The Capitol Switchboard is (202) 224-3121 call your Representative to demand they vote “AYE” on the entire Rules package when it comes before the House today. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullDeveloping nations should ignore the climate cabal’s far-Left, ideological anti-fossil-fuel crusade that's hindering economic development, and making Western kids and parents emotionally distraught. - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullH. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D.: “Under constitutional federalism, states and private landowners alone should have sole control over waters on their lands, The CWA should not apply.” - BY LINNEA
Read FullAP takes millions from groups leveraged in green investments to promote the need for green investments. - BY DANIEL GREENFIELD
Read FullInalienable rights have now been stripped, With no boundaries, everything becomes unrecognizable, what does America stand for? What is the picture being colored? - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read Full“Carbon Dioxide is Essential for Life.” The problem is the battle is not based on logic and facts easy to see. They are hidden from the public. - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read FullIt’s a dangerous and, frankly, fascist way of looking at the economy. ...Kentucky and other states are seeing through the facade and taking steps against it. - BY JAMES MURPHY
Read FullTonight, January 5th, DeSantis ran ads on Fox’s Tucker Carlson's and Laura Ingram's shows with a pitch targeting Idaho legislators an Article V Term Limits Convention. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullDaniel Horowitz: “Every single major budget bill that passed under McCarthy’s leadership as floor leader...was passed with more Democrat support than Republican support.” - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThe lawsuit isn’t about the election, it’s about Congress’ unwillingness to investigate claims that it was fraudulent. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullOutrageously, 18 so-called Republican “turncoat” senators crossed the aisle to side with the left-wing Democrats to bloat our government to never-before-seen heights of wild spending. - BY WARNER TODD HUSTON
Read FullIf Little won’t follow DeSantis’s example and find out how much money's being spent on DEI initiatives in Idaho’s colleges/universities, conservative lawmakers must step up... - BY IFF STAFF
Read FullAlthough the disintegration of ESG as an investment strategy became unmistakable in 2022, its existence as political doctrine will continue until it's challenged and defeated politically. - BY RUPERT DARWALL
Read FullRarely is there such an incredibly well-documented cluster of factual information that's consumable in relatively short time as Alex Newman's expose’ on the ‘Deep State’ ... - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullLava Ridge Wind Project could encompass 400 wind turbines across 73,000 acres of BLM's Magic Valley land putting a lot of farmers out of business. – BY GABRIELLA HOFFMAN
Read FullA session that respects the constitutionally-protected rights of Idahoans, leaves more money in our wallets, and ends state-sanctioned wokeism would be measured a success... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullAs patriots we must back our local sheriffs and encourage them to protect our Constitution and the rule of law. We need to support conservatives. - BY JACK GLEASON
Read FullFor a century, children have been fed the belief in moral relativism, political correctness, gender-bending, and pedophilia as just another way of “showing love”, history rewritten... - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullThe comprehensive and well articulated explanation of our current circumstances from Flynn and Cutlers' new book, “Rules for Defeating Radicals,” are invaluable. - BY CHRISTOPHER G. ADAMO
Read FullThe Times article begins by describing Trump’s platform as a “a vibrant right-wing ecosystem increasingly brimming with activity.” - BY REED COOPER
Read FullImposing school mask mandates smacks of, in the least, criminal negligence. And tolerated fatal stupidity will kill a civilization. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read Full...more than 50 public libraries rejected a Kirk Cameron story hour featuring his new children’s book, even though they allow drag queen story hours... - BY GARY RANDALL MINISTRIES
Read FullObscene Materials in Children’s Library Books / Early Sexualization of Children is Detrimental. This is a most importnat speaking event that needs attending. - BY KCRWF
Read FullTaxpayer-funded Kootenai County libraries are promoting vile and corrosive materials to local children.... This propagandizing, distortion and sexualization of children is toxic and must stop. - BY MARIANNA COCHRAN
Read FullThe UN and WEF are winning, and probably laughing at how many young people have been duped into adopting their ideology over the Constitution. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read Full“The Common Core Debacle,” argued that these “shocking trends” indicate the nation needs to reevaluate any federal involvement in education. - BY DUGGAN FLANAKIN
Read FullThe battle lines have been clearly drawn between those who favor the security of slavery and those who are determined to fight for their freedom... - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullClaims that climate change is killing more people are refuted by hard data which shows a significant decline in weather and temperature related deaths. - BY HEARTLAND INSTITUTE
Read FullHe has all the buzzwords memorized, but he’s a monster. Levine isn’t stupid, IMHO. He knows he shouldn’t be doing this to small children and teens. - BY M DOWLING
Read FullThe power the media had and utilized to continue promoting the Obama agenda without questioning really, any of it, has been exposed for all to see. - BY JOE MILLER
Read FullThough the library encourages parents to read and review books before signing up children for the Book Club, they've provided no warning of the book's content. - BY HEATHER G
Read FullIf you have been vaccinated, you'll not like this and it will upset you. The truth is the truth. I don’t want to stress you out... BY BEN ARMSTONG
Read FullWe are watching people around the world erupt. They see the writing on the wall and have decided that they aren’t going to take it anymore. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullThe report shows then-House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving...succumbed to political pressures from Speaker Pelosi's office and House Democrat leadership leading to January 6, 2021. - BY PATTY McMURRAY
Read FullThey’re going after veterans’ guns again, parents who have guns, and establishing anti-gun programs. - BY M DOWLING
Read FullThe more we get from government the more closely we are to living in socialism where our freedoms and enterprises are slowly strangulated. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full