Climate Hustle 2 originally premiered online for a live digital event across the globe in September of 2020 after COVID lockdowns forced planned showings to be canceled. - BY ADAM
Read FullJoin tribal leaders, industry experts, and conservationists as we envision a future without dams on the Lower Snake River. Free for all!- BY SALMON RIVER PROJECT
Read FullThe Administration’s decision giving away our national sovereignty to the WHO is frightening – it has a direct impact on personal sovereignty, health freedoms and rights. - BY CHQ
Read FullBiden and his radical, treasonous, communist cabal have an obsession with killing babies. Tragically, it now extends to the living variety. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullNot mentioned was that constructing and replacing each wind turbine consumes about 50,000 tons of concrete, 30,000 tons of iron ore, 900 tons of non-recyclable plastics... - BY LARRY BELL
Read Full"Our ruling class has allowed this dependence on China," Monica Crowley said, "It’s direct, serious, traitorous collaboration." - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullRather than renew federal efforts to crack down on states that don’t play along with the cannabis drug war, the federal government has instead retreated... - BY MIKE MAHARREY
Read FullAs children grow, the left sees them as the center of recruitment efforts on behalf of their favored politics. BY BEN SHAPIRO
Read FullNetflix —built a culture of wokism while producing content that's actually truly harmful — is being forced to rein in woke little monsters it helped create. - BY C. MITCHELL SHAW
Read Full...policy decisions made by the legislature that either adopted reforms recommended by WPC or defeated proposals that WPC had recommended against passing. - BY PAUL GUPPY
Read FullSome people are more interested in a bill’s intended outcome than they are in possible unintended consequences on freedom. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullParents and grandparents must fight the war for the children, or they will lose the war for the children...––and the globalist enemy knows it. - BY LINDA GOUDSMIT
Read FullThe Biden administration is attempting to install a Disinformation Governance Board, but the person they put in charge seems notorious for spreading disinformation. - BY ARTHUR THOMPSON
Read FullA closer look at US trade and regulatory policies reveals the government itself is primarily responsible for the baby formula shortage. - BY JON MILTIMORE
Read FullIn essence, the Biden administration has erased the previous distinction between Alliance members and nonmembers. - BY TED GALEN CARPENTER
Read FullCFACT is happy to report that the resolution submitted by green activists failed with only 12% of the vote.- BY ADAM HOUSER
Read effort to strap the giant oil company with burdensome climate requirements crashed and burned, receiving only 39 percent of the vote of those participating... - BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullThe problem is not that these policies are radical but that Republicans in leadership are not conservatives. - BY NIKLAS KLEINWORTH
Read FullA serious conflict would provide the Left an opportunity to seize complete domestic control, to cement its power — perhaps permanently. - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read FullThe speed and consequences of Himalayan glacial retreat have been grossly exaggerated by the media and environmental activists. - BY SWAMINATHAN S. ANKLESARIA AIYAR AND VIJAY K. RAINA
Read FullSenator Paul: “We can’t even agree what disinformation is. I don’t want guardrails. I want you to have nothing to do with speech.” - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullAt this point, the justices have no choice whatsoever but to plow full-steam ahead—to do what needs to be done and overturn Roe and Casey. - BY JOSH HAMMER
Read FullLearning to live with fascism, one edict at a time - BY DAVE SOLOWAY
Read Full...doctors like Peter Breggin and his journalist wife Ginger, author of this piece, say Americans must fight for the Hippocratic Oath or lose faith in medicine and U.S. sovereignty.
Read FullDo the Inslee or Ferguson administrations have any ethical boundaries when it comes to destroying embarrassing public records which might really reflect poorly on the state? - BY GLENN MORGAN
Read FullChina and Russia are great War historians of WWI and WWII, and know that countries that control the minerals, crude oil, and natural gas, controls the world!- BY ROBERT STEIN
Read FullThe DHS watchdog reveals that the deal was penned after Endeavors provided an unsolicited proposal for housing migrant families in hotels after hiring former Biden official. - BY JUDICIAL WATCH
Read FullHere in Washington, Gov. Inslee has his own plan to track and control all people in Washington State with a Road Usage Charge which will eventually track... BY MARK MILOSCIA
Read FullParents should seriously consider protecting their children from government school and homeschooling them as a solution to the escalating crises affecting the nation... BY LIBERTY SENTINEL STAFF
Read FullThe plan, called RegionSmart, was developed by several of the usual players with the goal to end representative government, private property, and free enterprise. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullThis showing of "2000 Mules" has been blackballed by major Movie houses/providers. Only being shown at 3 locations in CAlifornia. However Idaho has 5 locations! - BY CANDLELIGHT CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP
Read FullThe Hagadone Newspaper group is into overtime to sway this election with propaganda that is over the top. - BY BOB SHILLINGSTAD
Read FullDoctors and nurses are now facing the untenable position of having to choose between doing right by their patients and toeing the line of totalitarianism. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullOne witness, Randy Neil stated that Loar shoulder/body checked Ottosen. Neil said he was willing to give a statement but was not allowed to. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullOn Monday May 2nd 2022 I attended the 50th Anniversary of the Sunshine Mine Tragedy. Over a thousand people attended. - BY WA STATE REP. ROB CHASE
Read FullNone of 62 conservative bills ever became law, moved between chambers, or even made it out of committee due to disfavor from the statist Republican leadership. - BY NIKLAS KLEINWORTH
Read Full