Everyone must choose between freedom and enslavement, not just for themselves but also for their descendants...and the option to choose freedom is rapidly closing. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullWhy aren’t state lawmakers beside themselves over the failure of the state school system, which has been flooded with more money over many years? - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullConcentration camps (jails, private prisons and detention facilities) have been established to house political prisoners and others deemed to be enemies of the state --BY JOHN & NISHA WHITEHEAD
Read FullContinue to demand that local, county, and state governments provide strong legislation to protect the rights of the people they represent. -BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullThe educratic system already has taken the algorithms...to pigeonhole your child’s education, even their assessments! What will your family or children be worth in that scheme? - BY LYNN TAYLOR
Read Full...when asked if he could say that there were not individual terrorists or terror cells operating in the United States Wray said, “we’re not tracking that.” - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullJews are the prime target today, but, make no mistake about it, the barbarians are coming for everything and everybody in the civilized world. Complacency kills. - BY
Read FullGreen goals, it turns out, have fueled the fires of war and left the West awkwardly needing fossil fuel energy more than ever... - BY DUGAN FLANAKIN
Read FullWe stand witness as Justin Trudeau pushes the buttons for a revolutionary purge of Christianity from Canadian society. - BY BRAD SALZBERG
Read FullJudicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The Secret Service’s involvement in this death investigation had been treated like a state secret until Judicial Watch uncovered it.” - BY JUDICIAL WATCH STAFF
Read FullBringing Democrats’ level of enthusiasm, determination, tenacity, and political acumen to a fight for a smaller government and respect for individual rights might save the nation - BY S.T. KARNICK
Read FullThough it may seem as if conservative, pro-American groups are behind the movement to alter the U.S. Constitution, the deep pockets are provided by globalists. - BY C. MITCHELL SHAW
Read FullMike Johnson's stunning rise to speaker has been hailed as a win for conservatives. But he faces key tests on the road ahead - BY LAWRENCE WILSON
Read FullHopefully, the administration isn't setting the stage for shutting down firearm sales in the US. Some people believe it’s an effort to bully the firearm industry. - BY M DOWLING
Read FullDon't be deceived, the MHCA is a major threat to Idaho. Your involvement in opposition is needed. Email the USFWS at MOHWCA@fws.gov by November 27, - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullThe hydrogen lobby duped Congress into $9.5 billion for hydrogen hubs and $100s of billions for subsidies to make it lasting as long as subsidies do. - BY FRANK LASEE
Read FullTyson Foods, known mostly for chicken products, is partnering with a Dutch firm called Protix that raises bugs to convert and manufacture their "proteins" into "food,"... - BY ETHAN
Read FullThe Left is crazed over our new House Speaker. They can’t tolerate someone who talks about morals and is, perish the thought, Evangelical. - BY M DOWLING
Read FullPerhaps we should understand the rightful limitations placed on SCOTUS by the Constitution which clearly says their decisions are not the law of the land. - BY DON BROCKETT
Read FullTwenty-six states have passed constitutional carry; that means there are 24 that haven’t. Law-abiding citizens should not need special permission to carry a concealed firearm. - BY PAUL DRAGU
Read FullDo the votes matter anymore? Because winning the debate and winning the vote are two very different things (depending on who is counting the votes). - BY WAYNE ALLYN
Read FullPresident Trump: "Voting for a Globalist RINO like Tom Emmer would be a tragic mistake.!” - BY NICOLE SILVERIO
Read FullThis is a grave mistake that will come back to haunt Republicans... - BY ROGER STONE
Read Full...inflation, the maintenance cost shocks, and cable failures ...Then, there was the problem of needing a 100 years of copper, nickel, and lithium production before Christmas. - BY JOANNA NOVA
Read FullOregon’s State Board of Education eliminated standards for math, reading, and writing in a unanimous vote. - BY EILEEN GRIFFIN, MBA Ph,D.
Read FullLast week CLN’s board officially severed ties to the American Library Association which is the endorser of sexually-explicit books for kids disguised under labels of “DEI.” - BY CLEANBOOKS4KIDS
Read FullWhy hasn’t someone defeated Congressman Simpson in the primaries in the past? Oh, I forgot…..he had an “R” after his name. Don’t let that deceive you... - BY BOB SHILLINGSTAD
Read FullThe Big Bond Bubble is bursting rapidly now, and it's taking everything down with it, thanks to Fed inflation forcing the demolition of all Fed recoveries.... - BY DAVID HAGGITH
Read FullOne theory's that this is nothing more than a plan to disrupt the world so badly, at our expense, in order to justify a new governance... - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullWe’ve often remarked about how Democrats play the arsonist and then try to be the fireman when their policies fail.* - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read Full...the top ten lessons from the Hamas terror attack on Israel. All ten lessons prove that President Trump was right- about everything... - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullTucker Carlson's media startup got a big boost on Monday as a venture capital firm has reportedly agreed to invest $15 million in his budding business. - BY TOM OZIMEK
Read FullThere's science to be done and applied. Take time from engaging in issuess to study the critters themselves. Above all, stay calm. Rise above the storms. - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read FullAmerica has long had a penchant for endless wars that empty our national coffers while fattening those of the military industrial complex. - BY JOHN WHITEHEAD
Read FullSanders and Republican Attorney General Tim Griffin will enforce state Act 636, banning foreign entities from certain countries considered averse to the national interests of the U.S.... - BY NICK POPE
Read FullAccording to The Daily Mail online, the US is drawing up plans to use military force if Iran enters the Israel-Hamas war. - BY M DOWLING
Read Full