No meat and no dairy by 2030. That’s why the Netherlands and other countries are eliminating thousands of farms and killing animals used for consumption. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullFirms like Vanguard and BlackRock are using their investors’ own money to create a world that those investors don’t want. - BY JAMES MURPHY
Read FullIt can be difficult for facts to compete with emotion, but facts never let down those who remain loyal to them. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullMichael Rectenwald, Ph.D: “Google/YouTube are not purveyors of information; they're tools for the totalitarian control of information having engaged in censorship, down-ranking, and black-listing information, - BY SUZANNE BURDICK,
Read FullThey're 93 NERC Reliability Standards. None has anything to do with controlling the adverse impact of renewables upon reliability. Reliability must be restored and maintained. - BY DAVID WOJICK, Ph.D.
Read FullFuneral directors are starting to speak out, and you won't believe what they're seeing - even long, stretchy, fibrous clots with the consistency of calamari. - FROM DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullRachel Hoff: “No other public institution has seen this stark of a decline as we have seen for the U.S. military,” - BY MICHAEL WEISBERGER
Read FullAndrew Huff: “The US government is to blame for the transfer of dangerous biotechnology to the Chinese, In other words, the US handed China bioweapon technology." - BY M.
Read FullIncreasingly, medical students are required to demonstrate allegiance to progressive ideology from pressure on students to follow a woke agenda. - BY ANNEMARIE SCHIEBER
Read FullHard hitting factual, linked info on all aspects of Covid-19 scam that will really tick you off, much of it from MD’s. Masks are really harmful! – BY RICH
Read FullMost of the companies on this list are run by or employ rabid democrats, many of which have financially supported or joined left-wing organizations... - BY MATTHEW HOLLOWAY
Read FullIn fact, there is no climate emergency and there will not be one, with or without new regulations on methane emissions. - BY WILLIAM HAPPER
Read Full“How did this dude steal billions of dollars and is now speaking at a summit as a free man?....” Why isn’t he in the slammer? - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullLoyalty is a very admirable trait. But blind loyalty is the dream of all socialist leaders of our time and new leaders of the DNC. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK .
Read Full...many conservatives are fed up with woke corporations and seeking alternatives, Ridgeline Research is offering an investment option that boycotts 29 companies hostile to conservatives. - BY ROB BLUEY
Read FullThe CSIRO and BoM must know, but don’t mention, that satellites don’t show any warming in Australia in the last ten years at all. - BY JOANNE NOVA
Read Full...the now shamed, criminal FTX enterprise supplied big money to make ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine seem (falsely) ineffective and to push awful, ineffective actions like lockdowns. - BY JOEL S. HIRSCHHORN
Read FullWe need to worry, not about the variant, but about the mandates the lying health officials will come up with. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullNational sovereignty is treated like an after thought, a small encumbrance that is easily sidestepped in the midst of a “crisis” or emergency type situation. - BY LEO HOHMANN
Read FullOne cannot overlook IPCC’s funding is derived from governments leveraging the data in their political pursuits while disregarding opposing scientific positions as climate terrorism or deniers. - BY RICH BERDAN
Read FullFrom NSA surveillance to IRS use of tax records as a political tool, the papers, effects, and homes of all Americans are now de facto... - BY JOE WOLVERTON, II,
Read FullObama twice sent $500 million in payments to the “GCF.” We can expect a chorus of demands for climate reparations from here on out. - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullAs many expected he would do, Elon Musk changed his mind deciding to keep Twitter as is with independent media outlets prohibited from posting content. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullEver since Stalin declared Trotsky a “fascist,” the Left has labeled its opponents precisely what the Left itself is. - BY DENNIS PRAGER
Read FullYouTube has become a place that censors true content but traffics in official and quasi-official deceptions. It’s become indistinguishable from a state censorship bureau. - BY MATT TAIBBI
Read FullUnderstand this – those behind these land and power grabs are terrified that you will finally wake up and understand your true power to act. Do it. Stop hesitating. -
Read FullScientists at Columbia and Harvard said the new boosters are no more effective than the older shots, but the scientists and the FDA still claim they work. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullIvermectin's been hailed as a “wonder drug” and a critical component of “one of the most triumphant public health campaigns ever waged... - BY MARINA ZHANG
Read FullThey’ll sell the government-backed digital currency by saying it will protect you. Their goal is to replace the dollar eventually and use it to track everything.” - BY REBECCA
Read FullJudge Swinnick: “In my opinion, the machines were programmed to do this. It was all planned, the process and narrative, both machines and people. - BY MARK S.
Read FullGet your kids out of public schools; they are the factories set up to ruin our youth. What they are allowing/promoting is sick. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullPrince Andrew has already been exposed as a client in previous litigation by a victim and Bill Clinton is well known for his 27 trips... - BY MARK SCHEWNDAU
Read FullAmericans have a tendency to look at the short term and neglect the more difficult long term. As we can see, that is a huge mistake. - BY jIM HOLLINGSWORTH
Read FullLenin: "The way to crush the bourgeoisie [the middle class] is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation” - BY ED HAUGLAND AND PAUL E. VALLELY
Read FullRepublicans blasted Biden for higher prices as inflation hit the highest level in four decades and gas prices hit an all-time high earlier this year. - BY CASEY HARPER
Read Full“The FDA...did not require additional tests and did not require the company to disclose its methods in a complete and transparent manner.” - BY MICHAEL NEVRADAKIS Ph.D.
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