A lot of people in Coeur d'Alene don't really understand Agenda 21, now rebranded Coeur 2030. Alex Newman explains the deceptive UN program. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThe Idaho Legislature became the first legislative body in the country to successfully push back against the Marxist indoctrination happening in primary, secondary, and higher education. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullSadly, people in their own party who express views that are aligned with a majority of Republican voters are looked upon as outcasts by the Republican establishment.- BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullThe new move to phase out HFCs is said to be supported by those in the industry who are poised to make big profits... BY ADAM HOUSER
Read FullAbramson suggests persuading liberals who are not ideological by discussing issues that hit home for them and that illustrate progressivism’s failures.- BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullOne commenter wrote: Just what we want, one of those massive tent cities like the UN puts up in some famine country where it never ends. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullWe know the truth. You can never brainwash us. We will never stop fighting. We will never, ever, ever, give up, or give in. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullIdaho parents, teachers, and students need the state Legislature go all the way and put an end to the leftist indoctrination happening in our schools. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullGoogle, Amazon, Twitter and other major tech companies are also tied to the “military-industrial-intelligence-media complex,” without them, the totalitarian control system...wouldn’t be possible. - BY DR. MERCOLA
Read FullIt’s time we start celebrating our farmers and ranchers for both feeding the world and helping our environment. - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullMillions of Trump supporters will never forgive or forget Pence for his craven behavior when his nation needed him the most. - BY EDITOR OF BIG LEAGUE POLITICS
Read FullThis is the person that Joe Biden’s puppetmasters think will make a good AGA? She’s absolutely one messed up and repulsive hater. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullPfizer’s own documents show how dangerous this vaccine is and this needs to be read, saved, and shared with everyone who is considering taking the jab... - BY SUNSHINE
Read Full...their words reveal this is not about climate, but about using climate as a means to an end: being the transformation of the very system... - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read Full...safeguarding your Constitutional rights and civil liberties against unlawful government overreach is essential. -BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullWhat kind of psychopathology drives people to support a political candidate whose worldview and political philosophy wishes them dead? - BY JOAN SWIRSKY
Read FullProgressives clearly view the two prominent issues on their agenda—race and climate—in apocalyptic terms. They present them as a matter of life and death... - BY GENNADY SHKLIAREVSKY
Read FullThis is a brewing scandal and the Biden White House needs to come clean. - BY DENISE SIMON
Read FullIdaho's education lobby organizations can claim all they want that indoctrination is not happening in our state's public schools. But the proof is everywhere... - BY ANNA MILLER
Read FullMcGeachin stated it was her duty to the people of Idaho to create an indoctrination task force to combat and expose schools and campuses who engage... - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThere still seems to be no end in sight for the 2021 session or for any meaningful checks and balance to the executive branch. - BY REP. HEATHER SCOTT
Read FullStop voting for Democratic Party politicians, who deliver only poverty, misery, violence and, ultimately, failure - BY JEFF CR0UERE
Read FullHere is exactly how the trap is being set for the world to ‘step into’ the ultimate tyranny and mass depopulation scheme - BY SD WELLS
Read FullI am not talking about who is destroying the planet, but who is allowing a system to be destroyed that is the hope of the planet. - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read FullJohnathon Lesser: "Airhead AOC says the U.S. will end in eight years and racism caused climate issues. The communista has no facts behind a thing she claims." - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThe founding generation believed that for republican government to survive, decision makers (including voters) should be free from the undue influence of others. - BY ROB NATELSON
Read FullThe Left’s strategy in its political war is to win the culture war — by belittling opposing viewpoints and personages to the point of removing economic... - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullFor more details, you can log onto legislature.idaho.gov where you will find bills, committee recordings, and live stream videos... - BY REP. VITO BARBIERI
Read FullCritical race theory curriculum tells students that they fall into one of two categories – the oppressed or the oppressor – based solely on the color... - BY KIMBERLY HERMANN
Read FullFacebook in so many ways has become more powerful than your government and people that you elect to represent you to make decisions based on policy. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullStates can and already are using an important constitutional tool to resist and rein in the escalating unconstitutional abuses coming from Joe Biden and Congress. - BY LIBERTY SENTINEL
Read FullWe still have a chance of undoing the coup, and restoring our Constitutional Republic without firing a shot. Let’s take it! - BY THOMAS WIGAND
Read FullDavid Horowitz’s new book reveals a totalitarian movement that’s destroying America. - BY JAMES D. HILL
Read FullThe “solutions” proposed would in the main cause massive economic pain and expense for little or no environmental benefit. - BY DR. JAY LEHR
Read FullMayer John Lee: "“Like President Ronald Reagan and President Donald Trump, I’ve seen firsthand how the Democrat Party has changed—radically, and not for the better.” - BY STEVEN
Read Full...retired police Sgt. Mike McGrew discusses the relentless assault on America’s law-enforcement community and the toll it is taking on police and deputies nationwide. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read Full