Nowhere in the Constitution of the United States does it expressly authorize any agency to handle legislative activities or judicial activities within the agency, - BY DOUGLAS V. GIBBS
Read FullThe only way climate elections are won is by keeping it a secret or telling lies. - BY JOANNENOVA.COM
Read FullWatch what Disney wants your five-year-old to watch – a show about drag queens. Corporations support these shows. This is way too young... - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full...this is the worst thing the ATF has been caught doing since the attack on Randy Weaver’s family or the incineration of women and children at Waco. - BY SAM JACOBS
Read FullWhen addressing important environmental issues like salmon recovery or climate change, do real-world data matter? If Shawn Vestal’s recent column is any indication, the answer is “Nope.” - BY TODD MYERS
Read FullPaul’s assertion that WEF's the beginning of “a world government...(“completely antithetical to everything our country stands for”) would be “everybody’s worst nightmare” — is spot on. - BY MITCHELL SHAW
Read FullIs there another solution that doesn’t involve more government? Some steps to take. - BY ARTHUR THOMPSON
Read FullCEO Dimon revealed that JPMorgan Chase spent a staggering $106 billion on ESG initiatives last year. - BY ADAM HOUSER
Read FullCronyism and terrorism, just two of the consequences of Joe Biden’s ruinous open borders policies. - BY CHRIS WRIGHT
Read FullWe’ve nearly given away our republic, but we can get it back if we work now. - BY KAT STANSELL
Read FullOur problem isn't about instruments. The problem is sick people recognizing suitable ‘soft environments' where nobody can protect themselves or fight back. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullGov. Abbott: “Anybody who shoots somebody has a mental health challenge, period. We...need to find a way to target that mental health challenge..." BY C. MITCHELL SHAW
Read FullExpanding the powers of WHO and its Director-General is a recipe for further globalist erosion of U.S. national sovereignty and ceding more economic advantage to China - BY JOSPH KLEIN
Read FullAll the products needed to make the parts for vehicles, wind turbines, solar panels, planes, ships, medical supplies, tires, asphalt, and fertilizer are made...from crude oil. - BY ROBERT STEIN
Read FullIn woke, broke America, our military no longer liberates the oppressed. It oppresses the liberated. And all our enemies laugh mightily at our self-inflicted civilizational wounds. - BY MICHELLE MALKIN
Read FullFree markets were the outgrowth of centuries of evolutionary societal progress: gradual recognition that private ownership was the greatest incentive toward work and innovation;... - BY BEN SHAPIRO
Read FullDr. Frank explains how surprisingly different a county clerk's election results can be from the same election results at the Secretary of State's office. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullNow is the time to take back the city councils, school boards, county commissions and even our churches as we spread the word of God’s truth... -BY ROBERT SHILLINGSTAD
Read FullDAVIS YOUNTS: "...we are encouraged that the truth was revealed in this Board, and we hope this ground-breaking case sends a strong message to the DOD." - BY BOB
Read FullThe media hysterics is a testament to your hard work, Birchers and supporters! Be encouraged. You are changing things! - BY THE jOHN BIRCH SOCIETY STAFF
Read FullTake the precincts first, then the county, then the state. It is with one bite at a time you will take your country back. -BY DAILY VERACITY STAFF
Read FullThe State of Alaska recognizes that salmon smell their way back and does everything to prevent "smells" from being tampered with in their rivers and streams. - BY LYNN LUNDBERG
Read FullConsidering the adverse effects and lack of effectiveness, many have called for an immediate withdrawal of the shots - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullBrad Anderson: “Our purpose is simple – to hold corporate America accountable so they can focus exclusively on delivering value...instead of virtue-signaling to left-wing activists,” - BY HAROLD HUTCHISON
Read FullWhite Nationalists, you're next. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullPlease see this video for more information regarding due process denied in Kootenai County, Idaho - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read Full..government won't limit itself in its interpretation of its Constitution... It's only with states and the people respectively where the feds can be held in check. - BY TJ MARTINELL
Read FullIf you hear someone call carbon dioxide “pollution” just say “That is our food you are talking about.” - BY DAVID WOJICK, Ph.D.
Read FullAmericans will not and, frankly, cannot submit to a foreign authority. The Constitution is clear as to who (not WHO) is in charge… We the People. - BY DRU
Read FullI don’t believe many people grasp the enormity of the global food crisis we’ll be facing in the months ahead, a massive humanitarian crisis.- BY JIM RICKARDS
Read Full...there's a lost reality that the usage of crude oil is NOT for the generation of electricity, but... as ingredients of everything needed to exist and prosper. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullAn enemy of the state is defined as a person accused of certain crimes against the state, such as treason, the crime of betraying one’s country, - BY LINDA GOUDSMIT
Read, we are seeing pushback from people sick and tired of their hard-earned money being sacrificed on the altar of “woke.” - BY TIMOTHY DOESCHER
Read FullPrimary Proof: The Republicans in Bonner, Boundary and Kootenai counties vetted and organized to elect people having a worldview that supports freedom and a constitutional philosophy. - BY ROBERT
Read FullThe May 2022 primary elections will likely produce the most conservative governing this state has ever seen. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read ongoing spike in violent crime continues to feed new cases into the legal system, whose players are also contending with staffing challenges and experience gaps ... - BY SARA JEAN
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