The Washington State Department of Health says "local health officers" have the authority to "involuntary isolate or quarantine an individual." - BY WND NEWS SERVICE
Read FullIdaho elected officials have the responsibility to take action now to prepare for the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the statewide stay-at-home order. - BY LINDSAY ATKINSON
Read FullInslee isn't happy that he is getting caught making so many mistakes. He is angry at the people for being "insubordinate." - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullAll I know is that Bernie Madoff visited economic destruction on far fewer, and he’s sitting in a prison cell. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullAs banks and other large corporations across the country receive hundreds of billions in Federal money... Joe Sixpack on Main Street, USA is told: "Kick rocks." - BY MATT AGORIST
Read FullThe weakening of our Republic is apparent when you see what is happening with the enforcement of government edicts and restrictions in response to the pandemic. - BY ART THOMPSON
Read Full“When the world is not watching they are killing Hong Kong, killing one country, two systems, and using social distancing rules to keep people from coming... - BY ANDREW WEST
Read FullNow, as a result of their shenanigans, the Dirty Dems are left with only two options, both of them bad: - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullDemocrat governors are attempting to steal from the federal treasury in order to make up for decades of unfunded liabilities. Known associates include Pelosi and Schumer. - BY JB SHURK
Read Full10,000 dead grandparents haven’t dented the media’s adoration for Cuomo and Murphy. Paraphrasing: "a single dead grandma is a tragedy, 10,000 dead grandmas are a statistic." - BY DANIEL GREENFIELD
Read FullMost Americans were not willing to sacrifice their livelihoods for the climate before they were put through the COVID-19 lockdowns, and they certainly aren’t now. - BY DR. BONNER COHN
Read FullThe current pandemic, like all pandemics, does kill some people. But the pandemic of electoral corruption, if not checked, will kill the republic. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullTo connect with students in the past few months, teachers have adopted new strategies. - BY SAMI EDGE
Read FullNationally, the League of Conservation Voters Victory Fund, the parent group of the Idaho affiliate, spent $80 million to beat up on Republicans and support 2018 Democrats. - BY DUSTIN HURST
Read FullPlease join us at Cole's Coffee 3105 N. Pines Rd. in the Spokane Valley, WA. Friday May 22 at 6pm. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full...please take note that the court order forms for involuntary detention into these camps is already in place. - BY SHARI DOVALE
Read FullI believe that as the COVID-19 situation diminishes, a major pivot to man-made climate change as major driver of impending doom will come front and center. - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read FullSaul Alinsky: "Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people." - BY CHAD GROENIG
Read FullThe federal government unconstitutionally gave the corporation owning these hospitals $7.4 million of your money while they owed more than half of that in taxes! - BY TIM BROWN
Read FullCuomo placed COVID-19 patients in nursing homes killing thousands of New Yorkers. National media have been much rougher on DeSantis than they have been on Cuomo. – BY CHQ STAFF
Read FullGraham and the late Senator John McCain were blood brothers with Obama in promoting the “Arab spring” uprisings in the Middle East leaving 560,000 dead in Syria... -BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullVaccines are not tested for cancer potential, mutation potential or impairment of fertility; there are risks associated with them. - BY DAN TITUS
Read FullSunlight is the best disinfectant, and a major spotlight needs to be directed at this fiasco and those who support it. -BY GLEN MORGAN
Read Full... do we want to hand control over our medical decisions to Uncle Sam, when our rights at the state level are already in such jeopardy? - BY REBECCA TERRELL
Read FullIt’s been heartbreaking to read stories about Idaho entrepreneurs whose investments have evaporated and whose dreams have been destroyed — not by a politician... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read Full...Agenda 21 and Green New Deal are about to launch an all-out drive to use the coronavirus pandemic to rush these control policies into force of law. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullCompanies backed by the Chinese government are making Big Ag acquisitions in the U.S. - BY TOVE DANOVICH
Read FullObama’s public persona was always a scam. I just knew the real Obama- way before anyone else caught on. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullThe patriotic businessman who feels a responsibility to his community, his state and his nation is now an endangered species, if not extinct. - BY CURTIS ELLIS
Read FullUnder the guise of “protecting” Americans from coronavirus, the Deep State and its useful idiots is waging all-out war on privacy and other fundamental rights. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullAn unknown number of deputies of the Ada County Sheriff’s Office have been using a private and possibly illegal hair salon to keep their appearance neat... - BY DUSTIN HURST
Read FullOfficer Greg Anderson: “I’m seeing people arrested or cited for going to church, for travelling on the roadways, for going surfing, opening their businesses.” - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read Full... it is important that local elected officials communicate with residents what their enforcement efforts will be. - BY LINDSAY ATKINSON
Read FullGo back to work Idaho and the people will physically enforce your right to prosperity. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full...allegations of violations of both the US Constitution, a series of civil and criminal acts that have been engaged around the entire COVID-19 pandemic fear-mongering.... - BY DR. DAVID MARTIN
Read FullPublic health’s role in the pandemic is to investigate the disease and offer guidance and the health district does not have the power... - BY LAURIE WELCH
Read Full