In what “community” is catering to leftist agitators, foisting trash on children, and normalizing sexual dysphoria “keeping our libraries agenda-free”. - BY NORTH IDAHO SLOW GROWTH RESEARCH
Read FullTraditional education respects parental rights to decide where and how their child should learn. School districts taken by gender ideology believe parents have no right to dictate... BY ANNA
Read FullNever would we have honestly considered that the US dollar would be removed as the world’s reserve currency. Yet, that is precisely what is at play here. - BY BRANDON WEICHERT
Read FullMrs. Hiltenbrand essentially called out the number of people who didn't register and claimed, "this is NOT acceptable," which may be a violation of multiple codes. - BY CASEY
Read Full320 wind projects that were rejected between 2015 and 2021. Today, the fight against big wind has shifted to offshore projects, - BY DUGAN FLANAGAN
Read FullWe knew it was bad, but we didn't realize it was this bad. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullThe Washington House passed Senate Bill 5599, empowering the state to provide “shelter” for minors seeking abortions or transgender procedures against the will of parents. - BY MATT MARGOLIS
Read Full...a huge WEF goal, it is the means by which data will be collected on all activity for tracking, and then used as a control mechanism. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullWarning to parents: Keep your kids out of Minnesota and Washington state. - BY R. CORT KIRKWOOD
Read FullThis isn't about a funding levy for schools but a vote to stop the indoctrination and stand up against the attacks on our country and values. - BY BOB SHILLINGSTAD
Read FullDecisions of the United States Supreme Court are not the supreme law of the land. - BY DONALD BROCKETT
Read FullIt’s amazing that with all of mankind’s scientific advancements, he's never come up with a way to fix stupid. Perhaps another lucrative project for Elon Musk? - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullFlorida Congressman Byron Donalds and Cory Mills' recent endorsement of President Trump is further evidence of the erosion of the political prospects of Governor Ron DeSantis. - BY ROGER STONE
Read FullWhy would any rational person want to take any action that would have a harmful effect on all the children in their community? - BY DONALD BROCKETT
Read FullBooks returned to the library drop box in August 2022 contained multiple bullet holes. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullIdaho’s economy is increasingly dependent on federal money and behaves as an administrative unit of the federal government. - BY FRED BIRNBAUM
Read FullIt’s time for the Great Reject. Rise up and defy the Great Reset. - BY MARC MORANO
Read FullCFACT and Morano will continue to work tirelessly to educate grassroots leaders and political officials across America and Canada so they are well-equipped to fight back... - BY ADAM HOUSER
Read FullPeter Strzok was the central figure involved in trying to oust President Trump. Now we know he’s a 24 year CIA Brennan/Obama asset. - BY SEAN ADL-TABATABAI
Read FullElected state and national officials should use their authority to legally intervene. County officials have authority through Coordination to force the federal government to the table... - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullAmerica can't take any more destruction from within. It's time to implement Article 2, Section 2.4 of our wonderful Constitution. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullH314 passed both the House and Senate, but was killed by a governor too afraid of entrenched interests to do what is right. - FROM IDAHO FREEDOM FOUNDATION STAFF
Read FullA gag order against President Trump would not only be unconstitutional, but would also constitute election interference... - BY ROGER STONE
Read FullFor clarity, this campaign finance money laundering operation is illegal at the federal level, and it is illegal at the state level in every state. - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullSenator John Barrasso: "The Biden Administration’s extreme unilateral action will kill multiple use. This is a clear violation of the law." - BY GABRIELLA HOFFMAN
Read FullLeonardo DiCaprio testified: "Malaysian financier Jho Low revealed his plans to donate up to $30 million to help Obama's 2012 reelection campaign." - BY SARAH ARNOLD
Read FullI have often said that the saving grace for Republicans is that Democrats never fail to overplay their hand. They can’t help it, it’s in their blood. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullThe Biden administration has pushed for offshore wind projects for its green energy goals, even as environmentalists sounded the alarm on the project’s potential danger to whales. - BY ANTONIO CAMBRIA
Read FullNPR hired a government propaganda chief as CEO. He was chief executive of the government agency that oversees Voice of America, Radio and Television Martí, and Radio... BY M DOWLING
Read FullAmerican education is in a Critical state. We all know it, but we may not understand why it’s so bad. - BY JOSEPH WEIGEL
Read FullThe Democratic governor said he ordered the Department of Corrections, which has a pharmacy license, to buy 30,000 doses of the generic version of mifepristone - BY LISA BAUMANN
Read FullWhen measured against the yardstick of freedom, the Legislature is still a disappointment, but better than par. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullThe ruling allows Montana landowners to pursue their case against the Forest Service, now that the agency’s effort to have the case dismissed has been blocked. - BY BONNER COHEN,
Read FullWith the current and stated future solar and wind projects by BLM, there will be massive, collectively significant, and cumulative impacts on Idaho land... - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullA discussion of the pitfalls of a Trump/DeSantis ticket, and guests expose fraud in the 2020 election and how to win in 2024. - BY ROGER STONE
Read FullI’ll still stand with the rest of the planet in the clear understanding that excise taxes aren’t applied to income – those are called income taxes. - BY JASON
Read Full