Each of Idaho’s students is unique and deserves the ability to choose the educational environment that best serves that student’s needs, desires, and goals. - BY KAITLYN SHEPHERD
Read FullThe frustration for police must be terrible. I know a left wing person who had to move out of Seattle. She couldn’t take it any longer. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullBrandon Weichert: “The Pentagon is finding that these critical systems are being drained faster than they can be replaced by our ailing manufacturing base,” - BY PHILIP LENCZYCKI
Read FullPlease view and share the 5-minute energy literacy briefing video - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullBut apparently there isn’t anyone left in mainstream journalism interested in the truth when it comes to election issues—just regime flunkies paid to criticize D’Souza... - BY HANS VON SPAKOVSKY
Read Full...Americans must understand that the Great Reset is being enforced through your local city council, county commission, state legislature, and federal edict. It can be stopped... - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullRobert Owens provides some talking points that can coax others into seeing the other side of the discussion. - BY JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY STAFF
Read FullThis is a total decline, destruction and collapse of America- happening at a speed none of us has ever seen. This is “the Biden Blitzkrieg.” -BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullIn Washington State (just like in Federal Elections), it is illegal to have foreign countries, foreign citizens, or foreign corporations fund your political campaigns. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullSchool boards across the state could and should refuse to accept or spend Legislature-appropriated federal funds to impede the president’s leverage over their schools. - BY NICKLAS KLEINWORTH
Read FullLeftists may not realize that many in the military are also gun rights supporters...his will not end well for anti-gun authoritarians. - BY BRANDON SMITH
Read FullDemocrats are successful in allowing people from all over the world to come in illegally. Then they allow them to take jobs from Americans. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullWhen Brooks pressed his claims of voter fraud and pushed for tighter election laws, guest host Smith countered that there'd been "no evidence or proof provided" - BY JOSEPH FARAH
Read FullWe can turn this around, but we must eliminate every vestige of the Marxian evil....All we need is awake, aware, and willing to be active patriots - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullIt’s still ultimately up to us whether we stand by the political legacy of 1776 or go down the authoritarian path of our neighbors. - BY JARRETT STEPMAN
Read FullWith crime rising and the number of police officers declining, its becoming unsafe for average Americans, especially those who live in urban areas overrun with violence. - BY JEFF CROUERE
Read FullResistance can come in many forms. The bottom line is we must resist federal overreach. The Constitution will not – and can not – enforce itself. - BY MIKE MAHARREY
Read FullIf you listen to the conservative pundits, they have the excuses for Biden’s actions. And, they are false. Find out why in this episode of Activate. - BY ART THOMPSON
Read FullMost NASCAR fans don’t agree with this, but the suits like it. Boycotts are not American, but let the letter writing begin! - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullAbortion giant Planned Parenthood tweeted “It’s okay to have multiple abortions” while remaining silent on what abortion actually is. - BY CLARE MARIE MERKOWSKY
Read FullPeople should realize that mandated “renewable” energy is a Trojan horse inexorably linked to ending private ownership of transportation, housing, and just about everything else. - BY DUGGAN FLANAKIN
Read FullWe covered two segments in this interview last week. We will post the 2nd segment later this week. - BY GLENN MORGAN
Read FullWhy should we believe that Congress or citizens would magically follow new laws any more than present laws? - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullDebate on Sat. June 17th between Eric Minor, WA State Director of COS and Leah Southwell, Western Regional Field Director for The John Birch Society. - BY ROB CHASE
Read FullCDC and the NY Times did something highly unusual. While everything else on this website is up to date, they simply cut off the 2 graphs... - BY MERYL NASS
Read FullNow the Lord is the Spirit. And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. — 2 Corinthians 3:17 - BY D. J. KENNEDY MINISTRIES
Read FullWhy the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee so stringently vets their candidates they endorse and voters support their success in that process. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullMany prevention strategies and simple, inexpensive treatments are ignored and not used for the fact they do not generate income for the doctors - BY DR JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullThe Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology revealed that gun owners use their legally owned firearms to defend themselves an average of 1,884,348 times per year. - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read FullSeveral heroes emerged from the tragedy of the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting Tuesday in which a gunman shot and killed 19 children and two teachers. - BY LAUREL DUGGAN
Read FullSociety will become more egalitarian, the planet will heal, and a Utopian Society will be created. “You will own nothing and be happy.” - BY DAVID REAVILL
Read Full...Biden has been handed the baton for Plandemic 2.0, which will include its own set of scam jabs and possibly many of the same oppressive restrictions - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullIn this administration’s universe, perhaps conflating words with deeds—emphasizing meetings convened rather than actions undertaken—is seen as expressions of strength. It’s doubtful Xi Jinping would agree. - BY DEAN CHENG
Read FullThe absurdities are breathtaking. Let’s take them one at a time. - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read FullJudicial Watch filed a federal lawsuit to prevent Illinois election officials from extending Election Day for 14 days beyond the date established by federal law. - BY JUDICIAL WATCH STAFF
Read Full...“liberal” women are more likely than their conservative sisters to have mental illness, inspired one writer to ask Wednesday, “Does leftist ideology create tangible psychiatric issues?” - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read Full