An outright Medicaid expansion repeal is the right and necessary course of action for lawmakers interested in protecting taxpayers
Read FullFrom a purely educational viewpoint, this could be termed "The Destruction of the American Educational System."
Read FullIslam has always, for all of its 1400 years, nursed the growth of this bitter, hateful seed.
Read FullLarry Klayman recounts Dept. of Injustice's appeals indictment dismissal
Read FullDon’t Believe the Fake News. Tax Cuts for Everyday Americans Are Real. By Adam Michel “A married couple filing jointly with two children will see their tax bills fall by
Read FullIn time the well runs dry, economic activity ceases to be profitable, the food stops being served – and the vulnerable pay the real price.
Read Full...the package would strengthen wildlife conservation and expand permitting and leasing of public lands for recreational purposes.
Read FullAll this underscores why the Endangered Species Act must be revised. It’s also why environmentalists and their allies will battle any changes tooth and nail.
Read FullThese SUPER GOVERNMENTS will then create rules, regulations, law and tax without citizen election or input with no right of redress at the ballot box. - BY ANGELO LONZISERO
Read FullSince the election of Donald Trump, the vitriolic attacks on Trump, his family, cabinet, and conservatives in America today are non-stop. - BY STEVEN NEILL
Read FullNothing should disturb any American more than the thought of murdering a baby about to be born. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read private property ownership shrinks under these misguided policies, so too does the nation's wealth.
Read FullFor many years, Democrats have been allowed to get away without answering any serious questions
Read Full(FAO) has released some data and analysis that is a stark reality check to the global environmental lobby’s doomsday warnings
Read FullAmericans should force our Congress to stop with waving all the un-Constitutional carrots at these less fortunate in other countries
Read FullThe Roaring 20s Revealed the Folly of “Tax the Rich” Schemes A steeply progressive tax code, where the rich pay significantly more and the poor and middle class pay significantly
Read FullThe rules seem rigged to protect government lawlessness, and the playing field is uneven
Read FullWatch as these city council members are EXPOSED for their agenda driven theft of property rights.
Read FullIn reality, the threat of government punishment permeates Americans’ daily lives more than ever before:
Read FullBelieving we are something that we are not, separates us from the reality of who we actually are and what we were created to be. - BY ROBERT W. PECK
Read FullA look at Washington State Gun Control Laws & Those Who Will Defend Your Rights
Read FullHealth and welfare bureaucrats in Idaho are under fire from lawmakers and outraged citizens for, among other scandals, sexualizing school children - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullThe message here is clear: Stick up for state and local control of land and resources, and you will be harassed. - BY BONNER COHEN, Ph.D.
Read Full“There is no initiative that I’ve seen in all of my years that parallels or even comes close to what harm this initiative I-1000 would do.
Read FullLos Angeles and New York City are perfect examples of regionalization’s failure. - BY ANGELO LONZISERO
Read FullSocial Justice Education professor admits SJE is “social reproduction theory, developed by Karl Marx.” And communist terrorist Bill Ayers is a leader of “Social Justice Education.”
Read FullIt’s the battle cry every property owner in the nation must take against the many efforts to destroy this precious land. Not one inch.
Read Full... private property rights are under assault – assault by state and federal legislators and regulators, environmentalist groups, wealthy liberal foundations, corporations and other special interests, - BY CRAIG LUKKO
Read Full...ideological bureaucrats have closed most mines and declared them “Permanently Closed”?
Read Full91 percent of non-Trump Republican primary voters support declaring a national emergency
Read FullGo over Congress’s head and declare a national emergency. It’s your right. Obama used those powers. You can too.
Read FullOnce the tapes were released, the reaction was immediate: Americans were horrified to see the truth about this evil organization.
Read FullRemoval of the four dams is believed to be the biggest such project in the West, tentatively scheduled to start in 2021
Read FullThere are alleged to be at least 47 guns that Paddock owned, and yet, we still have not been told whether any of those that had bump stocks were actually
Read FullStop making excuses for turning your children over to the state to become little statists, and start becoming a part of the revolution!
Read FullAlexandria Cortez is a former bartender with no government experience who got elected to Congress by equally stupid constituents.
Read Full