A private developer, which has entered into a PPP with local government...can obtain the power of eminent domain to build on land not open to competitors. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read FullElizabeth Warren will bankrupt you…and she’s dishonest! That’s a bad combination. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullThis is a woman who will go down in history as the very embodiment of a spit receptacle – a veritable human spittoon. - BY JOAN SWIRSKY
Read FullToday... carriers of communist and relativist torches are heirs to...Woodstock legacy, committed to changing the world through a warped combination of peace, love, and force. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullThe Interior Department touted the regulatory reforms enacted under the Trump Administration as a key driver of this economic growth and energy development... - BY STAFF OF WESTERN WIRE
Read FullA Soros-funded, liberal media group...turned a great All-American story of the nerd defeating bullies, into a story of “violence by conservatives.” - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read Full...can be stymied to the point that local courts and educational boards will not reflect your vote... but the will of social engineers like George Soros.” - BY CHQ
Read FullThere was much ado about nothing regarding the “Shea Manifesto,” Biblical Basis for War, which was a name created by an imaginative reporter. - BY ROB CHASE
Read FullIt has been cruel how the climate cult has chosen to scare a public poorly educated in science to believe their lives are being threatened... BY JAY LEHR
Read FullWe must expose the global warming hoax that Idaho Power is into, stop funding the EPA and get out of the United Nations. - BY ADRIAN ARP, PH.D.
Read FullThe AFT,...is pushing saturation indoctrination on race, “racism,” “racial identity,” “bias,” “prejudice,” “discrimination,” “hate,” “white supremacy,”... “equity,” “tolerance” and “diversity.” - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read FullBureaucratic power is stripped away by President Trump’s EO’s, which classify agency rules and guidelines, whether new or existing, as informative but not legally binding. - BY MARJORIE HAUN
Read Full...the President’s analysis that the current state of affairs in Syria should be brought to its final conclusion by parties in direct proximity to the problem... - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullNothing is more frightening that the thought of what would be left of America had the Clinton Crime Family won the election in our Electoral College. - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read FullObama, Biden, Hillary and the Democrats should be very worried. Their corruption is trickling out now ... - BY STEFAN STANFORD
Read FullGates, again, is plugged into the Deep State ruling elites who, through a constellation of globalist organizations such as the Council of Foreign Relations ... — BY R. CORT
Read FullPlease join me and call the White House now at 202-456-1111. Ask President Trump to take action to save the American beef industry. - BY TOM DEWEESE
Read Full...to their shame, low-information constituents eagerly vote for the highest bidder, because they desperately want to believe that wealth without work is endlessly possible. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read Full...nothing to do with protecting anyone but certainly has everything to do with crooked politicians and the UN to live luxury for their entire lives... - BY REV. AUSTIN
Read FullWe cannot allow our State level representatives to simply disregard the Religious Liberty of the people. - BY KRISANNE HALL
Read FullIn truth, China is a mixed system that combines capitalism and socialism—just like every other country in the world. - BY DR. RAINER ZITELMANN
Read FullWorse than the misguided green energy push and poor infrastructure, of course, has been the shifting forest management strategy—mostly the result of misguided environmentalist ideology - BY JARRETT STEPMAN
Read Full...Big Tech continues to de-platform or silence users who try to share this pertinent information online, ...endangering public health all around the globe. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullThis episode follows the Deep State money trail right to George Soros aka Dr. Evil. Alex discusses the different causes and organizations Soros funds,... - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullWoodstock may very well have contributed to the deaths of millions of young people via drugs and suicide over the past 50 years. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullSeveral important questions need to be asked before trying to discern truth about any political statement or position. - DR JOHN LIVINGSTON
Read FullTrump’s not losing in 2020. And I believe deep down, Democrats know that. That’s why they are rushing to frame him and impeach him. - BY WAYNE ROOT
Read FullUnsurprisingly, UN bosses are demanding that taxpayers in America and other nations hand over more money now or face global catastrophe. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullWe should not only withdraw our financial support from the UN but demand that the UN headquarters be removed from New York City. - BY BOB ADELMANN
Read FullTim Kastning vows to follow the US Constitution and Idaho State Constitution law as well as the GOP Platform that conforms to both so well. - PRESS RELEASE
Read FullUnfair advantage is being taken of electricity customers, a “con game”. The Democratic legislative magicians in 2019 erred in writing Washington’s Clean Electricity Law... - BY DAVID BOLENEUS
Read FullWilliam F. Jasper interviews Tom DeWeese about the UN schemes for regimenting American society through the UN's Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. - BY WILLIAM F. JASPER
Read Full... they created the requirement for Real ID which is an application of Total Information Awareness – the ultimate police state system. - BY VICKY DAVIS
Read FullWells was accepted into the unelected elite who actually run the World. He made many accurate predictions about the coming 20th Century, even the 21st Century. - BY ROB CHASE
Read FullWouldn’t it be wonderful to find out that all laws are being enforced regardless of party affiliations? - BY RICH LOUDENBACK
Read Full...Paul Ryan (shown), who sits on the board of Fox Corp., is advising Fox News to “decisively break” with Trump as Democrats proceed with an impeachment inquiry. - BY LUIS MIGUEL
Read Full