration and key leaders in the other intelligence agencies. And the media efforts to denigrate Rogers’ reputation were aimed precisely at publicly undermining his credibility and the warning he was delivering.
The extraordinary events of the past four years support the position of Admiral Rogers’ advocates, not his attackers. We all have witnessed, in real time, an unprecedented and ongoing coup effort in which high-level officials within the Trump administration, together with members of Congress, former government officials, media organizations, major think tanks, tax-exempt foundations, labor unions, and militant street mobs have carried out a coordinated and relentless campaign of disruption, subversion, insurrection, sabotage, and “resistance” to cripple and topple President Donald J. Trump. During that time, a continuous stream of revelations — through leaks, whistleblowers, inspector general reports, court rulings, congressional investigations, and Department of Justice investigations — has provided crucial witness testimony and documentary evidence to connect many of the dots.
Some of these crucial disclosures have only come to light in the final weeks leading up to the November 2020 elections. It has taken that long — the entire (first) term of the Trump presidency — to pry loose the damning evidence of criminality and treachery behind, for instance, the infamous (and phony) “Steele dossier”; the illegal FISA court warrants obtained for Spygate; the sham “Trump-Russia collusion” charge; the vicious FBI/DOJ/Mueller railroading of General Michael Flynn, Carter Page, Roger Stone, and Paul Manafort; the real evidence of Hillary Clinton-Russia collusion; the FBI/DOJ/Mueller collusion with Hillary Clinton, Fusion GPS, and Crowdstrike — and much, much more.
The Empire Strikes Back
The Trump Tower rendezvous between the president-elect and the NSA chief, understandably, caused a panic attack among the Deep State coup plotters. Although the actual content of the conversation between Trump and Rogers has not been publicly revealed, all indications are that the admiral spilled some pretty big beans. On the same day of that meeting, having apparently been apprised by Rogers that they were being spied upon, the Trump Transition Team surprised everyone with the abrupt announcement that they were immediately moving all transition activity to Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. Trump then had a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, or SCIF, constructed at Trump Tower to prevent hostile surveillance — from enemies both foreign and domestic. On November 19, 2016, two days after that historic Trump-Rogers meeting, the attacks on Admiral Rogers began. Naturally, the Deep State conspirators chose the Washington Post, their longtime favorite disinformation spigot, to lead the smear campaign. The Post article, entitled “Pentagon and intelligence community chiefs have urged Obama to remove the head of the NSA,” stated, “The heads of the Pentagon and the nation’s intelligence community have recommended to President Obama that the director of the National Security Agency, Adm. Michael S. Rogers, be removed.”
“The recommendation, delivered to the White House last month,” the story continued, “was made by Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr., according to several U.S. officials familiar with the matter.” Typical of media hatchet jobs, the article was replete with alleged negative statements and allegations by anonymous “senior officials.”
Although it is dangerous to believe anything carried in that lie factory, it turns out the Post was correct in stating that top Department of Defense and intelligence community officials were urging President Obama to fire Admiral Rogers even before his trip to Trump Tower. Why? Well, as we subsequently learned, Rogers had been throwing sand into the gears of the coup plotters for the past year, challenging and thwarting their illegal activities. It appears that for months prior to the Trump Tower meeting, Rogers had been playing a cat-and-mouse game with the Obama administration and its lackeys in the “Intelligence Community.” Defense Secretary Ashton “Ash” Carter, who is also a director of the globalist-minded Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), along with Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, took the lead in calling for his ouster. However, apparently it was Department of Justice National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) head John P. Carlin who had been assigned the job of deep-sixing the troublesome admiral.
Jeff Carlson, who writes for the Epoch Times and has posted some of the most detailed and perceptive articles on the coup intrigue, wrote that “Carlin was setting up Rogers as the scapegoat” for the very crimes Rogers was trying to stop and expose. Rogers had gone to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to report violations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) by the Obama administration and members of the intelligence community. Section 702 of FISA is aimed at protecting Americans against warrantless search and seizure. Under Section 702, the NSA “may not intentionally target any person known at the time of acquisition to be located in the United States.” Among additional prohibitions, it “may not intentionally target a U.S. person reasonably believed to be located outside the United States.”
