BOZELL: The Real Story Of Black Lives Matter — Marxist, Anti-Family Radicals
By L. Brent Bozell
Black Lives Matter.
That rallying cry is now endorsed by millions of people, not just in the United States, but around the world. “By a 28-point margin, Civiqs finds that a majority of American voters support the movement,” according to The New York Times.
My guess is that 99 percent of those supporting this group have no idea what it stands for. All you shopkeepers putting signs in your stores, you schoolteachers programming your students to lock arms, you men and women of the cloth preaching about morality, you civic leaders urging community action and political leaders demanding legislative remedies — you give ignorant pawns a bad rap.
Black Lives Matter was founded by radical extremists who are perfectly pleased with the rioting, looting, vandalism and violence that have plagued our cities for the past several weeks.
It’s what violent revolutionaries do. Do I exaggerate?
Two of the three founders are self-described “trained Marxists.” Co-founder Patrisse Cullors told Cosmo that Assata Shakur is one of the leaders who inspired her. Shakur’s real name is Joanne Chesimard and she is wanted by the FBI as a “domestic terrorist” for murdering a police officer, escaping prison and hiding out in Cuba for decades.
One of the board of directors for the leftist group Thousand Currents, which handles donations to Black Lives Matter, is a convicted terrorist. She was pardoned by President Bill Clinton.
They live their beliefs.
Sorry, you spoiled, white-privileged, nameless, faceless, cowardly fools. BLM supports the destruction of America, and you’ve endorsed it, and they’re laughing at you. Greater New York Black Lives Matter president Hawk Newsome warned that “if this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.” He claimed it “a matter of interpretation” whether he was speaking “figuratively” or “literally.”
It’s a blatant threat. No one at BLM denounced him.
Black Lives Matter rioters have attacked statues and attempted to destroy monuments across America that project racism. But they’re also attacking those who fought against slavery. The mob is attempting to damage the iconic Lincoln Memorial. It wants a statue honoring Ulysses S. Grant removed. There’s more. They’re out to destroy the monument to the 54th Massachusetts regiment, the African American unit portrayed in the movie “Glory.” Their latest target is the Emancipation Memorial, a D.C. statue depicting a freed slave in front of President Abraham Lincoln. The statue was unveiled in 1876 to commemorate the Emancipation Proclamation and was funded by actual freed slaves.
Those black lives don’t matter to Black Lives Matter.
They’re also trying to destroy a World War II memorial. Somehow our nation’s victorious struggle to defeat Nazism is an exercise in racism.
Listen up, all you Christian leaders kneeling in prayer. While you’re sermonizing about the need to show support for their movement, BLM leaders are sermonizing about destroying yours. BLM activist Shaun King wants symbols of your religion eradicated. “Yes I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down,” he tweeted. “They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.”
BLM hasn’t denounced him. And you’re enabling him.
Amazon, Netflix, GoFundMe, Chick-fil-A — all you corporations sending millions and tripping over yourselves to be one with the crowd — do any of you know how to read? You should be held legally accountable for their destruction given it’s made possible by the money you’ve provided.
Black Lives Matter doesn’t hide its radical positions. They are listed right on its website. Who they are and what they believe — it’s right there, in the open. Are their beliefs yours too?
Since you’re endorsing BLM, I dare you to urge your shareholders and customers to read what’s on that website.
“Two of three Black Lives Matter founders identify as queer,” according to ABC News. The BLM positions reflect that, claiming to “foster a queer‐affirming network” and opposing “the tight grip of heteronormative thinking.” The organization vows to “do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege.” That’s all leftist code for an anti-family agenda.
But the organization gets more specific: “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement.” They want “extended families and ‘villages,’” to raise your children. It takes a village, not parents.
The group’s website proudly proclaims, “This is the revolution.” And that’s precisely what this is — a cultural revolution. These are Marxists following the Maoist playbook in China during the late ’60s and early ’70s. The Maoist revolutionaries vandalized temples, tore down statues and destroyed artifacts. The opposition was marched to re-education camps.
The Tibet Journal detailed the account of one lama who saw Marxism up close. The account described how Chinese Marxists “put themselves into a position of monopolizing truth and how it is sought.”
That is terrifyingly similar to what we are experiencing now.
It is not the alleged symbols of racism that Black Lives Matter wants destroyed. It is America.
Brent Bozell is the founder and president of the Media Research Center.
From dailycaller.com