Patriots from North Idaho came to Spokane, WA to ensure those hungry had food on Christmas Day 2021 - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full...the struggling climate activist movement keeps trying to exploit these unforeseeable and unavoidable tragedies in desperate hopes of advancing its twisted political agenda. - BY STEVE MILLOY
Read FullThere is no magic wand to bring the Great American Experiment back, but we can rebuild it piece by piece locally. Truth will not die. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read Full...millions of surviving, de-programmed Americans may get a little worked-up about what has been done to our country and just who is responsible for it. - BY JAMES HOWARD KUNSTLER
Read physicians say, “these COVID ‘vaccines’ are new and risky, get early treatment, and until we learn more, only use jabs as necessary in high-risk patients,” - BY JOHN ANTHONY
Read FullJohn Stormer’s 1964 seven-million copy bestseller, None Dare Call It Treason, is the most successful in the history of conservative journalism and is still relevant today. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullBusiness Times reported on a recently released study from Oregon, showing that in Oregon alone 622 “fully vaccinated Oregon residents died of COVID-19”... - BY C. MITCHELL SHAW
Read Full...for many, this will be their last Christmas. So, spend it well. Cherish life by actually living it and spending it with those you love. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullChina and India value coal so highly they worked together to scuttle tough anti-coal language at COP 26, the UN climate conference, prompting a tear-filled apology. - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullA disinformation campaign to blame the Jews is surfacing once again, at a time when Russia is once against threatening aggression. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read FullI have to confess that I am more cynical daily of the vaccinations, boosters, masks, and anything else being pushed by the President or the CDC. - BY RAY CARDELLO
Read FullIn New York, an unvaccinated healthy person can’t enter a restaurant, but a fully vaccinated sick person can. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read Full...those turning blind eyeS or casting a hostile oneS, know that our Republic is dying in darkness — of our own design — and none will be spared. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullWe applaud Governor DeSantis, and the rest of the Republican Florida Cabinet, for moving against the Communist Chinese threat and urge other Governors to do likewise. - BY GEORGE
Read FullNew court filing in Steele dossier source Igor Danchenko's criminal case shows prosecutors want to know if Clinton campaign knew false intel was going to FBI. - BY JOHN SOLOMON
Read Full... the conclusions of the studies are supported by real-world evidence proving that there are already several thousand reports of vaccine-caused cancer. - BY ARSENIO TOLEDO
Read FullIvermectin is one of the most important drugs ever discovered, along with penicillin and aspirin, for human use and health. - BY ANN BARNHARDT
Read FullDr. Diane Davis explains why one-room school houses can and must be brought back to provide children with a Bible-centered education. - BY LIBERTY SENTINEL STAFF
Read FullLeana Wen: "don't wear a cloth mask — cloth masks are little more than facial decorations — there's no place for them in light of omicron." - BY ART MOORE
Read FullLow wind power generation is largely to blame for Europe’s ongoing energy crisis and scramble to import more fossil fuels. - BY THOMAS CATENAACI
Read FullThe filing names Pelosi and all nine members of the absurd J6 committee that issueed a subpoena to Gen. Flynn when he had no role... - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullVAERS data released today by CDCP included a total of 965,843 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 20,244 deaths... - BY MEGHAN REDSHAW,
Read FullNot one of these government "authorities" can prove that not being injected puts the rest of the nation at risk. Not one. - BY A. DRU KRISTENEV
Read FullThe Deep State and its minions are currently erecting a global taxation regime that will eventually fund a one-world technocratic government... - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullElon Musk: “I’m literally saying get rid of all subsidies, but also for oil and gas.” – BY DUGGAN FLANAKIN
Read FullWe must counter propaganda, such as this coming from the Constitution Center, with accurate information on the dangers of a constitutional convention. - BY STEVE BYAS
Read FullHopefully, the Supreme Court sees Biden’s vaccine mandate for what it is — an authoritarian attempt at making citizens submit to an unreasonable dictate. - BY JAMES MURPHY
Read Full...Idaho universities have neither expanded successful programs nor phased out those that are financially dangerous bets...while continuing spending millions of dollars on DEI administrators and bureaucracies. - BY ANNA MILLER
Read Full“BBB” is a massive mistake. Now that it’s dead we should drive a stake through its heart, cut off it’s head and smother it in garlic. - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read Full...this case and thousands across the country, imprisoned by medical systems that have foregone their oaths in lieu of vast payoffs for Covid-19, the mandated protocols... - BY ANN CASEY
Read Full...the so-called “delta” variant, which the mainstream media claims represents 99 percent of new “cases” of the Chinese Virus in the US easily outsmarts the jabs. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullWilliam F. Jasper: "Trumpworld has not withered away after President Trump left the White House. In fact, this remarkable movement is thriving." - BY GARY BENOIT
Read FullRonald Reagan famously used to say, “Government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem.” - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullSenator Blumenthal openly attended a Communist Party event and was the main speaker on the stage and handed out awards to communists! - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullShame on Fox News for providing shelter to Chris Wallace long enough to see a Marxist Government installed in the White House! - BY JUDI McLEOD
Read FullSuch unfounded gibberish continues a rhetorical tradition from so many of the usual suspects following a major weather event. Think Al Gore, Sen. Bernie Sanders and AOC... - BY PETER MURPHY
Read Full