Carlin was the official at DOJ responsible for ensuring that the administration abided by FISA restrictions, prohibitions, and procedures. However, he had covered for the Obama administration’s routine violation of those restrictions, prohibitions, and procedures. Admiral Rogers became aware of the serious nature and extent of FISA violations and ordered the NSA’s Office of Compliance to “do a fundamental baseline review of compliance associated with 702.” Among the findings of the review was that the FBI, which had access to NSA intercepts, was illegally sharing this FISA data on individuals with private contractors. This criminal use of private contractors was one of a number of violations condemned by FISC presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer in her stinging rebuke of the FBI in her April 26, 2017 ruling. This FBI abuse apparently had been brought to her attention by Admiral Rogers, who had already shut down all FBI contractor access a year before, in April 2016. Although Judge Collyer’s ruling redacts the names of the contractors, various analysts have reasonably suggested from clues in the text, timelines, and related data that at least some of the contractors cited are very likely entities associated with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, such as Fusion GPS and Crowdstrike.
Additionally, the NSA compliance review found numerous “About Query” violations. “Rogers shut down all ‘about query’ activity on Oct. 21, 2016,” reported Jeff Carlson in the Epoch Times on December 20, 2019. “‘About queries’ are particularly worrisome,” Carlson noted, “since they occur when the target is neither the sender nor the recipient of the collected communication; rather, the target’s ‘query,’ such as an email address, is being passed between two other communicants.”
Admiral Rogers and the FISA court also dinged the FBI and DOJ for failure to comply with Standard Minimization Procedures. The website of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) describes “minimization” as “a detailed set of procedures designed to minimize the acquisition, retention, use and dissemination of U.S. person information acquired under Section 702.”
Subsequent revelations highlighted another egregious intelligence abuse, the illegal “unmasking” of individuals in NSA data by Obama officials. And as Representative Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), then chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has said, these violations had “nothing to do” with Russia or national security matters. They were all about weaponizing and politicizing the intelligence functions.
Representative Nunes was one of many who came to Admiral Rogers’ defense when he was attacked by Carter, Clapper, and the Washington Post. Nunes’ defense of Rogers, as well as his pit-bull tenacity in exposing the criminal deeds of the coup plotters, soon earned him even more vicious attacks in the Deep State-aligned press than had been dished out to the NSA chief.
Clinton-Russia collusion: Declassified notes of former CIA Director John Brennan show he briefed President Obama on a plan by Hillary Clinton (who has numerous ties to Putin) to vilify Trump with fake Russia collusion charges to distract attention from her e-mail scandal. (Photo credit: AP Images)
Taking Out His Teammates
For much the same reasons that they wanted to get rid of Admiral Rogers, the Deep State’s globalist elites wanted to make sure that General Michael Flynn would not survive as President Trump’s national security advisor. General Flynn had been director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) under President Obama. However, he had been forced out, into early retirement, in 2014 by Clapper and Obama. He shares many of the traits of Admiral Rogers that make the insiders of the Obama-Biden-Clinton-Pelosi circles of power (and those above them) very nervous. He knows too much and can’t be depended on to go along with their subversion of the Constitution and the rule of law. Thus, he was forced to resign, by a campaign of lies and innuendo, on February 13, 2017, only 24 days after having been sworn in.
However, General Flynn’s long ordeal was just beginning. The coup plotters were determined to make an example of him, to crush him, to send him to prison. They very nearly succeeded. Four years later, the general’s tribulation is still not over. The Department of Justice under Attorney General William Barr filed a motion on May 7, 2020 to dismiss with prejudice the charges against Flynn. The DOJ motion noted that Flynn’s questioning “was untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation.” However, federal district judge Emmet G. Sullivan has refused to dismiss the case and continues to fight the dismissal with extraordinary measures.
