A program of allowing the police to enforce drug laws, arresting criminals and reducing taxes on business will revitalize the downtown core. - BY MARK HARMSWORTH
Read FullIn recent years, drugs and crime have rocked the city, which is known for its progressive stance on criminal justice and dealing with drug addiction. - BY NICK POPE
Read FullObama is trying to destroy this country as fast as he can before Trump has a second chance to undo the damage. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullFriends, you need to understand these people so you can spread the word and we can defeat the Marxist agenda. - BY TREVOR LOUDON
Read FullThe “transhumanism” movement poses an existential threat to humanity as technology such as Artificial Intelligence, brain-computer interfaces and genetic modification continue to develop at a rapid pace,... BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullWe must understand that we're not outnumbered – we're out-organized. Our Constitution and the Republic it created are not dead – they are suffering from neglect. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullThey purposely made gas prices and utility prices skyrocket so fill all of your gas cans, buy propane etc NOW while you can still afford it. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullWeaponized surveillance is re-engineering a society structured around the aesthetic of fear. -BY JOHN WHITEHEAD
Read FullThe Tangled web of Marxist entities working with law enforcement to report Christians - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullDuring last terms, legislators' incentive to do their best for re-election is gone. That ‘lame-duck’ status has created a mind-set to take advantage of opportunities... - BY RICH
Read Full...a consensus that “science is settled” regarding the existence of a dire climate crisis emergency caused by carbon dioxide is a deceptive, destructive, and costly fraud. - BY LARRY BELL
Read FullWhat we have done is a good start thanks to many of the ‘We the People’ taking the time to do their civic duty and becoming PCO’s. - BY ROB CHASE
Read FullDespite the sensitivity, neither the governor nor legislators have made any proposal to reduce the cost of CO2 allowances. - BY TODD MYERS
Read FullJRB Ware: “Cheating isn’t everything; it’s the only thing.” And to their financial credit, the Bidens bought into his mantra hook, line, and sinker. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullUsing science, economics, and in-depth analysis, the book exposes the weaknesses in the planned green energy transition and predicts a coming renewable energy failure. - BY STEVE GOREHAM
Read FullWhat Wikepedia is putting on their site is some of the most biased information you’ll find anywhere in media today. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullMore evidence suggests that, contrary to what the public was told, McDonald and the other passengers and crew survived and were captured by the Soviet regime... -BY LIBERTY SENTINEL STAFF
Read FullBy 2030 or thereabouts, the United States will have the most tyrannical government and society that has ever existed on Earth. - BY PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS
Read FullThe Chicago-based Exelon Corp. was planning a merger with Maryland’s Constellation Energy. To obtain approval for the merger, Exelon agreed to pay the state $1 billion. - BY JAMES SIMPSON
Read FullDisease-X is a business strategy, dependent on a series of fallacies, dressed up as an altruistic concern for human welfare.- BY DAVID BELL
Read FullAuthor John Leake hasn’t gotten very far in his research but has already determined it was a predictable and predicted catastrophe. -BY M. DOWLING
Read FullVirtually every federal government agency in Washington, D.C., is gearing up for what appears to be the makings of another civil war. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullGovernor Jay Inslee's gender transition bill is an inhumane assault on fundamental rights - BY IAN PRIOR
Read FullIn short - defending the Constitution from federal overreach means something outside of the federal government is needed to act as a check on its power. - BY MICHAEL BOLDIN
Read FullThe Legislature and Attorney General should hold the DHW accountable for this illegal use of public funds. - BY ANNA MILLER
Read FullClimate models blow up the effect of greenhouse gases such as CO2. In addition, they ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial. - BY CFACT ED
Read FullLargest Wildfire Ever Recorded in the EU Caused by Arson, Not Climate By M Dowling Greece is battling “the largest wildfire ever recorded” in the European Union.
Read FullTruth is, that climate change's an all-purpose, two-step scam by the scheming left. Step one's to bray and wail that all evils...are caused by climate change. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullI simply cannot see how teachers unions benefit students or and the families being taxed to pay for wokism-infected, unionized teachers. - BY CRAIG MCMILLAN
Read FullVivek Ramaswamy: “Let’s shut down the head of the snake, the Department of Education, Put that $80 billion, in the hands of parents across this country.” -
Read FullThese powerful corporations and the global forces behind them are getting very concerned over the battles we are winning. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullEveryone needs to know they can secure their patient right to informed consent and how to do it so that their wishes cannot be ignored. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullMake no mistake: Reclaim’s initiative is about whether a secret group of millionaires control Idaho or whether Idaho is governed by the people. - BY DOROTHY MOON, IDAHO GOP CHAIRWOMAN
Read FullHow are those who took a bullet for us being honored? What sacrifices are being made to preserve what they fought for? - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullIt is not possible to claim that July 2023 was the “hottest month in the history of civilization” because such data does not exist. - BY CFACT ED
Read FullDr. Jordan Peterson: “This is simply the most serious accusation I have ever heard levied against a sitting (or former) US president.” BY M. DOWLING
Read Full