Whatever else the Biden administration may be doing in the name of climate change, it is increasing, not reducing, the costs and risks to taxpayers. - BY MARLO LEWIS, JR.
Read FullEvidence suggests HPV vaccination makes women more susceptible than their nonvaccinated peers to HPV genotypes not covered by the vaccine, trading one risk for another. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullThe hospital recently gave the child a covid vaccine-tainted blood transfusion instead of the pure blood transfusion his family requested and procured for him. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullThis administration foolishly determined to end all use of fossil fuels when that is the very thing that has made us great. This is pure foolishness. - BY JIM HOLLINGSWORTH
Read FullYou may have been vaxxed multiple times and you feel fine. You better give thanks to God, because that is not true for many. - BY BEN ARMSTRONG
Read FullLawmakers should cut to the chase and say, “People need to be put in prison.” Prison sounds serious. “Held accountable” is nothing more than gibberish. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullAbove all — Do not plead with appointed boards – Stand up with your legislative powers and take control. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullMinority Senate Leader Mitch McConnell has lost his mind. Maybe octogenarians should retire. His priorities don’t match those of Americans. - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullWe believe that slow, organic growth is healthy and do not oppose a gradual increase of newcomers who are committed to the area. - BY NISG RESEARCH
Read FullA growing number of people in need of blood transfusions are requesting blood that comes from people who haven’t received COVID-19 shots. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullDon’t count on anything politicians say, only believe what you see and judge them on how they vote! Then replace the oath violators at the polls. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullToday, political leadership on the national stage has been sadly lacking and even our state government seems compromised with domination by liberal forces. - BY ROBERT SHILLINGSTAD
Read FullAnyone not brainwashed, or brain dead, can see the Covid vaccine was the worst mistake in American, world, healthcare and medicine history. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullThis is one of those alarming futuristic stories that will send chills down your spine because it is seriously being discussed as a possible reality now. - BY MILT HARRIS
Read FullGreat Britain's steel industry shut down because the wind stopped and wholesale prices soared and British factories are ready to shutdown, as blackouts loom. - BY JOANNA NOVA
Read FullIncreasingly, medical students are required to demonstrate allegiance to progressive ideology. A student...in Oklahoma discussed the pressure on students to follow a woke agenda. - BY ANNEMARIE SCHIEBER
Read FullInstead of following sage advice of Forefathers, we're being led by the nose by “our four fathers” – Gates, Fauci,. Schwab, plus Kissinger (and wannabe, Obama). - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read Full...she was fast-tracked for a double mastectomy by her doctors...medical professionals took advantage of a vulnerable youth and didn't help her see the full picture. - BY DUSTIN HURST
Read FullSergey Lavrov: "....the US and NATO are “directly participating” in the war in Ukraine, meaning Russia has the pretext for strikes on NATO bases in Europe... - BY DAVE
Read FullFor 250 million MWh we get an astronomical total cost of $175 trillion dollars just to replace today’s fossil fuel generated electricity needs with wind and solar.- BY DAVID WOJICK,
Read Full...“immunity debt” caused by lack of exposure to common viruses/bacteria during COVID lockdowns and school closures may predispose childrens' suffering more infections in the future. -BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullAFL released the fourth set of documents from litigation against the CDC revealing further evidence of collusion between the CDC and social media companies censoring free speech and silencing... - BY M. DOWLING
Read FullKlaus Schwab and his conspirators at WEF are using Bertrand Russell’s book as a manual. To “build back better” one must destroy what exists. - BY LINDA GOUDSMIT
Read Full..a military base is not a “law enforcement agency.” The purpose of the military is to defend us from foreign enemies, not police our Facebook posts - BY SELWYN DUKE
Read Full'Sustainable Development' is the common term for federal, state and local policies that are destroying private property rights and values as local rule is diminished. - BY JBS SPEAKERS BUREAU
Read FullAmerica's descended to a very dark and dangerous place, and will require the supreme effort of every American of good will to rescue our nation... - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullClients (like state pension funds) figure it might not be the best return to invest in political activist groups rather than in funds dedicated to making money. BY JO NOVA
Read FullFreedom comes prepackaged in humans, but it’s free only until someone tries to take it away, at which time it has to be fought for. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullWe don't need permission to investigate, to prosecute, to correct injustice. Power goes to those who act, not who wait for it to be given them. - BY DAVID ROBB
Read FullMarxist President Pedro Castillo attempted a “self-coup” by dissolving Congress and instituting rule by decree — to have Congress turn the tables, impeaching him...ordering his arrest. - BY STEVE BONTA
Read FullArgentina’s judicial system has furnished the rest of the free world with a salutary example of the overthrow of an entrenched populist left-wing despot. - BY STEVE BONTA
Read FullLike the national debt Ponzi, the shortages of the products, fuels, pesticides, and fertilizers MANUFACTURED from fossil fuels will also contribute to shortages and further inflation in perpetuity. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullLike him or not, Musk is emulating some of the courageous actions taken by our Founding Fathers almost 250 years ago. You think that's a stretch? I don't. - BY DOUGLAS MACKINNON
Read FullWhat I’ve been able to present to you here is just a tiny fragment of everything that is going in Fraud 2022. - BY KAT STANSELL
Read Full