Hunter is a sleazy guy and hell-bent on embarrassing his country and his father. Why do depraved people so often feel the need to pour out... - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full“Why does @MLB still have antitrust immunity? It’s time for the federal government to stop granting special privileges to specific, favored corporations— BY JACK PHILLIPS
Read FullPlease share with everyone you know to help save our country! - Scientific Proof - BY MIKE LINDELL
Read FullBiden has said he intends to close Guantanamo, but that would require approval from Congress to move prisoners to the US for trial or imprisonment. - BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Read FullAmerican institutions, corporations, sports leagues and even the Catholic Church are at war with the American people. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read Full...replacing fossil fuels with new intermittent electricity hard because most people desperately want much more power at lower cost, not fickle power at high cost. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read Full...because these shots are not FDA approved, people should consult their life-insurance policy before taking a shot, since it may not pay out if you die. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read Full...we must take control of our cities, counties, state legislatures, and governors. Only then can we stand up the potential tyranny from Washington, DC. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullThe proposal would amount to more extreme versions of the “vaccine passports” being rolled out by airlines and some U.S. cities, which are already causing controversy. - BY AARON SIBARIUM
Read FullAstraZeneca has been struggling a lot to assure the public that its vaccine is safe. The name change doesn’t involve any alteration to the actual drug. - BY SUZANNE HAMNER
Read FullWith the private jet graveyard filled to overflowing, the problem remains as to how to go about recycling all those out of commission luxury jets. - BY CFACT ED
Read FullThis data-driven authoritarianism...will wash away what remains of the rule of law and the Constitution, and annihilate the American way of life. - BY MATTHEW VADUM
Read FullApril Fool's Day is the best day to celebrate our government and the many amazing people who claim to run it for "the people." - BY GLEN MORGAN
Read FullThe long-term goal is to genetically engineer a race of obedient “humanzee” hybrid super soldiers who have the crazy strength of apes and intelligence and obedience... - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullIf Bill Gates can eat synthetic meat and downsize from 66,000 square feet to 400, they say, anyone can. - BY CFACT ED
Read FullThe legislation “standardizes and clarifies” voting rules so “every Texan has a fair and equal opportunity to vote, regardless of where they live in the state.” - BY JACK PHILLIPS
Read FullWhile the FBI has been failing to stop terrorist attacks by known threats, it's conducted numerous political operations on behalf of Democrats. Time to clean house. - BY JOY PULLMANN
Read FullCurrently, in addition to the normal funding that Congress already approved, Joe Biden wants to give them the extra billion they demanded. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullOne in six said they would quit their job before taking the experimental vaccine. - BY CELESTE McGOVERN
Read FullThe recent rejuvenation of interest in State’s rights, nullification, and secession has been a welcome result of the explosion of federal power... - BY BRIAN McCLANAHAN
Read FullNullification Season 2021! Right now is the time of the year when most state legislatures are in session - we like to call this nullification season - BY MICHAEL BOLDEN
Read Full...the federal government depends on state and local cooperation for virtually everything it does – from enforcing drug laws to implementing its many programs. - BY MIKE MAHARREY
Read FullUniversities across the country are slowly building up an apparatus which social justice ideology is displacing both professional and general education. - BY DR. SCOTT YENOR & ANNA K. MILLER
Read Full...big business likes bigger government, and is not interested in integrity of our election process. They change the subject, and redirect their criticism to benefit them. - BY AMELIA LUCAS
Read FullSuch actions show hatred and disrespect for the country. These actions are symbolic of the Communist Black Lives Matter movement. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThe measure, known as the 'Transform, Heal and Renew by Investing in a Vibrant Economy (THRIVE) Act has a price tag of $10 trilllion. - BY ADAM HOUSER
Read FullA solution is only as good as your understanding of the problem. The Society labors to expose the forces that seek to undermine national independence... - BY JBS STAFF
Read FullMany people have questioned whether devout Muslims would be able to serve as officers of the court due to the teachings of the Koran. - THE BELTWAY REPORT STAFF
Read Full...millions of Americans have succumbed to “woke” ideology, the false enlightenment that has turned them into foot soldiers of the Marxist revolution in the name... - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullThis recess still gives us time to plan for the best use of incoming dollars to support and strengthen our state and protect our citizens. - BY REP. VITO BARBIERI
Read FullIt never ceases to amaze me how, for some legislators in Olympia, enough is never enough. - BY SENATOR MIKE PADDEN
Read FullOur cities will soon be overrun by violent crime. At this point it’s crystal clear. Biden and Democrats believe “American Lives Don’t Matter.” - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullDictator Biden, I mean that literally, is planning a coronavirus vaccine passport. If you don’t get your vaccine, you might not be allowed to re-enter society. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullWe urge CHQ readers and friends to go to American Exodus and read the article to prepare to reclaim your liberty through your own Exodus. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullA group of unelected bureaucrats, backed by a political cabal, with “effective and arbitrary control” over the U.S. economy, is nothing less than a dictatorship ... - BY DUGGAN FLANAKIN
Read Full...the White House is instructing federal agencies to replace ‘Biden’ with ‘Biden-Harris’ after less than 60 days is indicative of the struggle Joe Biden is already...” - BY MATT MARGOLIS
Read Full