You can always count on Sens. Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, and Mitt Romney and Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger to do the wrong thing. - BY MATT VESPA
Read FullMost important issues of our day were covered while explaining how to stop globalists installing socialism throughout America right under the noses of apathetic citizens. - BY JBS SPEAKERS BUREAU
Read Full“We are no longer free. And this country WAS taken without firing a single shot. Guns are meaningless at this point...' - BY STEVE DEACE
Read FullUnpacking and Defeating the Medical Tactics of World Takeover - BY MERYL NASS
Read FullThe Democrats were the only ones who could cause prices to rise. Only the government printing more money can cause inflation. - BY JIM HOLLINGSWORTH
Read FullPresident Biden has said that no right's absolute. That thinking could be very dangerous to not only the Second Amendment, but could erode all our rights. - BY ARTHUR THOMPSON
Read FullCholesterol and saturated fat have been the villains of heart disease for decades, despite many studies showing neither has an adverse effect on heart health. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullWork, volunteer, donate, communicate. Whatever you can do, PLEASE GET OFF THE COUCH AND OUT THE DOOR. We have a country to save, - BY KAT STANSELL
Read FullInstead of Earth Day, we need a Reality Day. A day when our president and his merry band of climate crusaders can focus on Real World problems. BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read Full...companies that allow such environments will likely transition to holding online meetings and other office activities in the metaverse [among] teleporting holograms [of participants]. - BY VIRGINIA ALLEN
Read FullIt’s time for lawmakers and Gov. Little to stop supplying leftists with public money to carry out their efforts. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullThe citizens of Apex, North Carolina's strong feedback stopping the Drag Queen Story Hour is a testimont to what can be accomplished with a concerted effort. - BY REAGAN REESE
Read FullA vital effort to establish a legal right to a livable planet could soon advance — but not if the White House gets its way. - BY DAVID SIROTA
Read Full...the Left’s real intention of completely abolishing the Second Amendment, what’s really causing gun violence, and what communities can do to protect themselves against mass shootings. - BY PAUL DRAGU
Read FullIf You’re Worried About Rising Gas Prices, watch the 11- minute video about why to NOT buy an EV including scary facts about batteries.- BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullAs promised, the global “elite” are unveiling their new meatless food system for the peons, starting with schoolchildren in the United Kingdom. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullThe largest-ever Medicare premium increase will pad the pockets of insurance executives who donated millions to the president’s election campaign. - BY BRUCE DEITRICK PRICE
Read FullKitty Werthmann, an Austrian World War II survivor, gives her account of Hitler’s takeover of Austria. Similarities to today’s left and their “progressive agenda”, are staggering! - BY D PARKER
Read FullGermany’s new 'Green Party' economic minister Robert Habeck, has experienced a rude lesson regarding disastrous consequences of his years of naïve opposition to fossil fuels. - BY LARRY BELL
Read FullThe EU's $75 per ton carbon tax applied here would mean over 60 cents more per gallon. A former Carter adviser proposes closer to 90 cents. - BY DANIEL GREENFIELD
Read FullOhio won’t be applying for a Constitutional Convention anytime soon, thanks to the hard work of Birchers and other supporters in the fight. - BY THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY STAFF
Read FullThe Marxist Democrat Party has sowed the seeds of lawlessness, chaos, hate, and discontent to undermine the nation our founding generation secured for us. - BY STEVE ROSSITER
Read FullGlobalists' war on America's being fought over the most precious of natural resources: the children...There's nothing in between — and the globalist enemy knows it. - BY BRUCE DEITRICK PRICE
Read Full“They don’t like what the statistics show so they eliminate the statistics,” is how one person in the Caller puts it. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullRussia says it will not react to Finland and Sweden joining the North Atlantic alliance but warned against a military buildup in the Nordic counties. - BY KYLE ANZALONE
Read FullMusk: “Anyone who wishes to do remote work must be in the office for a minimum of 40 hours per week or depart Tesla. - BY WOLF RICHTER
Read FullNone of this is okay. We need the police and Child Protective Services to handle this. This is evil and sick. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullExposing children to sexual acts and taking them to events where they will see exposed penises and pornographic fetishes acted out is vile and disgusting. - BY JONATHON VAN
Read FullThese steps alone will not save America—but I believe they would be a huge step in the right direction. - BY TREVOR LOUDON
Read FullBlackRock is buying up the country’s single family home inventory. Between that effort, pro-socialist ads and pieces that pushes renting for life, you will own nothing. BY M. DOWLING
Read it bad messaging, policies, and facts inconsistent between the President and his clean-up staff, or is it his new Press Secretary who reads every answer... - BY RAY CARDELLO
Read FullJames Madison: “A refusal to cooperate with officers of the union” would create “impediments” and “obstructions which the federal government would hardly be willing to encounter.” - BY MIKE
Read FullTrudeau can get away with it because Canada has no written enforceable Constitution that protects the natural right to keep and bear arms. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullThe nation’s top cybersecurity agency admits software vulnerabilities in electronic voting machines used in many states. - BY REBECCA TERRELL
Read FullIrresponsible journalism and advocacy has held back true progress toward widespread adoption of the meltdown-free small modular reactors and other nuclear energy technologies that are safe... - BY DUGGAN FLANAKIN
Read FullThe snap visit by IAEA's Rafael Grossi comes as Israel expresses mounting concerns about Iran's nuclear activities, and ahead of a meeting of the UN watchdog's board - BY JONATHON
Read Full