...they are now openly revealing that their real goal is socialism and global control, just as I’ve been warning about for these past twenty-seven years.
Read FullMinimum wage proponents mean well, but the unintended consequences hurt the worst-off the most.
Read FullPlease remember that when you vote in 2020. It’s either Trump’s America, or it’s a dark, radical, socialist, Marxist, communist America that celebrates cop killers. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullIts functions... are being shifted to three other departments. This underscores that once a government agency is created, it mysteriously acquires the quality of immortality.
Read Full47 other states have a hemp industry operating or under development. This billion dollar opportunity for Idaho has been forced out in the cold by the disingenuous actions of your
Read Full...pressing the City to recognize that issues facing low-income tenants and those facing homeless individuals are not the same, and that blurring the distinction is counter-productive.
Read FullIt’s all about controlling your property that you are privileged to pay higher and higher taxes on. - BY SHEEPDOG
Read FullWe get it that you believe we should follow all the scare tactic edicts of the globalist run United Nations no matter how foolish and damaging
Read FullLast week Democrats in both chambers proposed budgets that overspend the state’s tax collections by billions of dollars. Both versions would require enormous tax increases.
Read Full...last couple of weeks of the session are characterized by multiple floor sessions, major legislation, and very infrequent committee meetings.
Read FullWith Donald Trump I knew all about the flies in his ointment before I ever recognized his genius. = BY ROB CHASE
Read FullThis industry has paid billions of dollars out in fines and penalties for fraud and has whistleblowers who have tried to keep them accountable.
Read FullWhy such an aggrieved reaction to such a heart-warming image? Emily, a 28-year-old Spokane, WA woman explained...
Read Full...Comey damn well knew this as well as others higher in the Obama Administration and that's why Clinton couldn't be prosecuted.
Read FullRoughly half the sheriffs in the state are flat refusing to enforce a litany of anti-gun regulations that are part of a law passed last fall because those regulations are
Read Full...at this point in time, it appears to me that the Democrats are on the verge of forfeiting the 2020 election.
Read FullThe Great Smart Meter Con By Rebecca Terrell As taxpayers, utilities, and rate payers continue to pump billions into modernization of the electric power grid, controversy rages over the
Read FullI had routinely lost around four calves per year. Since beginning this project in 2011, I haven’t had a loss to a mammal predator
Read FullLike terrorists sabotaging a nuclear reactor, they seek to remove constitutional features that are, as it were, "control rods" and other safeguards of our self-government.
Read FullIt’s ridiculous to say deep earth minerals/fuels are dirty while wind and solar are clean. They’re not. - BY RONALD STEIN, MARK MATHIS
Read FullThey want to tear us down. Make us “equal and fair” by bankrupting the middle class, taking away our jobs, assets, cars, planes, homes, even our steaks and cheeseburgers.
Read FullSee a detailed look at how many colleges and universities in your state received federal funding and how much in federal R&D funding.
Read FullThe disappearing reappearing carbon tax By John McClaughry: On February 10 VTDigger political columnist Jon Margolis declared that “the carbon tax is dead”. The Democratic leaders of the
Read FullFor those of us who still subscribe to fiscal conservatism, these trends are troubling.
Read FullThrough the eyes of one woman who once believed she was doing good, we see the horror of abortion for what it truly is.
Read Full...investigation should be reopened, to condemn the Clintons, Obama and Mueller himself for selling America’s Uranium to the Russians and leaving their nation vulnerable to Putin.
Read Full,,,Spain’s socialist ruling party might have had to respond robustly because it’s threatened by the conservatives in an upcoming April 28 election.
Read FullBigger government and overregulation must be installed and forced upon the rural population in order to enslave them. - BY TOM CLEVELAND
Read FullVoter initiatives will become significantly more difficult to execute.
Read FullThe Humane Society of the United States has been under scrutiny for several years for its deceptive fundraising campaigns and extremist political agenda
Read Full...Inslee said... he’s the only candidate who will make “defeating climate change our nation’s No. 1 priority.”
Read FullHopefully, Congress will reassert itself and kill USMCA — the latest assault upon national sovereignty. In other words, Put America First.
Read FullThere have been many citizen complaints concerning CPS from across the state indicating social workers coerced their way into homes.
Read FullAs the session develops and begins to come to a close, the general structure of the days changes dramatically.
Read FullThe majority party is determined to enact major tax increases, whether we need them or not - and pretty much all the evidence indicates we don’t.
Read FullIt’s time for Hillary, Obama, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Rhodes and so many others to pay for their awful crimes.
Read Full