Many of the attendees at the Pachyderm meeting were supportive of his prospects and encouraged him to run. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullSponsored by America’s Frontline Doctors - BY DR. SIMONE GOLD
Read FullBaker posted links to CNN on his “Call to Arms” to kill Trump supporters and police officers on Inauguration Day. He wanted to stockpile AK-47s... - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullRevolutions in France/Russia/Cuba didn’t happen by accident, they were planned, preached, and promoted by leftist thugs who didn't know all revolutions devour their own. - BY DON BOYS, Ph.D.
Read FullAfter the Top 5 reasons are revealed, I will discuss alternatives that actually directly mitigate or eliminate these negatives in the use of phones. - BY ROB BRAXMAN
Read FullShame on Idaho’s university presidents for their elitist arrogance. These well-paid state employees know full well how their campuses have been turned into the indoctrination factories... BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullPassions are aroused, especially with all the proof of election fraud no one wants to look at. 71% of Trump voters believe a civil war is.... - BY RAY DiLORENZO
Read FullThe Situation Update for Jan. 15th, 2021 covers five key breaking stories, all with “bombshell” implications for world events: - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullThe long list of actual accomplishments by a great President. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullWhy coudn't Congress' private police force of 2000 protect it from a mob of hundreds? - BY DANIEL GREENFIELD
Read FullWe are very concerned the radical left is using this to start a firefight and take away your gun rights! - BY C. MITCHELL SHAW
Read FullThe nation is watching actions of big tech and legislators are pursuing actions to be taken due to censorship. Existing law including anti-trust and new law... - BY DENISE SIMON
Read FullDoing nothing isn’t an especially good option because, like it or not, the world is becoming something quite different than we expected a few years ago... - BY DENISE SIMON
Read FullPeter Navarro: “we provide the most up-to-date statistical ‘receipts’ with respect to the potential number of illegal votes in each battleground state,” - BY JD HEYES
Read FullAs anger and frustration build among the increasingly disenfranchised, America and the world could be heading into a frightening future indeed. - BY PAUL DRIESSEN
Read FullBiden wants an excuse to bail out the big-spending blue states and cities. The plan includes $1,400 checks for most Americans on top of $600. - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full“We cannot leave it to American Big Tech to decide how we can or cannot discuss online. Today’s mechanisms destroy the compromise searching and consensus-building... - BY VICTORIA KELLY-CLARK
Read FullIf Pieczenik, Wood, Flynn and people like Steele are right, we will witness the most extraordinary turnaround in the history of our nation... - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read Full‘Propaganda is causing a chaotic and disordered fear response in the American people and in others worldwide, empowering our socialist super-class to remake the world. - BY DENNIS BEHREANDT
Read FullHere is their message to us little people – Do not question authority, challenge orthodoxy, speak truth to power, believe what you see and experience... - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullBig Tech is now abandoning any masquerade of standards or objectivity when they censor those with whom they dislike or disagree. - BY PETER MURPHY
Read FullWhy can’t they take your Second Amendment rights, remove you from your home, take your property, put you in some kind of re-education camp? - BY LEO HOHMANN
Read FullOn Twitter alone, Iran’s Ayatollah Khmanei, Chinese Communist propaganda accounts, and Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro are all still active, while the US President is banned. - BY ADAM HOUSER
Read FullClaiming to represent “real conservatism,” the left-tilted establishment GOP intelligentsia is cheering for the demise of President Trump. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullSome people close to Trump are in a state of despair, according to reports, but others are defiant and remain convinced that Trump will take office... - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read "With the way consuming media has changed, along with reduced viewership, the economics just don’t make sense anymore.” - BY KARI DONOVAN
Read FullWe’re the people who will save our state, and perhaps our nation. Not through violence, but through good ideas, policies that actually work, and fundamental principles. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullNorway’s left-wing Labor Party leader Jonas Gahr Støre said that Big Tech censorship threatens political freedom around the world. - BY VICTORIA KELLY-CLARK
Read FullNow, more than 20,000 Guardsmen are expected to be armed and patrolling the Capitol grounds. - BY TYLER DURBIN
Read FullThere are people out there who want the military to take over the county, suspend all basic fundamental human rights, just to get their preferred puppet... - BY MAC SALVO
Read FullIdaho Freedom Index analysts do not engage in partisan politics. The analysts rate each piece of legislation based on the 12 metrics, regardless... - BY IDAHO FREEDOM FOUNDATION STAFF
Read FullLet’s begin here with Section 230, shall we? Full immunity… and never amended. Big tech is more powerful than the federal government.- BY DENISE SIMON
Read FullUnlike Trump’s first impeachment in early 2020, several Republicans have signaled that they will support the Democrat-led effort the second time around. - BY ANDREW TRUNSKY
Read FullElon Musk: “West Coast high tech has to make the distinction between banning hate speech and banning speech it hates.” - BY ALEXANDER HALL
Read FullAnti-commandeering is a longstanding Supreme Court doctrine. In a nutshell, it prohibits the federal government from “commandeering” state personnel or resources for federal purposes. - BY MICHAEL BOLDIN
Read FullIf leftism is creeping into the military slowly under President Trump’s watch, how rapidly will it infest the ranks with Joe Biden in office? - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read Full