The promoters of these bills are hoping the legislature does not take a hard look at their "Fluoride Science” and that the mention of societal inequalities... - BY STEVE DUINHAM
Read FullWhile Utah and Iowa lawmakers have passed robust education choice legislation, Idahoans are legitimately asking why nothing has emerged so far during Idaho’s legislative session. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullAlex discusses everything from the sexualization and indoctrination of children to the deliberate dumbing down of the nation. -BY THE LIBERTY SENTINEL STAFF
Read FullThe current vaccines aren't infection-blocking, not broad, when new variants come up, you lose protection, they have very short duration, particularly in old people.” - BY MICHAEL NEVRADAKIS, Ph.D.
Read FullWe are watching people around the world erupt. They see the writing on the wall and have decided that they aren’t going to take it anymore. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullWhat we do know is that the increased support from the U.S. and NATO allies may very well bring about a direct conflict with Russia. - BY DAVID KELLY
Read Full...EV charging stations are often unreliable...public charging data found that 43 percent of chargers...had connection issues , were out of order or longer charging time. - BY DUGGAN FLANAGAN
Read Full...dismantle the State Board of Education entirely, and make ALL Education Boards in the State, Including University regents, elected rather than appointed. - BY NORTH IDAHO SLOW GROWTH RESEARCH
Read FullCommunism/socialism have always had a much easier time of subverting nations with only a central government as opposed to those with multiple layers of civil government. - BY STEVE DUNHAM
Read FullMatt Gaetz shares inciteful comments on the Deep States’ preferences regarding our next Presidential candidates and how corrupt oligarchs operate in Washington, DC. - BY STEVE BANNON
Read FullThe latest Project Veritas undercover videos are bombshell. We were right about it all. Yesterday’s conspiracy “theory” is today’s reality. - BY PAMELA GELLER
Read FullDirect TV already removed conservative channel OANN and want Fox News removed. Meanwhile, 22 liberal/leftist stations remain. Democrats in Congress demanded it be taken down. - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full...high-level CCP officials mainly rely on organ transplants—sourced from young and healthy people—to extend their lives as well as national-level experts. - BY HENG HE
Read FullPresident Trump will clinch the GOP presidential nomination…beat DeSantis or any other challenger by 50 points or more…and become the instant formidable frontrunner... - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullBirx dishonestly and illegally changed the guidance and instructions issued by people senior to her, in particular those of President Trump. - BY BONCHIE
Read likely already know that the claim that manmade climate change is an existential threat to mankind is probably the greatest hoax in recorded history. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullThese are marginal, unsecured homes managed by for profit corporations with minimal supervision and apparently legal immunity. What could go wrong? - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullThe Inland Northwest is a hot bed of activity and is HIGHLY important in the ongoing cultural wars. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThomas Lifson: “What does Harley-Davidson have to offer aside from a bad boy image connected to loud exhaust pipes and the buy-American preferences of motorcycle gangs clubs?” - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullThe essence, the core, the heart and soul of Progressivism is a lie. It’s based, bolstered and attended by lies. - BY CHARLES MARTEL
Read FullIdaho Education Association president Layne McInelly admitted that the labor union is helping push radical leftist ideology into our classrooms through teacher training sessions. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullDeath panels were legally restored on November 23 by the HHS Secretary. That fact led me down a rabbit hole to discover how this could be. - BY STEVE SCHARA
Read FullBig Media & Democrats spew out lies by the truckload. We haven’t heard or read THIS Big Lie for some time...Let’s arm ourselves with facts. - BY DIANE L.
Read FullBiden is easy for the Dems to destroy, because his 50-year track record of criminal activity is an open secret in Washington. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullMitchell was unafraid to risk his reputation and career for the good of the military and the nation. Today’s DoD has no such hero amongst senior leaders. BY JOHN
Read FullDid you know there are conspiring efforts between some in our own Idaho government and pseudo-private businesses to strip the rights of a fellow Idahoan? - BY IDAHO IDAHO
Read FullDeSantis..., has done nothing to penalize school boards in violation of the law DeSantis pushed and signed banning efforts to push racial, gender or sex indoctrination. - BY ROGER STONE
Read FullCorporate media, left-wing activists at Reclaim Idaho, and the state’s education establishment have seized upon the term “voucher” to scare families away from supporting school choice. - BY BRIAN ALMON
Read FullOppose SJM 8000 and all other pro-Article V convention resolutions and to instead consider nullification as a safe and constitutional means to limit government. - BY JBS STAFF
Read FullGuard your children closely, don’t let them fall prey to the education, health, or other systems that want to take hold of them. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullWith five terms, Obama will beat the all-time record held by the last Democrat dictator who tried to turn America into a socialist nation: FDR. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullKonstantin Kisin speaks on the reality of woke culture in a world that faces more immediate problems. Great 8.54 min. speech! - BY KR DOUGLAS
Read FullThe big medical lie – the medical system follows the Hippocratic Oath – DO NO HARM. We’ve been programmed to believe the system cares about individuals. - BY SCOTT SCHARA
Read FullThe will of the people was throttled by force. included courts and the military as well as election officials and machines programmed to cheat. - BY KAT STANELL
Read FullSchool districts are not required to notify parents that they can opt their children out of sex education under Idaho code. - BY ANNA MILLER AND SCOTT YENOR
Read FullIt’s doubtful Republicans had anything to do with planting them. That can be attributed to Biden. It looks like Obama’s fingerprints are all over this. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read Full