A forced green energy transition is a pipe-dream. We need to stop this madness now and recognize fossil fuels are both necessary and here to stay - BY CHRIS WRIGHT
Read FullThe handgun freeze follows Canada’s earlier measures to ban more than 1,500 types of assault-style firearms, as reported by CBC, and expand background checks... - BY JUSTIN COOPER
Read FullWe want an America that’s fun, happy, and free—the country we grew up in and that we crave for our children. - BY JULIE KELLY
Read FullElection integrity advocates in Michigan are celebrating a court victory over two state officials’ overreach in regard to guidelines for poll challengers and poll watchers. - BY REBECCA TERRELL
Read FullThe principle of cyber resiliency is to prepare for when, not if, an attack occurs, with the awareness and admission that some attacks will be successful. - BY CLAUDIA SWAIN
Read FullDemands that we precipitously “go green” represent the greatest “existential threat” – to the survival of modern industrialized nations, to developing nations, and the survival of... - BY DON
Read FullOver 1,100 adolescents underwent gender transition surgery between 2016-2019, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Pediatrics. - BY JOSHUA ARNOLD
Read FullWith all the other Biden-induced disasters overwhelming our country some conservatives might forget that it was Joe Biden who co-authored the original 1994 “assault weapons” ban. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read Full...a major win for parental rights in Idaho, with the state Supreme Court ruling that a law purporting to require grandparent visitation is unconstitutional. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read Full...everything promised related to cost control's been obliterated and health outcomes haven’t been shown to have improved, even though the financial health of large hospitals has. - BY FRED BIRNBAUM
Read FullPsychologically speaking, radical leftists are classic sociopaths, first and foremost because right and wrong are irrelevant to them. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read Full...COVID is a virus that impacts those who have been vaccinated more than those who are unvaccinated. It has become a pandemic of the vaccinated. - BY JEFF CROUERE
Read FullThis race-baiting strategy, he added, seeks to decrease faith in the American political system and ultimately destroy the country from within. - BY RAMON TOMEY
Read FullNike co-founder Phil Knight donated $1 million to Christine Drazen. He never donates to Republicans---which underscores just how bad it has gotten in Oregon. - BY GARY RANDALL MINISTRIES
Read FullChina’s social credit system is a government program implemented nationwide to regulate its citizens’ behavior based on a point system. It’s coming to America if... - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullWoke is thinking you are holier than thou because you care! But what you care about are all lies,... - BY TOM DeWEESE
Read FullLet’s be vigilant to stop vote fraud and deliver an overwhelming honest vote for liberty this mid-term election. - BY SCOTT POWELL
Read FullDefinitions are the bane of terrorism analysis, and most are plagued with gaps, ambiguities, and inconsistencies. - BY DANIEL BYMAN
Read Full“The constitutional-right to bear arms in public for self-defense isn't “a second-class right, subject to entirely different bodies of rules than other Bill of Rights guarantees.” - BY DONALD BROCKETT
Read FullTulsi Gabbard: “Supreme Court’s ruling regarding concealed carry is a strong step forward in upholding 2nd Amendment & our constitutional right to defend ourselves.” - BY HEATHER HAMILTON
Read Full...there’s a weaponization now of government agencies and the sort of authoritarian approach to government. It’s not reflective of why she became a Democrat. - BY BETH BREJIE
Read FullToo many of our fellow countrymen are asleep to the significance of what is happening politically, economically, socially, and militarily. - BY DANIEL BOBINSKI
Read FullIn addition to Little forcing private companies to shut their doors (some never recovered), Little also went after people of faith. - BY GREG PRUETT
Read FullThe more votes come in by mail, the better chance the fraud machinery has to change them. NEVER VOTE BY MAIL OR EARLY! - BY KAT STANSELL
Read FullThere are 56 cargo ships anchored in the ports of LA and Long Beach including 44 container ships, bypassing the record of 40 set in 2021. - BY WOLF RICHTER
Read FullFurthermore, since 2015, 370 communities from Maine to Hawaii have rejected or restricted wind projects. - BY ROBERT BRYCE
Read FullTaken together, the federal government’s consolidation of control and cognizance reduces every American to the status of “suspect.” BY JOE WOLVERTON II, J.D.
Read FullThe digital ID scheme is backed by Bill Gates, the UN, and governments around the world — and is already making great progress across the US... - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullSo, the RegionSmart scheme has been stopped in Tennessee! All because dedicated freedom fighters stood up and said no! - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullJones was adamant that people currently pushing back against CRT and other “critical” social justice theories being taught in our public schools are largely imagining things. - BY BRYAN HYDE
Read FullRachelle Emory: "Brad Little jumped on the bandwagon regarding Covid tyranny, distinguishing between “essential” and “nonessential” businesses and using an emergency order instituting a lockdown... - BY WILLIAM F.
Read FullNow is the time to look past the election and talk about what are our candidates willing to do and do they realize what time it is. - BY ROBERT SHILLINGSTAD
Read FullLifespans improved, infant mortality's declined, fewer people are malnourished or die from hunger, more people are literate, and natural disasters and nonoptimal temperatures claim fewer lives... - BY STERLING BURNETT
Read Full...they will greedily confiscate everything the masses own and tell you that when you are left with diddly-squat, "you'll be happy"! - BY JUDI McLEOD
Read FullThe most important act we can do today is to keep the truth alive. - BY JOHN ANTHONY
Read Full...whatever hysteria is whipped up, with 4x the amount of people than 1930 we have 1/28th the amount of climate and weather-related deaths today. - BY JOE BASTARDI
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