The pretext for the vendetta against General Flynn is the charge that he lied about the content and nature of his communications with Russian ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak. This was all part and parcel of the hoax aimed at convincing the American public that Donald Trump and other members of his team were colluding with and/or were compromised by Russia and Vladimir Putin. The congressional investigations found no evidence to substantiate these charges. Neither did the much-ballyhooed two-year “Russia probe” by Office of Special Counsel (OSC) Robert Mueller. Nor did any of the media sleuths who had been trumpeting the “Russia, Russia, Russia” theme for four years.
Many stakes have been driven into the heart of the “Russia collusion” corpse, but the latest one delivered by FBI agent William Barnett this past September may finally do the job. Barnett, who was the FBI’s lead agent on the Flynn case, has described the investigation and prosecution of Flynn as an operation to “get Trump.” Barnett says he and other FBI and CIA investigators and analysts recognized early on that the probe was an “exercise in futility” and that the prosecutors were “groping” to find a crime. According to Barnett, top Mueller team prosecutors such as Jeannie Rhee and Andrew Weissmann were “obsessed” with finding a Trump-Russia connection and used overly aggressive tactics to obtain what they wanted. He says he had to intervene multiple times during interviews with Flynn and others due to misleading questions by Mueller team members.
FBI Director James Comey, Special Counsel Robert Mueller (a former FBI director), and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates had stacked the FBI/DOJ/OSC investigations with virulently partisan, anti-Trump staffers, as the notorious e-mail and text messages of FBI Agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page show.
Real Collusion: Russia-Hillary
On October 3, 2020, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified notes of former CIA Director John Brennan. It was an explosive revelation, but (surprise!) none of the “mainstream” media seemed to show the slightest interest. What did the notes reveal? They showed that Brennan had briefed former President Obama on July 26, 2016 concerning Hillary Clinton’s alleged “plan” to smear then-candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Russia as “a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.”
Brennan’s handwritten notes state:
We’re getting additional insight into Russian activities from [REDACTED]. . . CITE [summarizing] alleged approved by Hillary Clinton a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security service.
On July 31, 2016, five days after Brennan’s briefing of Obama on the Clinton scheme, Comey’s FBI opened its bogus “investigation” of the Trump campaign and its alleged ties to Russia.
Consider the enormity of this: The Steele dossier, as it has now been incontestably shown, was put together by British ex-spy Christopher Steele, with the assistance of Russian intelligence. It was then used by not only Hillary Clinton but also her co-conspirators Barack Obama, James Comey, James Clapper, Nancy Pelosi, Representative Adam Schiff, the Washington Post,the New York Times,CNN, CBS, and all the rest of the Deep State cabal to vilify Trump, precisely as directed in the Clinton scheme outlined in Brennan’s briefing to President Obama. So, it is Hillary Clinton who is the Russia colluder.
Then Clinton and her campaign lawyer Marc Elias repeatedly lied and denied any connection to the obscene “pee dossier” — until documentary evidence forced them to admit that they had financed it. Then Hil-lary switched her tune and even defended funding the dossier. It was just legit “opposition research,” she told ABC News.
Audacious it certainly was, especially since the Clinton-Russia ties go far deeper than her collusion with Russian intelligence to produce the aforementioned “Steele dossier.” It was/is Hillary Clinton (and her husband, Bill, and daughter, Chelsea, and their Clinton Foundation), not Donald Trump, that has all the ties to Putin and Russia. As we have reported in The New American many times over the years, Hillary Clinton had notoriously concluded a number of deals with Putin’s regime that materially aided Russia’s military-industrial-techological advancement, while simultaneously striking serious blows to America’s national security. Along these lines we could mention, for example, the Uranium One deal that gave Russia a controlling interest in our American uranium production, and the technology transfers that have helped build Skolkovo, Russia’s hi-tech Silicon Valley.
Of course, that was already known by the Deep Staters who were, nevertheless, pushing the Trump-Russia theme with a vengeance.
Those Spreading the Lies
Thus far in this article we have focused primarily on the Deep State’s coup efforts through the operations of its captive intelligence agencies. This is not to suggest that all or even most of the men and women who serve in the FBI, CIA, DIA, and other intelligence-community agencies are parties to this treachery. Indeed, it is due to leaks and testimony from many brave and patriotic employees who have risked their careers, reputations, pensions — and even their lives — to expose the crimes and treason of the political hacks who are their bosses, that we know about the fraud and lies.
