...500 experts, mostly Europeans, have signed a ”Declaration that there is no climate emergency” which has been delivered to the Secretary General of the United Nations. - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read FullIf we believe that policy "works" when measured money incomes go up, we're measuring success based on a flawed and partial measure. - BY RYAN MCMAKEN
Read FullIdaho is going to change first culturally and then politically to a purple and then to a blue state if we don't elect true conservatives. - BY BOB NEUGEBAUER
Read Full...Americans use their firearms for lawful purposes far more often than they use them to commit crimes... - BY COOPER CONWAY & AMY SWEARER
Read FullUkraine is the key to this massive Democrat scandal. Biden was just the tip of the iceberg. This is about the Obama and Clinton Crime Families. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullPlanned Parenthood's actions, programs, and services represent the ultimate example of evil, but this evil will not have the last word. - BY JUDY BROWN
Read FullYear to date, gold is up 17.53%, and is currently outperforming the S&P 500 by roughly one percent. - BY MARK LAZAR
Read Full...here is my list of the top Never Trumpers who must be peacefully and legally be neutered before they wound the president further. - BY LARRY KLAYMAN
Read Full"I am for upholding and defending his sworn oath to the Constitution, defending the rights of the citizens and promoting property owners’ freedoms." - BY RICK WHITEHEAD
Read FullI expect her to be a strong committed leader who can hopefully make a difference as the new face of wayward U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. - BY STEVE BUSCH
Read FullRegulating Internet news aggregators is the last thing we want, but Google News is clearly doing something wrong, that needs to be corrected. - BY DAVID WOJICK
Read FullThe order will apply to any foreign national who applies for an immigrant visa abroad and cannot obtain health insurance within 30 days of entering... - BY JASON HOPKINS
Read FullSorry Jennifer but there is no Alt-Right. There is just right or in other words there are just Republicans. And then there are RINOs,... - BY ILENE M, FRANKE
Read Full...geologist Gregory Wrightstone explains that Al Gore and the climate-change establishment are lying about global warming, sea levels, wildfires, extinctions, carbon dioxide... - INTERVIEW BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read Full...with Ozzie there is a pattern of vindictiveness. That was the whole purpose of “The Threats We Face.” Matt Shea’s enemies smell blood and hope... - BY ROB CHASE
Read Full...of 70 common everyday items, only 24 saw increased prices, while 12 saw decreased prices, and the remaining 34 had no price changes. - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read FullRepublicans run candidates with nothing to say, seemingly clueless to massive assaults on our liberties. Now they wonder why they are being ignored in the elections. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullWhile the story bandied about by the mainstream media was that the protest was “student-led,” the truth of the matter was a bit different. - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullMore guns equal more gun violence? According to the FBI, exactly the opposite is happening, and has been happening for years: - BY BOB ADLEMANN
Read FullMeanwhile Obama still has never released his college transcripts. There’s never been a single leak. You’d think his college records were “classified.” - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullThe prioritizing of deserved pay for these fine patriots is necessary and long overdue. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full...a clear validation that federal and state governments are conspiring with NGOs to redesign Idaho land for conservation and communities, bypassing jurisdictional boundaries, omitting citizen involvement... - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read Full“This sinister regime must be wiped off the map and this is no longer … a dream, it is an achievable goal,” Major General Hossein Salami - BY
Read FullExtreme weather events, once blamed on global warming, no longer are, as their frequency and intensity decline. - BY NATURAL NEWS EDITORS
Read FullJohn Green holds a BS in Criminal Justice (with Honors) from the University of Houston and a JD from South Texas College of Law - PRESS RELEASE
Read FullThreats we face was hosted by the Republicans of Spokane County on September 24. 2019 in Spokane Valley, WA. - VIDEO BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThreats we face was hosted by the Republicans of Spokane County on September 24. 2019 in Spokane Valley, WA. - VIDEO BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThreats we face was hosted by the Republicans of Spokane County on September 24. 2019 in Spokane Valley, WA. - VIDEO BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full...how treaties can become powerful and dangerous instruments of socio-economic change in the US. - BY ROBERT S. KLAMMER
Read FullTim Eyman: Fighting for taxpayers for 22 years! Over $40.094 billion in tax savings so far! - BY INLAND NW REPORT
Read FullDaily, we see Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals,” which he dedicated to Lucifer, being promoted by liberal socialists and much of the mainstream media. - BY ADRIAN ARP
Read Full...after impeachment is dead, the delusional Democrats will take to the streets and try to force a political coup through domestic terrorism and left-wing violence. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read Full...a “red flag” law...violates both the presumption of innocence and the due process requirement of proof of criminal behavior before liberty can be infringed. - BY JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO
Read FullDemocrats and Republicans...announced recently that the Legislature had filed a lawsuit against Gov. Jay Inslee for an illegal veto of six single-sentence provisions... - BY SENATOR MIKE PADDEN
Read FullSVS and their NGO and government pals, don't underestimate the intelligence of citizens, or their ability to recognize when they are being manipulated or dismissed. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read Full,,,the first question is, who was listening to a call from our president to another world leader? Isn’t that person a spy? Isn’t it “treason” ... - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read Full