Climate is indeed changing. It always has and always will. No man-made governmental climate edicts will materially affect this planetary reality. - BY PETER MURPHY
Read FullIn a separate Judicial Watch election lawsuit against Illinois, a federal court ruled in June 2021 that the lawsuit could proceed against Illinois officials for denying... - BY JUDICIAL WATCH STAFF
Read FullThe U.S. government can’t borrow and spend forever. The scheme will come to an inauspicious end. It’s just a matter of time. - BY MIKE MAHARREY
Read FullIn my experience, widespread gun ownership keeps a people safe from crime — and the far more deadly threat of government tyranny. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullResearch groups for China’s hypersonics and missile program are buying specialized American technology produced by firms funded by the Pentagon, according to a Washington Post investigation. -BY DENISE SIMON
Read FullBloomberg: "...underinvestment in refining capacity and refinery closures and operation disruptions have all contributed to the scarcity of refined oil products this year but especially diesel." - BY
Read FullApparently, the NFL is using a prophylactic, as well as a remedy, but it also prevents you from testing positive and needing to quarantine. - BY ANN BARNHARDT
Read FullLofty dilettantes the Democrats are not! Why, then, are Republicans not calling them out as the party of sexual-offenders-by-proxy, of violent criminals, outlaws, and scofflaws? - BY ILANA MERCER
Read FullShrill, alarmist cries of climate extremists must be confronted and doused with sound reason. This, for the sake of the children and everyone’s peace of mind. - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullMusk has previously stated that he did not support permanent blacklisting and would remove lifetime bans for anyone that had received one. - BY RICH MITCHELL
Read FullWhy does NIAID, under Dr. Fauci’s leadership, continue to send American taxpayer monies, through cut-out NGOs like EHA, for research in China? Why not America? - BY LAURENCE
Read FullIncluding the alien population in apportionment unfairly and unjustly alters political representation in the House and devalues the votes of citizens. - BY HANS VON SPAKOFSKY
Read FullYou may still own something. You may not be happy yet. Hang on to your wallet — it’s going to be an even wilder ride ahead. - BY ALEX
Read FullRepublicans must end their fixation with abiding by the Marquess of Queensberry rules while Democrats fight bare-knuckled, mixed-martial arts style - BY JEFF CROUERE
Read FullIf there's ever been proof the government should't be in the education business, it’s the latest results from standardized tests and government officials’ reaction to them. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullAn investigation is ongoing to determine the cause of the fire, which is just one of many that have occurred in recent months, also under mysterious circumstances. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullWill Inslee stop breaking the law now that the Washington State Executive Ethics Board is investigating his past lawbreaking? That remains to be seen. - BY GLENN MORGAN
Read FullThe climate crisis! Save our planet! Stop using fossil fuels! The ranting never ends. Their rants and demands aren’t about climate change. They’re about control. - BY PAUL DRIESSEN
Read FullElon Musk, chief executive of Tesla and SpaceX, said he acquired Twitter to allay political polarization, which he argued has been fueled by traditional media. - BY GILLIAN RICHARDS
Read FullA new whistleblower document obtained by Project Veritas reveals that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is targeting election “crimes” relating to “misinformation” and “disinformation” before the midterms. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullIn time the barriers and high costs for all green plans become more visible to more observers. Likely conflicts over supplies are unlikely to be resolved. - BY DAVID BOLENEUS, MBA, ME
Read FullAdvances in human prosperity require more energy. Yet the electricity required in our computerized world's been ignored by leftist idiots desiring to eliminate fossil fuels... -BY DR. JAY LEHR
Read FullThe Idaho House in 2022 overwhelmingly passed House Bill 675 to ban the gender transitions of children only to be stopped by anti-conservative leadership in the Senate. - BY NIKLAS KLEINWORTH
Read FullAmericans' overwhelming message to Republican elites like Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, and Lindsey Graham must be crystal clear: Carry out voters' wishes or step aside. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullIt’s a fairly long article, but well worth reading through for a summary of where we’ve been — and where we’re headed. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullMany of those fired in the City were police officers and firefighters. But, all over the state nurses, doctors, pilots...people were fired based on a lie. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullLarry Svestka: "“The divide's here to stay because the damage that caused it has already been done. Nothing can put that genie back in its bottle.” - BY SELWYN
Read FullFrom suicidal U.S. policies on China to the subversive efforts to undermine America’s system of government, this key White House official breaks it all down. - BY LIBERTY SENTINEL STAFF
Read FullTwenty terrorists were caught at the border last month. There is little doubt that our enemies are sending people to destroy us. Wake up, America. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThree of the patients who were completely blind prior to the study achieved 20/20 vision after the procedure. - BY ADAM HOUSER
Read Full...lawsuit claims that remdesivir was repurposed for use in treating the Fauci Flu, despite the fact that it was determined to be terminally toxic to the kidneys. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullBlack Lives Haven’t Mattered for Long by the Racist Democrats – They Ran Slavery and the KKK! - BY STEVEN NEILL
Read FullToday’s level of prejudice and passion ‘against’ the American people might be respected by Russia’s Pravda but it's abhorrent to we who expect a Free Press. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full“I am shocked by the malfeasance,” Malone says about the CDC’s plan of action. “I have no trust left in our public health. It is broken.” - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read Full80 young doctors in Canada have died since the vax rollout. -BY STEVE KIRSCH
Read FullThe federal government today is a zombie version of the government described by supporters of the Constitution during ratification. - BY TJ MARTINELL
Read Full