The intelligence community wields enormous power, but it is only one facet of the larger Deep State cabal that has been attacking the Trump administration — and America — from every angle and on every level.
Working closely in tandem with the Deep State intelligence community is the controlled establishment media, whose indispensable role we have highlighted in an article on page 16. Together with the Big Tech social-media giants and search engines — Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, Reddit, Yahoo, Microsoft, Bing, etc. — they are transforming American society ever more rapidly to resemble the totalitarian system of Communist China. Not only are they dispensing statist prop-aganda that more and more mimics the Chinese Communist Party line, but in true Orwellian fashion they are blatantly punishing “thought crime” with censorship, demonetization, deplatforming, bullying, doxing, and label-lynching.
Deep State operatives within the intelligence community and throughout the federal bureaucracy also collude with the anti-Trump/anti-American media to produce a steady deluge of strategically timed leaks, many of which involve classified material, and all of which are calculated to disrupt and cripple the operations of government. Like the Antifa street thugs, they may as well adopt the revolutionary slogan, “Make America Ungovernable!”
Speaking of Antifa, we should mention here the important role they and their comrades in Black Lives Matter are playing in the orchestrated coup effort. Their job is to provide pressure from below while Deep State operatives in government and the media provide pressure from above. The BLM/Antifa rioters would have amounted to nothing except for: 1) the massive funding they have received from George Soros and other globalists; 2) the massive media promotion and propaganda they have enjoyed; 3) the enormous boost they have received from radical politicians and particularly from mayors and prosecutors (many of whom are Soros-funded) who refuse to prosecute the rioters; and 4) the crucial leadership of hard-core Marxist-Leninists of the Revolutionary Communist Party, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, and other revolutionary groups. But, naturally, these things are never mentioned by the controlled media, which would have us believe the lie that the BLM/Antifa mobs are authentic, grassroots organizations.
Still another important element of the ongoing coup effort is the campaign to expand and empower the United Nations and all of its programs. President Trump not only has initiated action to withdraw the United States from the disastrous UN Climate Accord, but also has terminated U.S. membership in UNESCO, WHO, and the UN Arms Trade Treaty, which is a thinly disguised attack on the Second Amendment. Obviously, these and other Trumpian attacks on the globalists’ New World Order could not be allowed to stand. Then we saw the convenient unleashing of the COVID-19 “pandemic” upon the world by Communist China to wreck the rebounding U.S. economy, while pro-Beijing globalists such as Bill Gates, George Soros, and their confreres at the Council on Foreign Relations and World Economic Forum have cheered the moves by Western governments to adopt Chinese-style totalitarianism and “global health governance.”
As we go to press (on November 5) the official results of the election are still up in the air, though it is obvious that operatives of the Deep State have been active at all levels, and using all illegal means at their disposal, to steal votes from President Trump and throw the count to Joe Biden. As the decision over who won the White House gets thrown to the courts, we can expect that the BLM/Antifa mobs will also be unleashed into the streets. There also are crucial U.S. Senate and House races that remain unresolved. The outcomes of these races will hugely impact our nation, not the least of matters being whether or not we will see a packing of the Supreme Court, as many leading Democrats are calling for. Stay tuned for important updates at thenewamerican.com.
William F. Jasper
Senior Editor William F. Jasper is an author/journalist/commentator/documentary producer with a well-earned reputation as one of America’s top investigative reporters, most renowned for his in-depth, years-long investigation of the Oklahoma City bombing and its aftermath. For more than three decades he served as an accredited correspondent at the United Nations in New York and at UN summits around the world. He has written extensively on a broad array of topics, from geopolitics, education, the culture war, and LGBTQ issues to military affairs, terrorism, globalism, communism, socialism, fascism, free market economics, the Federal Reserve, China, Russia, property rights, the judiciary, and the U.S. Constitution. He has appeared on numerous television and radio programs in the United States, Europe, Latin America, and Australia.
The New American publishes a print magazine twice a month, covering issues such as politics, money, foreign policy, environment, culture, and technology.
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