This lawsuit has the potential to change the course of history by exposing the evil and greed of hospitals, doctors, and the very government agencies that... - BY CHDCA STAFF
Read FullAG Raul Labrador rightly wants to know how the Idaho School Boards Association (ISBA) was involved in shaping the Caldwell School District’s proposed gender identity policy, - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullMost alarming is Biden will sign it with or without Congress and a third of the nations can vote against it and it won’t matter. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullAmericans are keenly aware that their government is not only failing to work for them - but actively working against them. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read Full“The right of the individual to own and control private property is the foundation of liberty.” -BY TOM DEWEESE
Read Full"[We've] killed at least 217,000 Americans and seriously injured 33 million … in the first year. CDC and FDA want to give you more shots … BY DR. JOSEPH
Read FullUse the law to your advantage folks, you are the parent, you hold the authority over the protection of your child. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullRick Scott refused ERIC. Desantos joined Florida to ERIC in 2020. Louisiana and Alabama recently withdrew from membership, and several more states are in the process. - BY KAT
Read FullThe event is the latest example of ineptness and the absolute dereliction of duty of this far-left administration. The Bidens are a national threat. - BY JIM HOLT
Read FullThe Judiciary Committee likewise subpoenaed Garland and Education Secretary Miguel Cardona for any documents in their possession also related to the targeting of parents. - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read FullWith efficient hydrocarbon energy under siege, and intermittent wind and solar unable to sustain the power grid, nuclear energy has never been more needed. - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullIt took him way too long. We look like fools. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThe new Republican-controlled House is off to a promising start, thanks to the efforts of the Freedom Caucus. But will it last? ... - BY STEVE BONTA
Read FullOnce again, Joe Biden's been tested and found wanting. I expect that this will lead to even more brazen attacks from China in the future. - BY STEVEN W. MOSHER
Read FullIn December, Washington’s prices averaged about 5 cents per gallon more than the rest of the West Coast. - BY TODD MYERS
Read FullThe entire EV push is driven by ideology rather than practicality or what he describes as “rational economic calculation.” - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read Full...there are 1,850 boxes of documents and 415 gigabytes of electronic records. The amount of boxes alone could fill approximately two tractor trailer trucks. - BY TOM FITTON
Read FullThe mRNA Covid-19 vaccines rollout should be immediately suspended, as they're causing “an unprecedented level of harm, including the death of young people and children. BY BILL PAN
Read FullBy the time Canada and Mexico are done with us there will be no distinction between the U.S. and them with the intertwining of direction and rules. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullTrump must emerge as the Peace candidate to stick out in the pool of neocons committed to even greater funding and danger in Ukraine. - BY ROGER STONE
Read FullYou should be paying attention to trends and key metrics that indicate the underlying truth and AVOID corrupt polls and bought-and-paid-for shills from BOTH sides. - - BY R. ALTOMARE
Read FullBob Ferguson appears determined to create his own Ministry of Truth to silence and destroy all independent thought, free speech, freedom of expression... - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullWe have a senile President and a mentally ill ally in Ukraine leading us into nuclear war. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullSomething has to give. The square peg of offshore wind industrialization cannot fit in the round hole of endangered species protection. - BY COLLISTER JOHNSON
Read FullThe Federal Farmer professed that recalling elected officials when they fail in their duty without having to wait for the next election was an important. - BY TJ MARTINELL
Read FullCitizens Journal in December 2021: "Our formerly trusted medical community of hospitals and hospital-employed medical staff have effectively become 'bounty hunters' for your life." - BY DR. JOSEPH
Read FullNames like Clinton, Soros, Obama, the Bush family, the Biden crime family are untouchable. Antifa is untouchable, so is BLM and many others. - BY RAY DELORENZO
Read FullEfforts to cease the use of crude oil could be the greatest threat to civilization, not climate change... - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullRon DeSantis is NOT America First. Ron DeSantis is NOT “Trump-lite.” In fact, Ron DeSantis has plenty of his own political baggage and policy shortcomings... -BY LAURA LOOMER
Read FullComparing and contrasting behavior from individuals in the community at CdA City Council Meeting and NIC Board of Trustees Meeting: HIPOCRACY IS ON FULL DISPLAY. - BY CASEY
Read FullGoogle hates the truth. They always have. They’re in the business of narrative-building and the narrative they’re building regarding the recent Project Veritas bombshell is a lie: - BY J.D. RUCKER
Read FullInviting a proponent of critical race theory to speak on campus violates the Legislature's directive and intent. - BY ANNA K. MILLER AND KAITLYN SHEPHERD
Read FullKari Lake came out swinging at the Arizona establishment RINOs and Democrats responsible for the stolen 2022 Election on Sunday at her MASSIVE Save Arizona rally. - BY JORDAN CONRADSON
Read FullIt’s up to sane people who believe in objective truth to carry on the fight against the wicked barbarians from within who are intent on destroying... - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullWhat was originally supposed to be a water-quality statute has been twisted by bureaucratic fiat into a federal land-use mechanism, igniting a slew of lawsuits... - BY BONNER COHEN Ph.D.
Read FullThe language of the Fourth Amendment protects the privacy of all “people” by declaring that this right may only be violated with a search warrant, - JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO.
Read Full