The press promotes scary forecasts to push the climate agenda. When forecasts fail there is no follow-up, mea culpa or retraction. They move on promoting fear. - BY
Read FullThere’s still time to stop the imposition of totalitarian control worldwide, and a key way to do so is to fight back against vaccine passports. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullWhat Democrats believe in is not “politics as usual,” it’s not “liberalism,” it’s not “progressive,” it’s not even “socialist-lite.” It’s pure evil. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullThough the evidence of widespread election fraud remains overwhelming, and Americans’ confidence in the U.S. election process remains low, Engelbrecht and others offers glimmers of hope... - BY ANNALISA
Read FullA broken government will never fix itself. It will double down every time. The enemy has long since crossed the Rubicon - BY RAY DILORENZO
Read FullRadical laws damaged policing, potentially beyond repair, and emboldened criminals. It will take a Herculean effort to make criminals retreat, while crimes... - BY JASON RANTZ
Read FullFact: Education choice programs can be designed with transparency and accountability measures in place so that parents are accountable for their expenditures. - BY KAITLYN SHEPHERD
Read FullOttawa’s predicament was brought on by an obsession with “stopping climate change,” prioritizing over real world environmental, health, economic and energy supply concerns. - BY TOM HARRIS AND DR. JAY LEHR
Read FullTo be constitutional, the unelected governor’s mask mandate would have had to be approved by the state legilsture. This applies to everyone, children, adults, everyone. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullTom DeWeese's photographer friend: “There's no similar barrier on the South Lawn, or on the sides between OEOB and Treasury.” - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full...come Election Day we’re guessing lots of voters will remember it was conservative Republicans like Gov Palin who warned them about the coming health care fascism... - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullThe announcement came during the NFL's Bills/Chiefs division playoff game. Was the administration hoping to hide it under cover of a sports event? - BY R. MITCHELL
Read FullOverall, Idaho is on track to have a $1.9B budget surplus this year, a record breaking number and one that will require careful consideration... - BY SENATOR STEVE VICK
Read FullThe “guerrilla warfare exercise” in North Carolina trains troops to combat “freedom fighters” in a scenario that resembles Civil War in America more than a foreign conflict. - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read FullThe decision comes amidst America’s grocery stores facing unprecedented shortages and bare shelves, a problem which could be exacerbated by the policy given its relevance to... - BY NATALIE WINTERS
Read FullThe Utah Jazz great calls the relationship with his alma mater "strained but not broken" over mask mandate dispute - BY STEVEN TARANTO
Read Full“What’s killing people is not covid, it’s the protocol that Dr. Fauci mandated,” Newman says. “It’s the Fauci protocols that are killing people, not the covid.” - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullThe Great Reset is a real-world fascist threat to Americans from Wall Street to Main Street. It’s happening now in policies and cultural shifts big and small... BY GLENN BECK
Read FullBiden incessantly points to climate change as a rationale for canceling domestic energy initiatives that benefit average Americans. But his arguments don’t hold up under scrutiny. - BY KEVIN MOONEY
Read FullEven though Musk originally claimed his brain chip won’t be “mandatory,” things could always change. Look at how we were lied to about the COVID-19 “vaccine.” - BY MAC
Read FullAfter two years of following along with crimes against humanity, many medical professionals clearly look like Mengele puppets now, pushing propaganda and withholding treatments that work. - BY LANCE JOHNSON
Read FullIf you want to define evil, define it as murdering a fully developed baby, just moments from birth. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullA star-studded anti-COVID mandate rally this Sunday is declaring that current COVID edicts ‘are not the American way.’ - BY EMILY MANGIARACINA
Read FullWho is now the moral authority in our community? The media, libraries, schools and the courts? Now is the time for courage. - BY BOB SHILLINGSTAD
Read FullFor legislators, how is it possible for the majority to continue ignoring documentation? Or is it because they themselves have been indoctrinated into this future world... - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullAs usual, it continues to prove that regardless of what anyone thinks justices will be like before their appointments, the resulting opinions show different results. - BY DONALD C.
Read FullThis legislative session is just getting started. Lawmakers are rocketing through Gov. Brad Little’s pricey policy agenda without much time for anyone to catch a breath. - BY WAYNE
Read FullBy refusing to comply — being “ungovernable” by tyranny — Wilmingtonians showed their “leaders” how to is the people, not their public “servants” who are in charge. - BY
Read Full...we need not ever worry that coal will be eliminated as a major energy source in the US and the world. - BY DR. JAY LEHR, ROBERT LYMAN
Read Full... the man on the white horse that would ride us out of this coronavirus crises is actually Big Pharma's biggest servant... - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullParents should do everything they can to avoid vaccinating children against COVID, since the shots could lead to devastating neurological damage and development of neurodegenerative diseases... - BY
Read FullPartnerships between government and private corporations, for the sake of political power, is more accurately called fascism, and truth and liberty always lose in that game. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullThe Biden Administration’s botched handling of C-Band 5G offerings highlights a failure of competent leadership. The WH walked back a Biden-brokered infrastructure agreement after two weeks. - BY AILAN
Read FullDems brought all this on themselves by believing they could put a senile old fool in the White House and no one would even notice. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullSolar and wind power cannot replace coal and gas at a reasonable cost. Intermittency makes solar and wind power impossibly expensive. - BY DAVID WOJICK Ph.D.
Read FullJustice Clarence Thomas, a staunch conservative, was alone in indicating that he would have granted Trump’s request. It was an 8-1 vote. - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full