Basically nobody would support funding these things if they were put to a vote on their own.= BY BRAD POLUMBO
Read Full...the Big Tech mop-up crew has turned its attention to protecting countless lies concocted by the ruling class, so that these actors can retain good standing... - BY JORDAN SCHACHTEL
Read FullHunter’s laptop from Hell shows that the Biden crime family has a serious drug addiction problem. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullLegislature Paves the Way for Landmark Road & Bridge Repairs: Sends Transportation Bill to Governor; Coronavirus Pause Act Moves Forward to Prevent Vaccine Mandates - BY SENATOR STEVE VICK
Read FullThe real danger would stem from “radiophobia,” or irrational fear of radiation, which the public has been conditioned to pathologically accept. BY ED HISERODT
Read FullFRT can help refugees locate families, strengthen commercial security, and prevent fraud. There are also use cases unrelated to law enforcement and safety. - BY MATTHEW FEENEY AND RACHEL CHIU
Read FullBy way of scale the Tsunami Guide says the Cascadia subduction zone may well produce a 60 foot high tsunami in the not too distant future. - BY DAVID WOJICK, Ph.D.
Read Full...last month the Supreme Court declined to take up Travis Tuggle v. U.S., leaving an appeals court precedent in place that further erodes the Fourth Amendment. - BY MIKE MAHARREY
Read FullElections have consequences. What will those consequences be in 2023? - BY STEVE ROSSITER
Read FullPutin is selling more oil at higher costs and is able to use this money to help finance his war. It doesn't have to be... - BY WILLIAM F.
Read FullWayne State University professor: “Everything is tied to having electricity, and yet we’re not focusing on the reliability of the grid. That’s absurd, and that’s frightening.” - BY DONN DEARS
Read FullPutin’s critique of the West would find a ready home at most American colleges and universities and among many Democrats and their allies in the media... - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read Full...odds may be worse than we have ever faced. Our nation's being destroyed from within. America is hanging by a thread. The attacks are relentless and ominous. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullWoke politicians pushing extreme agendas like transgender indoctrination will face opposition from enraged parents in the midterm elections. Corporations intimidated into tagging along should beware:... - BY BETSY McCAUGHEY
Read FullAfter the DOI was handed another loss on climate policy in February 2022, the administration said it would continue delaying or canceling leasing plans. - BY THOMAS CATENACCI
Read FullGrotesque (caricature) character. Formidable bear in a soldier’s hat looks away West’s and smokes. Comic image of Russia and the USSR. Propaganda cliche. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullEducators, when not teaching white supremacy as an ethnic studies project, are bullying students into wearing face coverings — despite indoor mask mandates being lifted in Washington’s...- BY ANNALISA PESEK
Read FullThe last thing citiizens of Rutledge want is seeing their community destroyed for the sake of a white elephants that produces cars nobody wants. - BY BONNER COHEN
Read FullThis taking of baby Cyrus is an abuse of power by Dr. Aaron Dykstra of Functional Medicine of Idaho, Child Protective Services, and Meridian Police Department. - BY BOB
Read Full...the ramifications of a government—any government—having this much unregulated, unaccountable power to target, track, round up and detain its citizens is beyond chilling. - BY JOHN WHITEHEAD
Read FullThe firestorm of users criticizing DuckDuckGo for acting more like Big Tech than the freedom-oriented search engine it claimed to be came swiftly. - BY C. MITCHELL SHAW
Read FullIronically Bezos, Gates, and others like them are feeding the monster that is now attacking them. - BY GARY RANDALL MINISTRIES
Read FullWHO director's closing words to the executive committee are chilling - echoing Marxist exhortations to cheering mobs by a Stalin or Mao. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read Full...the lockdown policy of governments brought on the economic horror story—-and now, to correct THAT action—-we have to put Globalists in complete control. - BY JON RAPPAPORT
Read FullNow, finally, Garland has been revealed for what he is – someone totally unfit for roles of U.S. attorney general, FBI director and Supreme Court justice. - BY JOSEPH FARAH
Read FullLast July, Pelosi said the Capitol Police would open satellite offices in key areas of the country to hunt down more J6 “insurrectionists.” - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full...governments are now actively trying to exterminate the human race by collapsing global supply chains for food, fertilizer and energy. - BY MIKE ADAMS
Read FullGreens, with China’s/Russia’s active funding/assistance, are blocking American mining...Unleash American energy. We won’t stop tyrants with daydreams of wind, solar,electric cars. - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullThe truth is that it was a Ukrainian checkpoint. The Russians didn’t kill him. It was likely Ukrainian forces who shot him. Ukraine is leveraging this... - BY M.
Read FullIt’s all carbon smoke and mirrors, and they know that or are too stupid to realize it, and is justification for their removal from any role... -BY STEVE McDONALD
Read FullOne of the primary vehicles for kickbacks and fraud seems to be foundations associated with federal agencies. This article will highlight and expose yet another... - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullUkraine: “Our response to Russian occupiers is the following: Keep leaving your vehicles and classified documents, they will be useful for our defenders and The Hague.” - BY DENISE
Read FullAmericans need to look at institutions that have helped the Russian cause and clean house. Directly challenging the teacher unions and their anti-fossil fuels stance is... - BY DUGGAN FLANAKIN
Read Full..this is the second time SCOTUS refused to consider the important provision in the Constitution which gives only state legislatures the power to set out procedures... - BY DONALD BROCKETT
Read FullGeorge Soros: “But both leaders appear to have misjudged the situation, raising the prospect of a global catastrophe – unless they are removed from power.” - BY M.
Read FullDeliberations intended to restore the controversial nuclear deal between the US and Iran went on “pause” Friday in response to Russian demands for relief from sanctions. - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read Full