Calling climate change an existential planetary threat and attempting to attain zero net emissions without having to prove necessity is about locking in massive government control... - BY PETER MURPHY
Read FullLittle and the State Board of Education should investigate Coeur d’Alene’s radical program. The public should hold accountable school board members who approved of this pernicious agenda. - BY ANNA
Read FullA unanimous Supreme Court ruled Monday that thousands of people living in the U.S. for humanitarian reasons are ineligible to apply to become permanent residents. - BY MARK SHERMAN
Read Full...Pentagon’s senior leadership needs to remember the evolutionary history of America’s military... they no longer hear it, as they dance to the political tune of woke. - BY LEE CARY
Read FullWhy is the Pentagon under Joe Biden allowing foreign enemies to construct airfields in the United States? - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullScience is fairly often corrected, That condition does not pertain in climate science, where errors are embedded in a political narrative and criticism is suppressed. - BY RUPERT DARWALL
Read FullThis is what these late-night comedians do. They use their pulpit to trash anyone and anything that they disagree with and call it comedy. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullAccording to a study of 96 countries by U.K.-based technology firm Comparitech, China has been ranked the world’s worst offender for its invasive use of biometric data, - BY VERONIKA KYRYLENKO
Read FullMr. Brunson discusses the power to fund the United States without taxation and the FACT that promoting socialism IS a felony. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullAfter 5 years, News Break is “The Nation’s #1 Intelligent Local News App,” getting to #1 spots on both Google Play and Apple Store... - BY JENNIFER ZENG AND HANNAH
Read FullThe problem, then, is neither white nor black privilege. The real problem is white and black elitists who excel at making fools out of everyday Americans. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullUnder Trump, we had re-established our economic dominance in the world. Now it’s all reversed. Guess who’s back in the driver’s seat? - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullColor revolutions and the war on America are expensive, and the corporations that rely on cheap Chinese communist labor to manufacture their goods need Trump OUT. - BY LINDA GOUDSMIT
Read FullThe emails were obtained through several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests made by mainstream news agencies like Buzzfeed News and the Washington Post. - BY ARSENIO TOLEDO
Read FullG. Edward Griffin, Richard Mack, Sam Bushman, Alex Newman and JBS CEO Bill Hahn discuss saving America - VIDEOGRAPHY BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullWhy do you think Tom Luna and his corrupt cronies felt the need to publish their attack piece on Ammon today? - BY DIEGO RODRIQUEZ
Read Full...Winder insulted conservative Idahoans this week when he told the City Club of Boise that the IFF is the “biggest threat to democracy” the state faces. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullA new batch of emails from ICAN exposes a very duplicitous Anthony Fauci. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThe bottom line is that inflation will almost certainly be a more heavily emphasized tool for financing the federal government than in the past, - BY GARY BENOIT
Read Full"Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death." "The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used." - BY KELLEIGH
Read FullThe more the West cripples itself in a quest to make sparkly green-electrons that stop the storms, the richer the Russians will get. - BY JOANNA NOVA
Read Full...sowing mistrust in western vaccines by sensationalizing safety concerns, making “unfounded links between shots and deaths in Europe”, and promoting Russian and Chinese vaccines as superior. - BY DENISE SIMONE
Read FullThe treacherous actions of top military leaders over the past four years reflect the dangerous influence acquired by the CFR during a century of subversion. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullThe federal and state governments are now a machine of tyranny with no regard for their responsibility of representing people. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullPaul Craig Roberts: "...regulatory agencies, health bureaucracies, medical associations, state governors, media, and Big Pharma have acted to prevent any alternative to a vaccine,” - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullBSU has once again shown that college and university elites, aided by their friends in the media, will stop at nothing to keep indoctrinating Idaho students. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullThe Legislature adjourned without addressing one of the most pressing issues before us this session – emergency powers reform. Unfortunately, the majority party was not... - BY REP. ROB CHASE
Read FullNot because of the ignorance of the young, but because whoever has them has the adults of tomorrow, and can flatter himself that he is lord... - BY LEE CARY
Read FullTrump was clearly fascinated by the idea. He should be. It’s a game-changer for Trump, for the GOP, for Congress, for America. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read Full...the Supreme Court reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, finding immigration judges do not have to explicitly state that an asylum seeker’s story is not credible... BY MATTHEW VADUM
Read FullAPI has adopted the most radical, least evidence-based, most extreme position held by alarmists – that the combustion of fossil fuels is a threat to civilization. - BY COLLISTER JOHNSON
Read FullThe US faces a problem of over-sexualizing children, particularly in schools. We will pay a price. What’s next? Pedophilia? We have enough amorality with Hollywood. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThe battle against socialism “has got to be fought politically, intellectually, and spiritually; we've got to understand that we’re in a battle, between good and evil. - BY TREVOR LOUDON
Read Full...Deaths from the vaccine may rise further in the fall and winter months if the vaccine triggers an antibody-dependent enhancement in the immune system, increasing... DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read Full...Democrats are rushing to pass their election overhaul bill (SR1) in the Senate, which will legalize all the voter fraud tactics used in the last election. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullIdaho National Guard were facilitating Panhandle Health in administering vaccines for covid-19 at middle school. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full