Have you been told about the Revolutionaries, Terrorists, Marxists and Traitors that developed this genocidal critique of white people and the West as a whole? - BY DAVE REILLY
Read Full...over time, our system has been corrupted and perverted to the point now that justice is a crapshoot. Sometimes you get it, sometimes you don’t. - BY DIEGO RODRIQUEZ
Read FullThe United States of America declared its independence on July 4, 1776. More than 240 years later, that independence is being threatened like never before. - BY MITCHELL SHAW
Read FullThey are not even hiding their agenda anymore because apparently it no longer matters whether or not people see what is really happening. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullBoycotting Hollywood, mainstream media, big tech, woke corporations, Fauci loving medical establishment, Pharmaceutical industry, failed educational system would save the American people time, money, and aggravation. - BY JEFF CROUERE
Read FullOur spiritual weakness, our commitment to compromising to win, and our ignorance of the philosophical ideologies of the American Founders is the problem. - BY ROBERT PECK
Read FullIt sounds like California’s train to nowhere project. We have billions of dollars’ worth more of those projects planned. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullGovernor Little either will help stop the indoctrination of America’s youth, as DeSantis is trying to do, or he’ll be an accomplice in keeping it going. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullThe former VP clearly agrees that the incursion at the capitol was an “insurrection.” - BY WARNER TODD HUSTON
Read FullIdaho’s State Board of Education (SBOE) gives the public smokescreens, pretending to offer “value neutral” education but really endorsing the viewpoint of social justice. - BY ANNA MILLER
Read FullBased on a meta-analysis of 18 randomized controlled trials, ivermectin produces large statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, time to viral clearance. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullClimate change, COVID-19, and LGBTQ movement are modern examples of politicized science. A story from the past serves as a warning to our present course. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullThere is no science supporting the irrational fear of human extinction due to climate change. Fear of extinction is mass hysteria. - BY DAVID WOJICK, Ph.D.
Read Full...he never suffered fools well, always spoke his mind, and cared far more about serving the nation well than what people thought about him. - BY STEVE BUCCI
Read FullFor private property owners, keep an eye on your local planning and zoning decisions and comprehensive plans, this is where conservation principles are inserted. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullDocuments made available in a federal lawsuit demonstrate that Big Tech has an agreement with the U.S. government to censor American citizens. - BY PUBLISHER MONTANA DAILY GAZETTE
Read Full...if you want a healthy environment, listen closely to environmental extremists’ prescriptions — then do exactly the opposite. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullTruth has never been a left-wing value. Truth is nothing more than whatever the left says it is at any given moment. - BY DENNIS PRAGER
Read FullParents need to start paying attention and identify teachers who are dedicated to standing up for student’s rights. Teachers should support education—not indoctrination. - BY ANNA MILLER
Read FullAccording to a list of Big Tech employee political donations, Netflix is one of the most extreme, left-wing companies. - BY WARNER TODD HUSTON
Read Full...Facebook could be held liable if sex traffickers use the platform to prey on children, arguing the social media website isn’t a “lawless no-man’s-land.” - BY JACK PHILLIPS
Read FullEVs can never be produced in the numbers the government wants because of a lack of necessary rare earth minerals held hostage in China. - BY JAY LEHR
Read Full...she plans to concentrate on the fraudulent, invented, mysterious causes of illegal immigration. We all know this administration is the cause of illegal immigration. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullCitizen patriots, including some courageous governors and legislators, are rising to fight back against the divisive, racist, Marxist ideology that seeks to subvert America’s students... - BY CLARE M. LOPEZ
Read FullDr. Peter McCullough: ...the FDA and CDC are now covering up tragic numbers of deaths caused by their experimental mRNA injections. - BY LEO HOHMANN
Read FullIt has become the biggest threat to national security in the US, as Google keeps using its power to impose more control building more power. - BY JOSEPH FARAH
Read Full...about $66 billion was spent on wind and solar in Texas, while collecting about $21.7 billion in local, state, and federal subsidies and incentives. - BY ROBERT BRYCE
Read FullTrillions have been spent as government size and power mushroomed, and a whole segment of population has come under its controll...in the name of compassion. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read Full...1,000 cases of heart inflammation, or myocarditis and pericarditis, in young adults (age 16 and up) since April 2021, following a dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine... - BY ANNALISA PESEK
Read FullOn 23 June 2021 Joe Biden made a thinly veiled threat to use “F-15s and nuclear weapons” against Americans who resist his lies and unconstitutional orders. - BY GENE VAN SHAAR
Read Full...another indication that the FBI has become an enforcement arm of the Biden regime’s imposition of Cultural Marxism on the nation. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullFor the progressive socialist left, these are the “good” Blacks, those who embrace their ideological agenda, to the detriment of their own people. - BY ALLEN WEST
Read FullThat view is naïve, arrogant, and almost always incorrect. Chinese leaders of the communist variety often talk “friendship” but are ruthlessly pragmatic, and often just ruthless. - BY GORDON CHANG
Read Full...there's never been a better time to get Idaho back on track toward embracing the freedoms that made America the greatest country there ever was. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read Full“It’s clear after two votes on the born alive legislation that abortion extremists in the Oregon Legislature think infanticide is a partisan issue. 78% of Oregonians disagree,” BY LAURA
Read FullThe government has no business directing any aspect of education. Public schools should be phased out in favor of private alternatives. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
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