At this point, to do nothing, to refuse to act, is a combination of pure evil, mass murder and crimes against humanity. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullThousands of Americans, possibly hundreds of thousands, have been killed by the Remdesivir Protocol, a nightmarish sequence in which a patient is isolated in the hospital,... -BY STELLA PAUL
Read FullThis company went full ESG and chose radical leftism over appropriate capitalist business practices. ESG and the hard left agenda must die... - BY M DOWLING
Read FullNet-zero plans for 2050, powered by wind and solar, will encounter obstacles with transmission, zoning, local opposition, and space that are probably impossible to overcome. - BY STEVE GOREHAM
Read FullIt’s all about a non-existent threat to humanity dressed up as the “end of the world as we know it“ CO2 is good for plants and us. BY
Read FullA Feast of Articles Exposing their Destructing of America - COMPILED BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullAll she did was note the obvious increase in myocarditus after the rollout of the jab, something that has now been documented repeatedly by studies... - BY ROBERT ZIMMERMAN
Read FullIn the end, California has become much more important to President Trump and it is a massive and expensive anchor for the DeSantis campaign. - BY ROGER STONE
Read FullThe push to destroy the western way of life in North Idaho is well under way as the HREI aims to undermine American values and implement... - BY CASEY WHALEN
Read FullPatriotic Americans will never be successful as a political force until, or unless we wake up and realize that we are dealing with pure evil. - BY JIM HOLLINGSWORTH
Read FullThe man you thought he was — doesn’t really exist. It’s time you paid attention to politicians — if you want America to survive. - BY EMERALD ROBINSON
Read FullWill the warnings in this report be used to justify the transition to fake meat? - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read Full“Needlessly undermine the people’s trust in government”? Labrador is the only state official who is doing anything to try to restore it. - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullCobalt mining involves unimaginable horrors like the bodies of parents and children killed in cave-ins or dying slowly and painfully after being maimed or poisoned... -BY PAUL DRIESSEN
Read FullBiden officials are scrambling to salvage as much as they can from a rule that once promised to put the feds in charge of millions... - BY BONNER COHEN, Ph.D.
Read FullYou’ve been lied to. America is not “one nation.” Thomas Jefferson also warned us: ...a centralized, consolidated government would lead to “corruption, plunder and waste.” - BY MIKE
Read Full...climate policies remain on full throttle by Biden and UN aimed at America’s low-income, working middle classes, which are largest consumers of fossil fuels. - BY PETER MURPHY
Read FullConsideration should be given to boycott these WEF owned chains and stop contributing to their ESG agendas. Put your money into local Mom & Pop shops. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullJudges should not buy into this Marxist redefinition of “care” to permit it to be applied to children. - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullThe nationwide chant that needs to be aimed at Jordan, Comer, Grassley, and other tough-talking Republicans should be: “Enough with the investigations. Do something about it!” - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullThe red states, low-tax states and zero-tax states are winning. High tax blue states are losing all their citizens...The ones with income, assets and businesses. - BY WAYNE ALLYN
Read Full“Higher inflation and capital costs are affecting the entire energy sector, but the geopolitical situation has made offshore wind and its supply chain particularly vulnerable. - BY DAVID WOJICK, Ph.D.
Read outfit called Worldcoin warned that a global digital ID system will be ushered in for citizens around the world whether they “like it or not.” - BY LEO HOHMANN
Read Full‘Zero hunger’ is NOT about caring for us, it’s about controlling us. - BY LYNN TAYLOR
Read FullWashington now has the dubious honor of having the highest gas prices of all states in America. and now the national leader in drug-overdose deaths. - BY STATE SENATOR MIKE PADDEN
Read FullBoth the light bulb and telephone inventions came AFTER oil as all the parts of both are made with the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil. - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullWhen education plans permit and kids are eager to work, Idaho law should never get in the way. - BY RONALD M. NATE,, Ph.D.
Read FullThe weaponization of federal law enforcement, if it continues, is going to delegitimize the 2024 election before a single ballot is cast.- BY jOHN DANIEL DAVIDSON
Read FullThere’s no magic to it. Authentic Republicans are simply followers of our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the GOP Platform. I call them ‘Platform Thumping Republicans.’ - BY RICH
Read FullOne exercise trumps vigorous activity in slashing mortality rates - and is most effective if you do it at a specific time of the day. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullThe Concerned Citizens of Canyon County Committee opposes a transit system and light rail since none of the identified benefits are born out. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullYou’d have to be blind, deaf and dumb to not understand this wasn’t Biden’s plan. Biden has always been Obama’s “useful idiot.” - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullThis is a battle for humanity, and it's in our hands. We're not leaving it to our kids. It's going to happen in our lifetime. -BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullEvery country on the globe is now controlled by descendants of people who took control of the country by force. Life isn’t always fair. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullDon’t be fooled by the incremental policy push of the day. The anti-energy folks’ appetite for control is insatiable. If given their way, they would end... BY CRAIG RUCKER
Read FullHawaii, Kentucky, New Mexico, Vermont, Maine, New Jersey, and Wisconsin are the only remaining full sales tax states – and none of them border each other. - BY STEFAN GLEASON
Read Full