It will be attractive to the Global South. It will cause consternation in the Western war party camp. Russia has welcomed it. - BY TONY KEVIN
Read FullChange a few words, modernize the language and this is precisely the same call being made by the COS organization, yet they consistently deny... - BY JOE WOLVERTON II, J.D.
Read FullHere is my video on this subject, originally posted on YouTube on February 28, 2023. Remember, share this video or article with others in Olympia, Seattle,... - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullEngage with your legislator in drafting a bill to prohibit vaccine passports. While you're at it include a ban on all digital identity applications. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullKlaus Schwab’s right-hand man, Noah Yuval Harari, is so excited about depopulating the planet that he simply cannot help letting the cat out of the bag... - BY BAXTER DMITRY
Read FullIf you think about it, the democrats are canceling people about the things that have happened in the past, we’re just following their rules. - BY ADRIAN ANDREWS
Read FullThe powerbrokers who still run Idaho think they can interfere in the inner workings of the Republican Party without consulting party leaders or members. - BY DOROTHY MOON IDGOP CHAIRWOMAN
Read FullIf the president thinks abortion is an essential part of women’s history, he clearly doesn’t know what women are capable of. - BY ELIZABETH TROUTMAN
Read FullThe Biden administration is prioritizing climate change over the World Bank’s founding mission of poverty eradication and economic development. - BY RUPERT DARWALL
Read FullThe Global Engagement Center (GEC) was created by the Obama regime as a means to control the online narrative and creative blacklists of users and organizations... - BY SEAN ADL-TABATABAI
Read FullEvidence is also piling up that the Biden administration’s vaunted ‘green transition’ is a pipedream, not Shangri-La, and can’t ever happen. - BY CHRIS WRIGHT
Read FullAccording to an executive from Vitalant, the largest nonprofit blood bank in the United States, as much as 80% of the blood supply is from vaccinated donors. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullMr. Lindell discusses his ongoing efforts to secure future elections; his potential lawsuit against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy over the release of the January 6th footage... - BY VERONIKA KYRYLENKO
Read FullThe United Nations has called on governments across the world to abolish free speech in the interests of combatting “disinformation.” -BY SEAN ADL-TABATABAI
Read FullToday, they’re talking about boycotts. But what about tomorrow? What comes next when they continue to lose their grip on power? - BY JOHNSTON MEADOWS
Read FullA nasty and ignorant journalist slandered President Trump saying he “helped spark the Jan. 6, insurrection with his 2020 election lies and is widely blamed... - BY JOE HOLT
Read FullWe believe that slow, organic growth is healthy and do not oppose a gradual increase of newcomers who are committed to the area. - BY NORTH IDAHO SLOW GROWTH RESEARCH
Read FullJoined by an Oregon tribe, four environmental groups Feb. 21 asked Reno-based U.S. District Judge Miranda Du to temporarily halt work on the proposed mine... - BY BONNER R. COHEN
Read FullTexas and Oklahoma state that an Obama-era rule “grants the WHO the authority to determine and define what a “public health emergency” is for domestic purposes.” - BY M.
Read FullIdaho doesn’t need nonpartisan experts to rule us; we want working-class men and women to run for office and govern wisely. - BY DOROTHY MOON, IDGOP CHAIRWOMAN
Read FullA wide variety of pseudo-scientific and fraudulent threats such as man-made climate change, the plastic patch in the ocean...are being used to terrorize people... - BY LIBERTY SENTINEL STAFF
Read FullWe are in the midst of history’s greatest wealth transfer. Government subsidized wind systems, solar arrays, and electric vehicles overwhelmingly benefit wealthy members of society and... - BY STEVE GOREHAM
Read Full...with thousands of fish, hens and roosters dropping dead, signs suggest 25 million people should be concerned about this 'World War I' poison gas. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullIn Michigan, being an unapologetic constitutionalist and uncompromising warrior against the globalist conspiracy seeking to destroy America's required for political leadership in the GOP. - BY ROBERT OWENS, J.D.
Read FullWe now have case reports, studies and autopsy findings showing that people suffering from post-jab myocarditis have mRNA-induced spike proteins in their hearts and blood. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullDon't be fooled by the propaganda that a digital currency is safer, more inclusive, equitable, convenient, or more efficient. Read information about this and understand it. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullThe WHO can potentially describe any and all communicable diseases. All signatories would submit to the authority of the WHO regarding treatments and pandemic measures. - BY VERONIKA KYRYLENKO
Read FullCouncilman Gookin acknowledged concerns that the LPRs could give the government too much power, but he assured the public there's no need to worry. - BY NOAH BOELTER
Read FullThe youth of today are at ground zero of life’s rapid slide into the dark, and they sense it. They have their whole lives ahead. - BY KAT STANSELL
Read FullFlorida Governor DeSantis just received the kiss of death. George Soros has endorsed DeSantis for 2024. - BY KAT STANSELL
Read FullNIC is an essential part of the globalist plan to “redevelop” and "re-educate" North Idaho and control of the college means having compliant leadership. - BY NORTH IDAHO SLOW GROWTH RESEARCH
Read FullHow could a cartel of powerful investors plotting control all residential and commercial land use in an area possibly make their designs more obvious? - BY NORTH IDAHO SLOW GROWTH RESEARCH
Read FullRather than escaping this failed system and building another one, ...get the fed's out and build a public school system in which Idaho can be proud, - BY KAREN
Read FullDeSantis voted for resolutions to cut Social Security and Medicare and to extend the retirement age to 70 as a state representative in 2013, 2014, and 2015. - BY ROGER
Read FullFull public comment from Community Library Network Board Meeting on February 16, 2023 in Post Falls, Idaho. - VIDEOGRAPHY BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThe U.S. government's been secretly tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, not up-to- date on their shots. and worse, the reason why. -BY DR. JOSPEH MERCOLA
Read Full