This will be an opportunity to ask the commissioners the hard questions and to hear their answers. - BY JENNIFER NOEL
Read FullOrganizing local Freedom Pods will allow concerned Americans to stand up and say they know how to tackle the growing attacks they are facing. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read FullDeSantis's poor judgment could end up costing him not just the opportunity to become the 2028 Republican nominee, but the opportunity to ever become president. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullThis is the biggest story in America today. The entire mainstream media is owned by the Democrat Party, thereby effectively turning America into a one-party state. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullUnderstand that the perpetrators of the radical environmental movement aren't protectors of the planet, they're destroyers of human society. We're fighting for our right to exist. -BY TOM DeWEESE
Read FullPressure must be brought to bear on agencies using destructive practices until they study the cause and effect between pesticides and the health of wildlife. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullThe administrative regulatory state has been dealt a setback, and the country has moved a few steps closer to restoring the Constitution’s separation of powers. - BY BONNER COHEN, Ph.
Read FullThis video explains why “Transportation Management Center’s” are enormous threats and how KMPO's plans for Spy Center in CDA can be stopped. -BY NISGR AND ‘STOP SMART CITIES IN IDAHO’
Read FullOne of the ways these “innovators” are able to grow cultured fake meat so fast is by harnessing the replicating ability of animal cancer cells. - BY LEO HOHMAN
Read Full...the past 40 years, not one major climate change prediction's come to pass. If you, buck the narrative, you're labeled a “climate denier.” - BY MARK S. SCHWENDAU
Read FullIt’s time to take off the cloak of secrecy and let the rest of us see what’s behind the veil. It’s clear not enough “smart people”... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullWe’ve moved way past the “few bad apples,” excuse. The FBI is a tool of leftist power. - BY ADAM MILL
Read FullPublic records prove extremists are once again stirring the cultural pot. = BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullThe massive rally in LA against the Dodgers’ honoring anti-Catholic drag “nuns” drew several thousand people dwarfing the turnout for the drag queens’ award ceremony... BY RAYMOND WOLF
Read FullWithin a year and a half we will know if the US has devolved from a two-tier justice system to no justice system at all. - BY ROBERT RINBER
Read FullFood is one powerful weapon that can, and has been weaponized for control. The stage has been set for a very bumpy road ahead regarding food. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullESG is not going away on its own. Woke ideology is not going away on its own. These structures will have to be destroyed... - BY BRANDON DURST
Read FullKennedy: "We need to assure the people..that the Constitution is no longer under threat, and nobody wants to come and take away their guns. - BY DR. JOSPEPH MERCOLA
Read FullThe Berndsens are grateful that there are doctors like Peter McCullough, who do question the safe-and-effective vaccine narrative. He gave perspective to their vaccine experience... - BY MARY BETH PFEIFFER
Read FullChildren deserve climate facts and realities by using scientifically sound, agenda-free climate components to K-12 curriculum. - BY PETER MURPHY
Read FullThe evidence shows that Obama, not Hillary or Biden, launched the Russia-gate probe of Donald Trump. Obama was the real security risk, and still is. - BY CLIFF KINCAID
Read Full...more than three billion tons of metals and minerals could be required over the next three decades to power the technologies for a global electricity transition. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullChina's not going away. The US must increase its own “gray zone” activities built upon a strong military and economy. Reciprocity to CCP actions is essential. - BY LAURENCE SANFORD
Read FullA quite thoroughly detailed accounting of the just over 30 minutes of President Donald Trump's Miami arraignment. -BY ANNA BOWER
Read FullAcross the armed forces, service leaders continue to tout a military getting smaller and older as necessary to free up funds for other priorities. - BY MACKENZIE EAGLEN
Read FullThe Biden administration wasted over half a trillion dollars in its first two years due to “improper payments,” according to an audit... - BY WILL KESSLER
Read FullThere's no more efficient way to depopulate than through war, famine and plagues. ...all three of these time-tested methods of murder are in play right now? - BY LEO
Read FullIf you want more liberty, a strong national defense, more peace and prosperity – you have to reduce debt by making the government smaller. -BY MICHAEL BOLDEN
Read FullOne of the most effective strategies that would have immediate effect would be to strip the censorship industry of its government funding. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullThese versions of how everyone should live centers around technology compacting humans into small areas to save the planet. Supposedly. It's really about surveillance. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullFreedom of information act requests show direct communication within the Lake Pend Oreille School District #84 and the Bonner County Human Rights Task Force. BY CASEY WHALEN
Read person, trusting in God, proclaiming truth, filled with His spirit, can effect much change. Be bold, have courage and don’t be cowed into compromise. - BY BOB SHILLLINGSTAD
Read FullWhat’s more, Democrats have mounted a sustained campaign to take some of the GOP’s most effective players off the field. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullDemocrats are guilty of everything up to, and including, crimes against humanity, and one of their worst crimes is their 158-year strategy for keeping blacks uninformed... - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullWe know that the president lied about his knowledge of Hunter’s relationships with Ukrainian energy concerns and Chinese interests. We have emails implicating the president... - BY DAVID HARSANYI
Read FullThere's enough evidence to prove that KMPO's TMC is being designed as a spy hub, that concerned citizens should object strenuously to this project... - BY NORTH IDAHO SLOW GROWTH RESEARCH
Read Full