The continuity of American sovereignty, and with it the safeguarding of our God-given rights by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, hinges on what happens - BY JBS
Read FullPresident Trump can’t possibly know what is in it or he wouldn’t be promoting it. -BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullThe Governor said yes to more refugees because of pressure from the food processing companies who look for and are willing to train unskilled workers. - BY BOB NEUGEBAUER
Read FullThe silver lining is the CNN article provides the opportunity for a concise rebuttal for the most common alarmist climate misinformation. - BY JAMES TAYLOR
Read the feds’ counterfeiting operation some competition can only be healthy. More and more states are doing just that, too... - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullWill rabidly anti-gun urban Democrats be convinced to change their minds because of a mass rally by their despised deplorable enemies? Not a chance. - BY MATT BRACKEN
Read Full...this irrelevant resolution by Pelosi, Schumer, and the Democrats is both whorish for their need to be included in an issue that doesn’t involve them... - BY FRANK SALVATO
Read FullMrs. Clinton recently told the BBC that she was "under enormous pressure" to challenge President Donald Trump in next year's election. - BY ROBBIE MEREDITH
Read FullDemocrats actually believe the lies, fraud and fake news spouted by Democrat politicians, CNN, MSNBC, PBS and mainstream media. They are never exposed to anything else - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullResistance has spread from coast to coast...battles are fought in city halls, local boards of health, and – if all else fails – courts. - BY BONNER COHEN, Ph. D.
Read FullIdaho adopted Common Core standards earlier this decade in hopes that the latest federal education package would solve what ails Idaho schools. It hasn’t. - BY ID REP. DORTHY MOON
Read FullLook, there is “political opposition” to Trump and there is out-and-out treason to the country. They aren’t even close to being the same things. - BY JD HEYES
Read Full...a laundry list of allegedly “conservative” D.C. think tanks that take money from big tech, and often advocate against regulating them over political bias... - BY ALLUM BOKHARI
Read FullIn summary, gun confiscation in America is about to go HOT. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullBy freeing the market to meet the demands of families and individuals, we can make housing affordable and accessible for more of our neighbors. BY BROOKE MEDINA AND DOUG McCULLOUGH
Read FullAn unusually high registration rate suggests that a jurisdiction is not removing voters who have died or who have moved elsewhere, as required by [federal law]. - PRESS RELEASE
Read FullUnder the propagandists presumed terms, guilt or innocence is not the standard as established by the founders, but whether you like an elected official or not. - BY KRISANNE HALL
Read FullIt’s not a taxing and revenue issue, it’s a lack of political backbone. Will Trump step up to the plate? - BY JEFFEREY A. RENDALL
Read Full... following the money trail is the best way to expose the real source behind where...policies, goals, and agendas are coming from. - BY ID REP. HEATHER SCOTT
Read FullA major problem for states in taking refugees is that local governments end up paying most of the costs for their healthcare and education. - BY ANN CORCORAN
Read FullWhat we do about any one of these issues in 2020—China, electoral integrity, education, or immigration—could represent a major turning point for America. - BY KAY C. JAMES
Read FullWGA is on their own path now with regionalism, representation of citizens is gone. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullTrying to save the planet? No, it’s: Terrorize, Radicalize, Politicize, Mobilize. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read Full...naming the armed UN invaders “peacekeepers,” Boykin is invoking deep deception about his true intentions (which is the military occupation and overthrow of U.S. authority). - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullThe Big Oil-Big Biofuel wars rage on. From my perch, ethanol, biodiesel and “advanced biofuels” make about zero energy, economic or environmental sense. - BY PAUL DRIESSEN
Read Full...we could transform this nation if only Americans would work together to harness the power of their discontent and push back against the government’s overreach... - BY JOHN WHITEHEAD
Read FullSeveral of these stories cite Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, as their source for health and sex tips and are posted on Teen Vogue’s website... BY MARY MARGARET
Read FullRich people nor their companies are are entitled to subsidies from taxpayers, – solar, wind, gas or any other – need continued subsidies to be more “competitive.” -
Read Full...the author states: “I would challenge anyone who believes the initiative process is a good thing for Idaho to explain how it serves interests of Idahoans.. - BY KAREY HANKS
Read FullExpecting genuine reform at the UN — after decades of repeated promises of reform —is not only a delusion, but a dangerous, deadly delusion. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read Full...former NYC mayor and federal prosecutor was provided with a trove of damning information on Joe and Hunter Biden and other Obama-era officials. - BY JD HEYES
Read FullVenezuela is the canary in a coal mine for the U.S. economy going from the richest country in Latin America, to nightmare, tragedy and mass starvation. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullGovernor Newsom should know California is the only state in the union that currently imports most of its crude oil energy from foreign countries. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullInflation is nothing more than a hidden and regressive tax. Auditing and ending the Fed should thus be a top priority... - BY RON PAUL
Read Full...the Leodler Dossier was a hit piece on a local level, masquerading as a legitimate report. Both were taken seriously by the 4th Estate (the Press). - BY ROB
Read Full...we elect and pay our legislators to read these bills before they vote and they obviously don’t, or they are dirty ($$$) or un-American. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full