Do you believe the 2020 election was stolen? Do you need more proof? Then watch the “2000 Mules” movie coming out this week. -BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullWhat’s a sure-fire way to drive up the cost of food? Limit supply. That’s exactly what Biden is doing by banning commercial fishing in Georges Bank... - BY BONNER COHEN
Read FullDespite what you hear — or don’t hear — from mainstream media, Americans still aren’t convinced that Joe Biden really won. The dust...has never settled. - BY PAUL DRAGU
Read FullWait until the final decision is issued and then the debate may proceed to question what the case does and does not say and decide. - BY DONALD BROCKETT
Read FullIt's time to slay the carbon dioxide emission fraud, which is truly intent on destroying the standard of living capitalism's brought to society. - BY TERIGI CICCONE, DR. JAY LEHR
Read FullNo longer reserved exclusively for deadly situations, SWAT teams are now increasingly being deployed for relatively routine police matters such as serving a search warrant... - BY JOHN WHITEHEAD
Read FullThis master plan for technocratic and totalitarian control is found in the UN’s Agenda 21 and the newer and even more draconian Agenda 2030. - BY THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY
Read FullSupreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh: ""Under the Constitution, a government may not treat religious persons, religious organizations, or religious speech as second-class." - BY SARAH PARSHALL PERRY
Read FullIt is a “full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision and a subsequent 1992 decision – Planned Parenthood vs. Casey. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThe Green-Left is making a big push to take away our property rights and the ability of people to safely use private and public lands... - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullPeople, especially the young, are finding that being a Democrat is no longer cool. It is akin to being mentally deranged. President Kennedy would be in shock. - BY RAY DiLORENZO
Read FullMany mysterious deaths of Russian oligarchs have gained the attention of those following the wealth of Russians and Putin… - BY DENISE SIMON
Read FullWashington and 15 other states Thursday sued the United States Postal Service, claiming it violated federal law by choosing new gas-powered trucks over an electric fleet. - BY NICHOLAS TURNER
Read FullCall (1-866-220-0044) today and tell your Senators and Representative you demand they vote NO on any bill that establishes or funds Biden’s "Disinformation Governance Board!" - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullIs the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) including the Rockefellers, the Klaus Schwab Family, and the Club of Rome/WEF influencing SEL in classrooms.? - BY SARAH WINTERS
Read FullBiden should join his FBI chief in repudiating anti-cop violence. As important, he should retract his own false statements about policing and America’s enduring racism. - BY HEATHER MAC DONALD
Read FullTrue the Vote is about to blow the lid off the entire operation to steal an election and ‘install’ the most feeble president in our history. - BY JD HEYES
Read FullIf Americans don't soon recognize how the Marxists are using hate against America's best interest, liberty will be lost for a very long time. - BY STEVE ROSSITER
Read FullCheck 'The New American,'s' pro-liberty, pro-free markets, pro-Constitution content with coverage of the day’s top political, social and cultural issues from an America-first standpoint on - BY JD HEYES
Read FullRomney supports BLM, a violent, communist organization funded by George Soros, and the RINO backs up Pelosi when Conservatives need him. Why does Romney run as a Republican? - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullBased on the paucity of information FDA released with its Remdesivir approval, it appears that FDA knows very little about the drug’s benefit in children... BY MERYL NASS, M.D.
Read FullLike most cults, it is not backed by sound science, engineering, economics or public policy, yet adopted by elites in society—media, government, educators, corporate leaders and... BY TOM HARRIS
Read FullGates and the entire Great Reset crowd want control over YOU. Musk, who appears to have libertarian leanings, favors free speech, which requires free choice. - BY JACK GIST
Read FullAs the Musk era of Twitter approaches, woke folks working there are horrified that they may lose power they have wielded to push their woke agenda... BY C. MITCHELL SHAW
Read FullGov. Kemp "...standing up for God-given potential for schoolchildren and protecting the teaching of freedom, liberty, opportunity, and the American dream should not be controversial.” - BY KENDALL TIETZ
Read FullGoogle's speech-policing is profoundly clumsy, creepy and wrong, often reinforcing bias... as though they are as natural as breathing, ubiquitous, and never to be questioned. - BY ROBERT SPENCER
Read FullBig Tech interfered with a presidential election, causing the outcome to be different than it would have been ..while, with others, crying loudly about “Russian” interference. - BY MITCHELL SHAW
Read Full"In my opinion, Brad Little, the governor of Idaho who is running again, is absolutely a waste of a chair. - BY KEVIN MILLER
Read FullIf you're a parent, watch out, these government-endorsed predators want to shape and mold your children's minds. They've got the tools to do it, too, - BY DR. JOSPEH MERCOLA
Read FullWe are running programs about the next 40 years of climate change. We are writing articles about how bad it is, when its actually getting better. - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read FullCorporations are destroying America. This all works quite well with The Great Reset which the biggest corporations have bought into. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThis event will be live streamed for those who can't attend.
Read FullTime for a Symbolic RINO Hunt, Let’s Upgrade our Leadership for Return to Power - BY KELLY O'CONNELL
Read FullStand up now or you will be on your knees for the rest of your life – and it won’t mean you are praying. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullAll in for China, our main competitor; how is this not ‘aiding and abetting an enemy, given all of China’s cyberattacks on our country? - JD HEYES
Read FullThe face of Take Back Idaho, former State Supreme Court Justice Jim Jones has outed himself as a lefty’s leftist over many angry columns in newspapers. -
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