All types of people manage to get elected to local government. Great.. bad...mediocre, and some of them are just weirdos. - BY GLENN MORGAN
Read FullBiden is also preparing to bring back Obama’s Waters of the US (WOTUS) rule that will impose federal zoning on millions of acres of private land. - BY BONNER COHEN
Read convenient and how coincidental that more than $100,000 of public money from the House legal fund has been spent to “investigate” Bedke’s political rival... - BY HAZAFI POLGÁR
Read FullDespite several legislative working groups meeting over the last couple of summers and many bills reform that helps taxpayers in the short term is evident. - BY FRED BIRNBAUM
Read FullBehind the Vaccine Veil: Doctor cites ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC who claim injections have already killed 50,000 Americans. - BY LEO HOHMANN
Read would expect that if you have no moral case for fossil fuels, you weaponize weather in an effort to promote Green Fraud for a path... - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read FullThe only mystery is whether the GOP has learned anything under Democrat tyranny. We’ll see. - BY JEFFREY A. RENDALL
Read FullThe ruling comes nearly two weeks after a Wisconsin judge ruled similarly regarding a suit brought by a dozen white farmers insisting that they be included... - BY ANDREW TRUNSKY
Read FullPresident Joe Biden called Facebook and other social media companies “killers” for failing to slow the spread of misinformation about vaccines. - BY NANDITA BOSE
Read FullBy the end of this well-reasoned book, one feels the need to join Ells in the battle to save families, communities, and nations. - BY GENE VAN SHAAR
Read FullState officials who are insisting that they’re unable to get involved because they have some kind of penitent for limited government are simply being dishonest. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullSo what’s next? A real pandemic that will do damage that people can see with their eyes this time? Don’t put it past them. - BY MAC SLAVO
Read FullAs with conditions everywhere, solar and wind simply don’t provide reliable”baseload” power — i.e., electricity that can be generated around the clock. - BY LARRY BELL
Read FullFrom the very start, the entire pandemic has been nothing but a globally coordinated PCR testing fraud. Even Dr. Fauci admits the fraud. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullThe current, bumpy negotiations aimed at preventing the Iranian regime from developing nuclear weapons are among the Biden administration's highest priorities. - BY HANY GHORABA
Read FullCoeur d’Alene is in the process of implementing SEL curriculum in every public school throughout the district. - BY ANNA MILLER
Read FullThe days of the easy-going silent majority are over. It’s time to raise your voice and take action on all fronts. - BY JACK GLEASON
Read FullData analysis has shown that for community-based people younger than 60, it is lower than the lethality of flu for those over 65. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullThese corporations and their billionaire execs are “global citizens that funded Joe Biden and view his “old friend” Xi Jinping as an ally in... - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullMy Americanism is individualism and exceptionalism. The Green New Deal is designed to destroy those. solve the problem is getting over the target. -BY JOE BASARDI
Read FullA large part of the president’s $2.3 trillion wish list is devoted to harebrained social engineering and poorly defined political goals. - BY DENISE SIMON
Read FullBrzezinski proffers a viscous narrative against Trump and Republicans and then produces the exonerating evidence clearly establishing that she is … lying. - BY LARRY HORIST
Read FullThis “vaccine” is a disaster. As a matter of fact, it’s not a vaccine. It’s an untested, rushed-to-production, “experimental” shot approved “for emergency use only.” - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullIt isn’t just the kneeling. The women’s soccer team is there representing a violent communist movement funded by very white George Soros — Black Lives Matter. - BY M.
Read FullA full day of great music, delicious food and enjoyment for all ages. Be edified by some of the most profound local speakers of the day on the current state...
Read Full...these Marxist human rights groups have been empowered to destroy the American people using our own laws against us for deculturalization, denationalization and decolonization. - BY VICKY DAVIS
Read Full...companies like Google and Twitter limit the speech of their favored candidates’ political opponents and act as a powerful force multiplier for big government and... - BY FRED BIRNBAUM
Read FullProponents of the initiative say it will make Oregon a “sanctuary state” for animals and hope other states will follow Oregon’s example. - BY BONNER COHEN Ph. D.
Read FullUniversal preschool will drive up costs of early education, restrict parental choice, and harm childhood development. - BY ANNA K. MILLER AND NIKLAS KLEINWORTH
Read FullWe Must Use Practical Rationality To Resolve Salmon Passage Up And Downstream - BY RONALD M. HARRIMAN
Read FullThe French Revolution was the prototype, which was followed by the Russian, Chinese, Cuban, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Ethiopian, Mozambiquan, Angolan, and Zimbabwe Revolutions and many others. - BY DR. PETER
Read FullAs the top commenter under the NFL ad on YouTube put it, “I don’t [sic] think the NFL realizes who their audience [is].” - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullThe witch hunt is on. The federal government prepares to send out “health ambassadors” and “public health workers” into communities and neighborhoods across the US. - BY LANCE B. JOHNSON
Read FullHerndon speaks about Abolish Abortion Idaho, his campaign for Idaho Senate, the possible redistricting that may play an outcome role and an issue with Sandpoint. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full“Get US Out! of NAFTA & Stop the USMCA,” which as its title suggests, is intended to accomplish just that and in-turn eliminating the blueprint and framework... - BY CHRISTIAN GOMEZ
Read FullPeople learn the truth too late, after experimenting on their bodies. The truth is, hormones and surgeries are destructive and fail to change gender/sex. - BY WALT HEYER
Read Full