Prof. Turley: “Durham notes that both the CIA and FBI were sent on an effective wild goose chase by the Clinton campaign..." - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullDon't be hoodwinked - it's not for your convenience to open doors without keys and buy things without cash. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullIn 2022, when lawmakers boasts about how “conservative” they are, Idahoans now have the Idaho Freedom Index to verify whether or not that's true. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullRecent yet-to-be-confirmed reporting indicates that Musk is about to launch a countermove by teaming up with various additional investors. - BY MICHAEL AUSTIN
Read FullFresh predictions based on forecast modeling are spreading more misinformation today, in the hope that past predictions will be forgotten. - BY PAUL GUPPY
Read FullGiddings said she wants to debate merely, calling the press out on their game...a long time coming. I wish more candidates would do the same. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullIn an era of rising geopolitical tensions, it is folly to let Wall Street determine the nation’s energy policy. - BY RUPERT DARWALL
Read FullThe definition of Government Bureaucracy is a mountain of corruption concealed by an ocean of incompetence, and everyone knows it. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullBlack Americans don’t need reparations; they need good public policies, just like everyone else. As with slavery, It’s time to leave the notion of reparations in the past. - BY DOUGLAS BLAIR
Read FullThis governor has a record of government growth and spending, miniscule tax cuts, unfulfilled campaign promises, leftist education system protectionism, and brash exercise of executive authority. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullA conversation with the owner of Air USA about probably the most incredible private aircraft purchase of all time and the future of his adversary business. - BY TYLER ROGOWAY
Read FullIn this episode, renowned veteran investigative journalist William F. Jasper discusses the possibility that Ukrainian neo-Nazis massacred their own people. - BY PAUL DRAGU
Read FullThe law, signed by then-President Donald Trump, capped local taxes that can be deducted from federal taxable income. It’s a win for the former president. - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full...for the third time, SCOTUS ducked what many think is a very important issue in today’s society - the competition between rights established by the Constitution. - BY DONALD BROCKETT
Read Full“GPS is an enormous bargaining chip for Vladimir Putin” – George Beebe, former Chief Russia Analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency - BY DANA A. GOWARD AND REP. JOHN GARAMENDI
Read FullIf we fail to do this, we will see another outrage of voter fraud this November, and our chances of stopping the leftist tyranny will die. - BY TOM DeWEESE
Read FullFederal officials on the ground tell Judicial Watch that the cartels use the UAV surveillance flights to facilitate human smuggling and drug trafficking. - BY JUDICIAL WATCH STAFF
Read FullRepresentation no longer exists, it is now just a majority of ideological fools who dominate the legislature, local governments, along with the media to promote it. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullThe Twitter board that turned down Elon Musk’s generous offer to purchase the company, owns — all together — 77 shares, excluding Jack Dorsey. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullIvermectin's something of a wonder drug when it comes to cancer. This is precisely why it's off-limits, and Americans need to speak out and start demanding... - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullWithout suffering any consequences for propagating the Russiagate hoax, the FBI clearly felt emboldened in 2020 to accelerate its election interference chicanery. - BY JULIE KELLY
Read FullThe Freedom Index focuses solely on the underlying policies in each bill. Freedom Index analysts consider the merits of every bill, regardless of the sponsor’s political affiliation. - BY IFF
Read FullThe DNC will pay $105,000 for its lie about funding the creation of the Steele Dossier. - BY C. CORT KIRKWOOD
Read Full...the SEC regulations are the latest undemocratic and dishonest climate policy being foisted on Americans. Neither American voters nor their representatives in Congress voted for this. - BY PETER MURPHY
Read FullThe draconian nature of Shanghai’s lockdown over the past couple weeks has traumatized the city’s 26 million residents, most of whom remain forcibly confined to their homes. - BY MICHAEL CUNNINGHAM
Read FullDeadlier than the so-called ‘pandemic’...—and beginning to spread like proverbial wildfire—is the World Economic Forum (WEF) digital ID project... mirroring the one running in China. - BY JUDI McLEOD
Read FullOn April 6, Judge Trevor McFadden acquitted January 6 defendant Matthew Martin on all charges in bench trial after viewing similar video presented at trial. - BY C. MITCHELL SHAW
Read FullDo we have the will and stamina to start our own “long march” to regain institutions and depose the governor, speaker, AG and Supt. of Education? - BY ROBERT
Read Full...COVID jab will go down in history as the biggest medical malfeasance ever to occur with the willing participation of drug companies and regulatory agencies. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullDr. James Lindsay & Trevor Loudon were speakers in Star, Idaho to discuss how the education system has been co-opted by Marxism. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullFarmers must cope with green activist bureaucrats who know nothing about either farming or the climate, wielding their regulatory power irrespective of the harm it'll do. - BY BONNER COHEN
Read FullYoung people especially are snapping up “brick” and flip phones in order to engage more with people in real life as opposed to fake social media... - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullJust because you live in Florida or Texas, doesn’t mean it’s not happening there, too. This stuff isn’t just happening in California. It’s happening nationwide. - BY DOUGLAS BLAIR
Read FullTechnocracy is the proverbial operating system for the “superclass,” a centralized global elite working toward securing the exclusive ownership of all the world’s assets, reducing... - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullDettelbach — like Biden — has a history of ignorant anti-gun zeal for banning ghost guns, assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and repeaing gun manufacturers’ protection... - BY C. MITCHELL SHAW
Read Full...there is a darker side of green technology, associated with environmental degradation, humanity atrocities, and other embedded costs for materials. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read Full