I hope you enjoy the information. For more details, you can log onto legislature.idaho.gov where you will find bills, committee recordings, and live stream - BY REP. VITO BARBIERI
Read FullThe word is that the proposal is to raise the tax by as much as 10% on the state’s already-high assessment of 32 cents per gallon. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullLindell anticipates his lawsuit to reach the Supreme Court, at which time he states all of the evidence will come out and vindicate the claims... - BY WILLIAM F.. JASPER
Read FullThe world has gone completely mad. Beyond bonkers. Bat-shit crazy. And the most insane of all are the people currently in charge of everything... - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read Full'We are witnessing the greatest assault on religious freedom, biological reality, and parental rights ever seen in the U.S. Congress.' - BY CLAIRE CHRETEIN
Read FullChinese coal is not too dirty for Joe Biden, who has pledged to fully decarbonize America. The Paris climate accords...protect China’s coal industry from any sanctions. - BY DUGGAN
Read Fullthe Democrat Party's propaganda machine—NY Times, CNN, NPR, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and the rest of the presstitute whores— that comprise the new Nazi movement. - BY PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS
Read FullThe U.S. Congress was warned at least three days in advance of the capitol riots and Trump offered 10,000 National Guards before the protest... - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullWhen Republicans bend to the fashionable left-wing trends, whether it’s Green Power or trashing “McCarthyism,” it never works out well for them. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullImagine what the $663 million budget surplus looks like to big-government, tax-and-spend legislators and to government agencies who want to grow in importance and power. - BY REP. RON NATE
Read FullFor one, Dominion's suit has to prove damage of $1.3 billion. They did $120 million from 2017 to 2019. - BY FRED WEINBERG
Read FullIf the mainstream media actually told the truth, our policies and politicians, our very country itself, would be vastly different. ...Joe Biden...wouldn’t occupy the White House... - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read Full36 Democrats are reportedly demanding Biden give up control over the US nuclear codes, further reinforcing the idea that Biden is obviously not “their” president. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullThe ruling provides a template for people around the country when arrogant officials, in league with special interests, use sleight of hand to deny their rights. - BY BONNER
Read FullThe Gates are smart enough to know the vaccines, drugs, and media industries they promote are generating BILLIONS of dollars while causing BILLIONS of human casualties and tragedies. - BY TY BOLLINGER
Read FullWelcome to the business boom for smugglers of illegal migrant children. - BY JOSEPH KLEIN
Read FullAfter six weeks, the Idaho Legislature has introduced 369 bills and resolutions. Despite this significant number, only a few have passed. - BY LT. GOVERNOR JANICE MCGEACHAN
Read Full...this story is...about the abuse of political power, the disintegration of equal protection under the law, and the corruption of the decaying Washington State legal system. - BY GLEN MORGAN,
Read FullHouse Republican leaders have requested the governor provide details or define Phase 3 so we can keep our communities, businesses and schools moving forward... - BY REP. ROB CHASE
Read FullGordon Chang: "The Trump administration trade war and some level of unpredictability kept Chinese aggressions against the U.S. and the world at bay." - BY ERIC MACK
Read FullAccording to this assessment of DOJ arrest reports...Facebook is the overwhelming “winner” in the violence-spreading, hate speech-permitting social media landscape. - BY JD HEYES
Read FullChina and India not only control the supply chain of materials for solar panels, wind turbines, and EV batteries, but have the least stringent environmental controls... - BY RONALD
Read FullEven without the purge, the situation is so bad that Gen. George Washington would not be able to join today’s military. - BY LIBERTY SENTINEL STAFF
Read FullOperation Check Point uses the power of the federal government to target legal yet leftist-disfavored businesses. These include gun sellers, pawnshops, and short-term money lenders. - BY DENISE SIMON
Read FullGiven BLM's terrorist tactics — seen especially last summer — one thing is certain: America does not need what BLM can accomplish in 2021. - BY C. MITCHELL SHAW
Read FullKansas City Archbishop Joseph Naumann: “The president should stop defining himself devout Catholic, and acknowledge that his view on abortion is contrary to Catholic moral teaching.” - BY SAMUEL ALLEGRI
Read FullArt Macomber has dedicated his life to studying the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution for the State of Idaho. - PRESS RELEASE
Read FullMontana Governor Greg Gianforte: “To combat the virus, providing incentives and promoting personal responsibility are more effective than imposing impractical government mandates.” - BY RAMON TOMEY
Read FullIn the near term we need school board trustees and administrators who will focus on quality and efficiency and not just sycophants of the education union. BY KOOTENAI COUNTY GOP
Read FullThe Idaho Small Arms Protection Act...is unlike any other legislation in the country, designed to protect the owners of small arms in the United States. - BY REP. CHRISTY ZITO
Read FullOnly Rep. Ron Nate, R-Rexburg, a legislative budget writer, asked about it. Only he and Rep. Priscilla Giddings have expressed any interest...in this topic. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullVeteran investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald wants to know why the media spent "an entire month definitively affirming what appears to be a completely false story - BY ART MOORE
Read FullThe sheriff will enforce it! And the Sheriff’s department is willing to arrest any federal agents who try to enforce the regulations listed. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullNot one person has been charged with possessing or using a gun inside the Capitol. Further, no one even has been identified as carrying a gun... - BY JULIE KELLY
Read Full...when an arrogant Tech Lord feels empowered to vindictively attack a sovereign government, the tech industry must be brought to heel before stripping us of liberty. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullKelsey Bolar: ...Operation Choke Point 2.0 "would solidify what most right-of-center Americans already know: Instead of unity, Democrats want you choked from everyday life." - BY BOB UNRUH
Read Full