Without replacements for crude oil that’s been providing products supporting today’s humanity...policymakers seem to be focused on jumping out of an airplane without a parachute! - BY RONALD STEIN
Read FullIn towns close to the country's borders, Israel is purchasing and handing out 10,000 rifles to arm civilian security teams in preparation for the next phase... - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullMany of us have been explaining what's coming – rushing – down the pike at us...few have listened, and fewer have cared enough to do something... - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullMost people, buy vehicles that get them where they want to go, with as little difficulty and as much comfort as they can afford...avoiding electric vehicles. - BY JASON HAYES
Read FullThis is about taking away land use through conservation easements and ruling over how people live. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullAnti-Semitic sentiment has infiltrated many American churches,.. allegedly as part of promoting “social justice,” “anti-racism,” and (lately) “decolonization,” a fancy word for ethnic cleansing,.. - BY ROBERT SHILLINGSTAD
Read FullOur own children are precious to us. We need to take steps to protect them. That may include removing them from the public school system. - BY JIM HOLLINGSWORTH
Read FullIt’s time for Republicans to face up to the reality that the Democrat Party is not a real political party. It’s a group of anarchists... BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullThere're no easy answers to this problem. One basic suggestion; Withdraw support from censorship-based platforms like YouTube, and support free speech platforms like Rumble instead. - BY DR, JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullIf I was China, I’d order this army into action- to paralyze America with low-tech violence and terrorism- just like the Hamas terror attack in Israel. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullHere is the video of Alex Newman's speech titled the 'Weaponization of Religion' in Coeur d'Alene on Tuesday, October 3. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullTreating China as an ally in the climate war has left U.S. politicians blind to any Chinese threat, and, left us and allies increasingly powerless. - BY DUGGAN
Read FullFBI officials boasted that in 2022 their agents had spied on only 120,000 Americans without search warrants! Under the Constitution, that number should be ZERO. - BY ANDREW NAPOLTANO
Read FullAmerica is now foreign to Americans. We now have an army in the USA ready to attack at any moment. We’re all on our own. - BY WAYNE
Read FullThis new revelation further debunks the Warren Commission’s findings. - BY ROGER STONE
Read FullUnder the guise of the 'green' agenda and 'zero-emission standards, they want to force you out of your home with this 100,000-euro price tag. - BY DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA
Read FullFor more on what this bill does read the synopsis. Will it pass the Senate? Or will it get bogged down in the current Congressional circus? - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullJames O'Keefe: “A shady coordinated communications chain between the DNC, Clinton Campaign, Hillary Clinton’s Super PAC (Priorities) and other organizations are revealed." - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullPolling by a super PAC supporting RFK Jr. from a reputable pollster seems to indicate that an Independent RFK candidacy pulls votes disproportionately from Donald Trump. - BY ROGER STONE
Read FullBig Tech social media companies such as Facebook and YouTube are similar to yesteryear’s telephone companies like Ma Bell, and should come under the same rules. - BY CHRISTOPHER
Read FullAs Portland... descends further into chaos and lawlessness, the city continues to pursue climate goals that will have no effect on the climate.... - BY BONNER R. COHEN, Ph.D.
Read FullThe ballot initiative is clearly an attempt to rig elections to favor the unfavorable giving them the appearance of legitimacy after having “won” their rigged elections... - BY WAYNE HOFFMAN
Read FullState legislators, knowingly/unknowingly, trade sovereignty for federal funds. Nullification remains the constitutional beacon for returning power to states, just as our Founders intended. - BY JOE WOLVERTON, II J.D.
Read FullMimicking attacks on Trump, ultra-left Democrats and Fake News allies have unleashed a massive campaign smearing former Washington State Representative Matt Shea as a “domestic terrorist.” - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullIf this communist police state isn’t repudiated, defeated and literally criminalized out of existence…America is finished. Free speech is finished. Capitalism is finished. - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullClimate alarmists are shamefully exploiting fires, hurricanes, and other natural disasters to advance their global green agenda. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullWe must resist this assualt on our freedoms, while knowing that no man or human organization is coming to our rescue. - BY LEO HOMANN
Read FullWhat it’s all boiling down to is Kevin McCarthy and the rich men north of Richmond versus Matt Gaetz & Co. Everything is at stake here... - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullThe US is pursuing 'unreliable electricity' from wind and solar, Russia and China are building 70 percent of the 60 new 'uninterruptable zero-emissions electricity' nuclear plants. - BY RONALD
Read FullAll books published prior to 2008 are now ILLEGAL at Canadian public institutions, including schools and libraries, in certain provinces. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullThe establishment is trying to push Nikki Haley on us, so be prepared for it. In the RCP average, she’s at 7%, along with Mike Pence, - BY M,. DOWLING
Read FullUnless we put brakes on this dramatic expansion and globalization of the government’s powers, we’re not going to recognize this country in a few years. . - BY JOHN WHITEHEAD
Read FullIdaho needs to establish a robust opposition to leftist ideas at the foundational level, based on first principles, not merely adoptIing more saleable versions of them. - BY FRED BIRNBAUM
Read FullWe are facing Great Evil. The convention pushers are serving the interests of the globalists and are telling Americans a great many lies in order to get... - BY JOANNA MARTIN, J.D.
Read Full“Ranking among the 10 states with the most liberal Republican lawmakers were Mississippi, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Idaho. That’s despite Republicans holding strong majorities in legislatures, - BY BOB
Read FullAmon Bundy completely destroys the 7 lies St. Lukes hospital told about him in the courtroom and shows irrefutable facts from medical records and video... - BY DIEGO RODRIQUEZ
Read Full