This progression in support of sound money in Utah demonstrates the effectiveness of Thomas Jefferson’s “inch by inch” strategy in action. -BY MICHAEL MAHARREY
Read FullThe government response to Covid helped justify the emergence of this so-called “Digital Public Infrastructure” (DPI) around the world, with vaccine passports as a key driver. -BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullIt appears the Main Street Caucus is working to defeat conservative legislators and elect more of its own, despite not reporting to the Secretary of State. - BY BRIAN ALMON
Read FullThe facts relating to the forgotten man are indisputable, so what it all gets down to is messaging, something Republicans are woefully inept at. - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read FullIdahoans have, through their tax dollars, paid for nearly one million needles distributed to those engaged in drug abuse, but will soon cease this practice. - BY NIKLAS KLEINWORTH
Read FullTo call someone a liar means you must know they know the truth, but chose to tell a lie. Trent Clark is a liar. - BY BRENT REGAN
Read FullTen states – and counting – passed a bill called the “2nd Amendment Financial Privacy Act,” nullifying a gun control surveillance scheme in practice and effect. - BY MICHAEL BOLDIN
Read FullWho made the decision to treat illegal aliens better than U.S. citizens, and better than even our hero military vets? - BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT
Read FullThe Supreme Court of Idaho upheld recent legislative amendments to the state’s voter identification requirements. - BY CHASE SMITH
Read FullTennessee has the "Restoring State Sovereignty Through Nullification Act" as an example, with other states taking similar actions.. - BY KAREN SCHUMACHER
Read FullWhat it can tell us about the makeup of our Legislature. - BY BRIAN ALMON
Read FullUnfortunately, Speaker Johnson is caving again. He goes from giving in on spending bills, and possibly the border, to warrants for FISA. - BY M DOWLING
Read FullWe've time to save our communities, towns, and maybe our counties. But it won't happen if you don’t stand up. We can and must do it. - BY KATHLEEN MARQUARDT
Read Full...the FBI said “This case should be an eye-opener to the dangers of self-radicalization, which is a real threat to our communities…” - BY GEORGE RASLEY
Read FullGov. Little signed H710, the library bill, which meant there would be no dramatic debate regarding a potential override. - BY BRIAN ALMON
Read FullMany people missed it because of the second Great American Eclipse, but another bridge almost collapsed this past weekend, this time in New York City. - BY ETHAN HUFF
Read FullJeremy Carl: "...esoteric forces behind this anti-white agenda are using reparations and “land acknowledgments” as vehicles designed to ultimately lead to the confiscation of whites’ property." - BY PAUL DRAGU
Read FullThe 50 in 5 program will be used to monitor, track and control everyone and everything including the economy, carbon footprints, agriculture, health, and much more. - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullWhile the timing was ripe, the Legislature failed to send the appropriate message to Idaho’s Congressional delegation and, frankly, to the rest of the country. - BY FRED BIRNBAUM
Read FullIn the clearest indication that the planet's on the verge of WW III, Secretary of State Antony Blinken's stated that Ukraine will, in fact, be joining NATO. - BY ETHAN
Read FullALL AREAS ARE ABOVE NORMAL. That includes the hurricane drought areas of Long Island and New England (no landfalling hurricanes in 32 years). - BY JOE BASTARDI
Read FullFormer President Trump, in a campaign speech in mid-March, called for putting a 100% tariff on every single car manufactured outside the U.S. - BY WILL KESSLER
Read FullThese bunglers just wing it day-to-day, in response to what their radical media, academic and political masters dictate is necessary for them to retain power. - BY VICTOR DAVIS HANSON
Read FullSocialists state that power lies not with parents, but with librarians, education experts, and corporations. Governor Little has 5 days to sign HB 710. - BY DANIEL BOBINSKI
Read FullThe UN was once almost universally favorably regarded.... But those days are gone and calls to get us out of the UN are growing louder. - BY STEVE BYAS
Read FullDozens of national governments are joining with the United Nations and billionaire population-control fanatic Bill Gates on a global program to impose “digital public infrastructure” - BY ALEX NEWMAN
Read FullTrump is truly on the right track, but if he runs off track, and the America First program becomes a cult, surely, we will notice it. - BY JIM HOLLIJNGSWORTH
Read FullThe movie “Flynn” puts to rest any question whether or not “We the People” are under attack. We need unshakable warriors to stand up to it. - BY CHRISTOPHER
Read FullIf you’re a political nerd, today was a great day. The final full day of the 2024 had more surprises than the rest of the session combined. -BY BRIAN ALMON
Read FullAmerica's earned China’s contempt by meekly submitting to, accepting, and allowing the CCP to wage unrestricted warfare on the US with no serious consequences. - BY LAURENCE F. SANFORD
Read FullLegislation introduced in the Kentucky General Assembly would remove default “peace officer” status for most federal law-enforcement agencies in Kentucky... to protecti locally controlled police... - BY PETER RYKOWSKI
Read FullIt’s time to say, “Enough! We’re going to keep our nuclear and fossil fuel energy until beyond reasonable doubts alternatives provide equally abundant, reliable, affordable energy.” - BY PAUL DRIESSEN
Read Full80% of Americans demand secured borders and illegal migration stopped. What would happen if all 20 million vacated America? The answers I found may surprise you! - BY TINA GRIEGO
Read FullDeSantis: "...these are people who will come from all across the country … we’re going to figure out who's organizing and who’s funding and hold them accountable,”... -BY TOM
Read FullShanahan, one of his top donors, was chosen after some better-known people were floated as possible choices. - BY BRITTANY GIBSON
Read FullAs expected, last week Mike Johnson huddled with Democrats and agreed to go along with more deficit spending in order to accommodate their anti-America agenda,... - BY ROBERT RINGER
Read Full