The authoritarian Left is still on the march, expanding assisted suicide and euthanasia laws wherever it can. - BY CHRIS WRIGHT
Read FullChina’s use of coal-fired power plants demonstrates its disregard for the resulting CO2 emissions. China’s CO2 emissions are already twice those of the United States. - BY DONN DEARS
Read FullThis is either the biggest health scam and cover-up in world history, or mass murder on a grand scale. Or both. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullThe seeds of Agenda maturing with the Green New Deal and Great Reset. We need to take its head off now before it's too late. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullSenior editor William F. Jasper is interviewed about forthcoming story abouot independent family farms being very much in the crosshairs of Deep State elitists,... - BY GARY BENOIT
Read Full...home prices are being slashed in many of the nation’s wildest markets, with Boise, Id., topping the list with 61.5 percent of sellers cutting asking prices. - BY ETHAN
Read FullOne has to dig into the history of the weather understanding what the weather has done and can do, the last thing a climate pusher wants... - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read FullFirms would never be willing to spend $800,000 to preserve a worker who is usually only paid $100,000. - BY PETER JACOBSEN
Read FullSolar panels have a working life of approximately 20 years before they disintegrate, releasing toxic metals into the environment that cannot be economically or realistically removed. - BY DRU KRISTENEV
Read FullTwo big money liberal operations, ready to spend $80 million each, are trying to determine who controls elections and how in the years ahead. - BY FRED LUCAS
Read FullGovernment "invests" nothing. It steals, then brags about having done so. The intentions always sound noble. Few challenge the assertions made about how a program's "needed"... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullWhether prompted by colossal incompetence, concerning conflicts of interest, or resulting from confounding coincidences, such policies compromise any confidence that we dare trust those in charge. - BY LARRY BELL
Read Full...fight like you’re facing the end of America, the end of freedom, and the end of your children’s future. Because you are. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullInvestment in these companies has skyrocketed in recent years, many aren’t what they claim to be. I urge you: Don't be fooled by these hucksters. - BY DR.
Read FullTake Back Idaho are the real villains of Idaho. These are the people who will Lie, Cheat and Steal to take over our state. - BY BOB NEUGEBAUER
Read FullRev. Mather Blyes (1706-1788): “Which is better — to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away, or three thousand tyrants one mile away?” - BY JUDGE ANDREW NAPALITANO
Read FullBiden’s Panic Propaganda du jour is the notion that he is about to sign an agreement with the World Health Organization that will “end American sovereignty.” - BY KRISANNE HALL, J.D.
Read FullTrudeau: “We don't need a Conservative government that won’t be able to show the leadership on vaccinations and on science that we need to end this.” - BY M.
Read FullLevine advocates chemically castrating boys and sterilizing girls with puberty blockers, and says that “trans” kids must be stopped before going through the “wrong puberty.” - BY C. CORT KIRKWOOD
Read FullTroubled times may be ahead for the marriage between corporate America and the left. - BY JARRETT STEPMAN
Read FullJW filed a federal lawsuit against New York and NYC election officials failing to remove potentially hundreds of thousands of ineligible voters from NYC rolls... - BY JUDICIAL WATCH STAFF
Read FullI submit that ERIC’s real purpose is to be a left-wing get-out-the-vote organization, and an intelligence-gathering AI system. It’s ostensible purpose has been debunked. - BY KAT STANSELL
Read FullIt starts, as we've seen in our history and the history of other nations, with the Far Left finally acting upon their desire to punish conservatives... - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullA recent poll by the bad actors of the Southern Poverty Law Center found that 44% of male Democrats think killing political opponents is acceptable. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullImportantly, the CFPB’s funding structure is wholly unprecedented. No executive agency with broad legislative, adjudicative, and law-enforcement powers has ever enjoyed complete funding independence…. - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read FullWhile Italians prepare for their fourth Covid “vaccine” injections, the count of sudden deaths continues to rise inexorably – 11 under 60 years old...- BY AMY MEK
Read FullRequiring proof of citizenship to vote is not discriminatory and would be fully within the authority of states. Biden wants to prevent states from doing that.- BY HANS
Read FullIndividual liberty in the Evergreen State is gasping at what could be its last breaths. - BY JEFF KNOX
Read FullGo too far with your ideological preferences in the face of evidence that it’s hurting the American people, and you will not go far in politics. - BY NEIL PATEL
Read FullThe “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” that JFK warned us about has unleashed an undeclared war on humanity - BY ALEX KRAINER
Read FullThe New World Order and the Liberal World Order had a makeover. They now call themselves ‘Inclusive Capitalism’ and have a Council for Inclusive Capitalism. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullOrban: “ I thought we only shot ourselves in the foot [with anti-Russia sanctions], but now it'is clear we shot ourselves in the lungs...gasping for air,” - BY RT.COM STAFF
Read FullMcFarland noted that the Air Force violated the constitutional freedom of affected service members by its “clear policy of discrimination against religious accommodation requests.” - BY RAMON TOMEY
Read FullJ. Christian Adams: "States across the country changed election policies and procedures last minute. But we now know those changes were, in face, violations of law." - BY WND STAFF
Read FullWasn’t America meant to be “safer than ever before” under the leadership of Biden, who talked so much about his experience in foreign affairs while campaigning? - BY VERONIKA KYRYLENKO,
Read FullEvidence is that the left remains ideologically open to using violence in the future to achieve its goals.” - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read Full