Hutchinson commiserated with other targets of the probe about how little information she had about any wrongdoing on Jan. 6. - BY MOLLIE HEMINGWAY AND TRISTAN JUSTICE
Read FullIf the Quality Education Act is approved by voters in November, expect a sky-high tax increase in 2024 on all businesses and individual taxpayers.- BY FRED BIRNBAUM
Read FullHerd hysteria is taking tragic social and economic tolls on formerly prosperous countries that have enacted climate alarm-premised anti-fossil energy and agriculture policies. - BY LARRY BELL
Read FullA study...funded by the National Institutes of Health – for which Fauci works – predicted "long-lived immunity to SARS-CoV-2 after natural infection." - BY ART MOORE
Read FullBrian Auten pushed Trump-Russia collusion and is now accused of discrediting Hunter Biden stories. - BY CHUCK ROSS
Read FullSara Carter: ‘China Has Compromised Almost Every Aspect of American Life’, BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullBetsy Russell’s recent attack on me proves everything I’ve been saying about the leftist news media...Her own words give away her bias. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullIt’s money laundering. Democratic politicians want to maximize illegal immigration, but they don’t want their fingerprints on it,: paying so-called charities to do the work for them. - BY BETSY McCAUGHEY
Read Full"If emissions of CO2 are the problem, why have we banned emissions-free nuclear power?" - BY VIV FORBES
Read FullRather than risking our Constitution on a fool’s gambit, ...we should start enforcing it as it stands. State legislatures are the biggest offenders of Constitutional violations. - BY RONALD NATE
Read FullAfter 7,000 studies the past 60 years the EPA, found the herbicide atrazine is safe but the CBD and PAN want it banned or regulated into oblivion. - BY PAUL DRIESSEN
Read FullThe evidence suggests that the Bank Secrecy Act framework has proven a minor inconvenience for criminals but a major burden on law‐abiding citizens. - BY NORBERT MICHEL AND JENNIFER J. SCHULP
Read FullMarxists spoke: Never talk about politics and religion. Don’t trust your parents. Be the silent majority. Sadly we listened. - BY KAREN SCHOEN
Read Full...make sure people understand how dangerous and costly Reclaim Idaho’s ballot initiative is. No one should rely on media reports or Reclaim Idaho to form opinions. - BY WAYNE
Read FullAny act or set of acts which results in a particular federal law or program being rendered null and void under law, or unenforceable in practice. - BY TENTH AMENDMENT CENTER
Read FullWe’ll clear up dangerous misconceptions of the federal government calling a convention...and offer a much safer, quicker constitutional method of solving what ails America. - BY JBS CEO BILL HAHN
Read FullWorld domination requires that the Marxists need lawless chaos to complete their takeover of the USA at the cost of the loss of...individual liberties. - BY STEVE ROSSITER
Read FullPolling reveals climate change is at or near the bottom of the nation’s concerns, and almost nine in ten Americans view the country on the “wrong track.” - BY PETER MURPHY
Read FullThrough FOIA requests and lawsuits, Judicial Watch has uncovered a substantial amount of information about COVID-19 issues... - BY JUDICIAL WATCH STAFF
Read FullTo Democrats, the only problem is you. Your love of freedom. Your car. Your food. Your different political beliefs. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullThe FBI improperly sought to discredit it by labeling “verified and verifiable derogatory information about the president’s son as disinformation.” - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullThe car manufacturer reported its net income for...April through June was $1.69 billion, down from $2.84 billion in the same period from 2021. - BY JACK McEVOY
Read FullSteve Miller: "A Chinese-dominated mining company has procured millions of dollars in American subsidies to extract lithium in the United States... - BY DENISE SIMON
Read FullRather than presenting a prepared speech, Bundy enthused the audience by fielding a wide variety of questions on critical Idaho issues for two very interesting hours. - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullIFF is well-equipped and tireless in shining an honest light on CRT, social justice indoctrination, and outright malpractice happening in all levels of Idaho education. - BY RON NATE, Ph.D.
Read FullAmerica needs limited government, not expanded/expensive government, to ensure a transparent and competitive economic environment in which citizens enjoy the freedom and opportunity to prosper... - BY ANTHONY KIM
Read FullPassing this bill is not only possible but necessary. By pressuring Republican lawmakers in primaries and then getting them elected. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullCongressional members included $10 million for the program, which is called the “ICE Secure Docket Card program,” in the FY 2023 appropriations bill. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullAre you willing to risk your fertility...? Are you willing to risk the life of your baby? Are you willing to risk your own? - BY DR. JOSEPH MEROCOLA
Read Full...Idaho Statesman is a useless vessel for mindless activism pretending to be journalism, and readers will often find they know a lot less about issues after... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullPortland Antifa has established a summer camp for children that indoctrinates them in Marxist propaganda, including “reflecting on white supremacy” and advocating for incarcerating police officers. - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read FullWhile the US has approached Tehran diplomatically, the Ayatollahs have re-entrenched their lethal presence at the backyard of the US. - BY YORAM ETTINGER
Read FullSince the fundamental flaw with the Federal Reserve is its very existence, reforms, such as making the Fed follow rules-based policies, will not “fix the Fed.” - BY RON PAUL
Read FullThe news each day keeps getting crazier and harder to digest for me. How about you? - BY BOB SHILLINGSTAD
Read FullColbert’s goons were not only harassing Republican lawmakers after hours but they also went and harassed and mocked the families of the January 6 prisoners... - BY CRISTINA LAILA
Read FullChina is infiltrating nations with scientists. We know that. Yet Gates is funding more of it. Maybe he should just move to China. - BY M. DOWLING
Read Full