Having left no stone — real or imagined — unturned in their frenzy to dump Trump, they are now facing the fact that he is still doing well and they
Read Full“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them,” observed 1984 author George Orwell.
Read FullOne thing is certain: As the IoT continues to emerge, the days and years ahead will continue to show a shift in the way people view privacy
Read FullAnyone who can’t see even one of these crises is in total denial. But if you deny all of them, you are either mentally ill; complicit in the destruction of
Read Full...the smartest students are figuring out that the costs of getting a formal education aren’t lining up with the value of that education.
Read FullLife is not something that should be legislated away. Life is an inalienable right the State was established to SECURE that Right.
Read FullWestern civilization is much more than a geographical area. It is more about the idea of inalienable rights and the intrinsic value of the individual.
Read Full...the entire establishment media is now desperately trying to paint Beto’s dark past as a harmless band gimmick,
Read FullThe far-left perverts and fraudsters running the website “Snopes” dishonestly styling itself a “fact-check” operation have shown yet again why they have no credibility
Read FullNow Waters is calling for an increase of more than $13 billion in federal spending over five years through the Ending Homelessness Act,
Read FullTo those who feel betrayed, understand that the president is playing the long game while Pelosi and Schumer pander to their unthinking base.
Read FullA website 'Focusing On What America Is About' for the Inland Northwest - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullIn the Shadows of the Deep State: A Century of Council on Foreign Relations Scheming for World Government,
Read FullAlex Newman is an international journalist, educator, and author, currently serving as foreign correspondent for The New American.
Read FullThe headline says it all. Our ‘wicked witch from the west’ might have learned a great deal
Read FullThe American left has made a cottage industry out of destroying masculinity. And their goal is to keep hammering American males
Read FullThis Washington State decision does put the final nail in the coffin of this deal since only one state turning thumbs down was needed to kill it. - BY RICH
Read FullThe WWF has forced cattlemen to follow radical Sustainable rules through the establishment of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef.
Read FullIt is probably impossible to do what Platte River wants to do, so it will be interesting to see how they plan to do it.
Read FullDemocrats have threatened to attack the rights of law-abiding Americans that are protected under the Second Amendment in 2019.
Read Full...Trump told reporters in the Rose Garden on Friday at the White House that he could build the wall even without congressional funding.
Read FullThese last few decades in this country have shifted the duty and honor of individual responsibility to artificial pseudo-rights and entitlements. - BY ELAINE WILLMAN
Read FullThis could be the most disgraceful speech ever by a former U.S. president. Yet the media said nothing. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullGood Americans should understand that America is about the freedom to pursue happiness, not to have it guaranteed
Read FullJust imagine a world where social media news flow would be in sync with fake news CNN, MSNBC and other mainstream media alphabet soup news networks. After two failed presidential
Read FullLet me now read you the facts of life in our nation’s capital of corruption, infested with establishment hacks of both political parties.
Read FullSome observers have suggested that the young Kim’s survival calculus may be different from that of his predecessors
Read Full...special interests, including the Natural Resources Defense Council and Center for Biological Diversity, are doing the bidding of China,
Read FullThe Obama administration has been caught lying, spying, and propagandizing. In a cosmically outrageous attempt
Read FullThe liberal media is the key to all of this. They lie with impunity on behalf of this big government cabal. They are the worst scam artists I’ve ever seen.
Read FullTropico 5 presents an engaging platform for players to craft their socialist paradise and examine the mechanics of socialist economies.
Read FullSo “Democracy is Parliament, Patriotism is Internationalism, Nationalism is Treason.” We thought the new math was bad, but, hey, The Party has spoken.
Read FullTodd and many other so-called journalists are not reporters, but seek to make sure one side wins.
Read Full(NOAA) to issue five-year permits for the lethal and non-lethal extraction of sea lions as long as the sea lion population isn’t depleted. - BY GABRIELLA HOFFMAN
Read FullPolitics in the United States is currently experiencing seismic trust issues. - BY LINDA GOUDSMIT
Read Full