Obama's basically made the executive branch the controlling body, making the judicial and legislative branches merely parrots of his policies. They have been compromised and neutered. - BY TERESA MONROE-HAMILTON
Read FullWhether enforcing Jim Crow laws or turning blind eyes on union violence, the Democrat Party hasn't been shy about embracing violence to get what they want. - BY STEVEN NEILL
Read FullKamala Harris’s parents were foreign exchange students when she was born, her mother from India and her father from Jamaica. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullThe directive expands the definition of "national security threats," aligning with the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) broader definition of domestic terrorism threats. - BY EHTAN HUFF
Read FullI'm still not confident Republicans will be successful in quashing the tsunami of fraudulent votes Democrats are planning to unleash over the next three weeks. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullEnvironmental concerns are being used as pretexts to impose regulations that will devastate America’s family farms and abundant food supplies. - BY JBS CEO WILLIAM HAHN
Read Full"Overall, the agreement of the 'Pact for the Future' is a strong statement of countries’ commitment to the UN, the international system and international law." - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullBob Woodward lied about Nixon, Watergate, the war in Iraq, Iran-Contra and John Belushi. Why should we believe his latest lies about President Donald Trump? - BY ROGER STONE
Read FullBob was one of the best firearms/self-defense instructors I ever met. His skillful teaching saved many lives and kept many good people out of trouble. - BY MASSAD AYOOB
Read FullAs for November’s election, it appears Democrats are again prepared to push election disinformation and debunked, far-left conspiracy theories should Trump win. - BY C. CORT KIRKWOOD
Read Full"A nullity" and "we declare these acts void" This was the bold conclusion about British Acts that Thomas Jefferson came to in his powerful 1774 pamphlet, - BY MICHAEL
Read FullI wrote “STEALTH: Kamala Harris’s Communist Roots“ as a warning. Please read it and share it with as many people as you can. - BY TREVOR LOUDON
Read FullWithout any congressional authorization, technocrats are taking actions in multiple government sectors, making policy through executive fiat, one of which is on natural resources. -BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullAmong the key provisions is “transforming global governance” and further empowering international institutions across a range of issues, including “sustainable development and financing for development,”... - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullBesides not helping victims, the government that is on the ground in Appalachia is actually turning away volunteers and threatening them with punishment if they disobey. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read Full“What Degree of Madness?” Madison’s Method to Make America STATES Again, by Wolverton, ought to be required reading for all American citizens, especially state lawmakers. - BY CHRISTIAN GOMEZ
Read FullIt wasn't enough that the Covid-19 vaccine caused so much harm, now a new turbo charged vaccine is in the works. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullDr. Aseem Malhotra: “Most doctors don’t even realize that the research that they use to make [decisions] is often, if not mostly, unreliable and potentially harmful..." - BY SUZANNE BURDICK,
Read Full...we need stricter laws on data privacy and an Electronic Bill of Rights that protects “we the people” from predatory surveillance and data-mining business practices... -BY JOHN WHITEHEAD
Read FullA handful of affiliated Republicans have joined forces with Idaho Democrats to promote Proposition 1, but they are few and far between. - BY BRIAN ALMON
Read FullThere is only one right approach for a community to come together to discuss and solve common problems: open discussion, honest debates and votes,... BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullCritically examine the UN's global initiatives and consider how global decisions echo through national policies and impact national and individual sovereignty. - BY THE STAFF OF LIBERTY SENTINEL
Read FullThere are no controls over mass surveilance and there is potentially a lot of information stored on government databases they can access with AI. - BY M DOWLING
Read FullLet’s not allow another decade pass without restraining spending and making the tax cuts necessary to finally liberate Idahoans from the shackles of property taxes. - BY FRED BIRNBAUM
Read FullIt's about using illegal aliens for a globalist agenda to erase the sovereignty, identity, and culture of each nation for global citizenship in a global world. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullWill NIC remain a local community college offering real world training and skills or will it become a DEI nest controlled by progressives in Seattle and Boise. -BY BRENT REGAN
Read FullTens of millions of people are going to vote for this pure, unadulterated manure. The worst is yet to come, because people have'nt yet suffered enough. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullPoverty can never be eradicated – and will increase – until government gets out of the way and everyone has equal opportunity to own and benefit... - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullFew other democracies in the world use vote-by-mail, and many democracies refuse to allow absentee voting except in limited circumstances. - BY JOEL B. POLLAK
Read FullAmerica;s being systematically deconstructed through interstate compacts, regionalism, and public-private partnerships, supporting WEF goals for the Great Reset's Fourth Industrial Revolution, and UN sustainable development goals (SDG). - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullTo continue to spend trillions of borrowed dollars on top of a $35 trillion debt is nothing short of a crime against humanity. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullKCRCC held a special meeting on Tuesday to review the candidates for the November election and to vote by secret ballot on which candidates they would recommend.- BY BRENT REGAN
Read FullToday, like every day, is a great day for a reminder of some of the top principles from the founders that we should never, ever forget. - BY MICHAEL BOLDIN
Read FullWe must find a vision for the future that preserves the values of the past. America has been going the wrong way for a long time, - BY BRIAN ALMON
Read Full...the promise of eradicating poverty's a growth industry – the “Compassion Cartel.” The more poverty in the world, the more powerful and rich the Cartel becomes. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullThe choice for the American people this year could not be clearer. If you want to save America, then you must vote for Donald Trump. - BY DOROTHY MOON
Read Full